“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Karaganda State Industrial University continues to cooperate with the rural schools of the region in the framework of vocational guidance of graduates.

Recently, graduates of the Rostov secondary school in Bukhar-Zhyrau district visited our university. During the university visit, the guys got acquainted with the history of the university, visited laboratories, talked with teachers and students.

Representatives of the University acquainted the guests with the specialties of the university, the college at KSIU, and detailed explanations were given to all the questions of the graduates.

These meetings help school graduates to decide on their future profession, learn the features of a particular specialty, and immerse themselves in the atmosphere of student life.

Karaganda State Industrial University is always open to all comers and offers to get high-quality and popular education.

Press service of KSIU


26.04.2019, 12:34:09, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


On April 23, a meeting was held in Karaganda State Industrial University with representatives of the organization Expo & Women.

The international organization “Expo & Women” was established in 2015 with the aim of involving women of Kazakhstan and the world in the movement for ecology, innovation and Expo. One of the objectives of the organization was to actively promote the participation of women in the events of international exhibitions – Milan EXPO-2015, Astana EXPO-2017, Beijing EXPO-2019, Dubai EXPO-2020, etc. This organization is one of the partners of the Coalition for Green Economy G-Global ”in the implementation of the Coca-Cola Belesteri project, the main goal of which is to involve unemployed and self-employed women in the village in business. The project has been operating in Kazakhstan for the seventh year, during which time more than 9,400 women have been trained, over 650 applications with business plans have been submitted, more than 50 of which were supported by grants in the amount of US $ 4,000.

The village of Sholpanay Turdysheva has been engaged in greenhouse farming for many years: growing greens, vegetables and fruits. She built her first greenhouse out of old window frames. About the project Sholpanay learned by chance from friends. Then she began to look for more information on the Internet. It turned out that the well-known brand of drinks has a social project designed to support women from the villages. The main selection criterion was the existing or starting business project, which is able to solve the problem of rural residents and bring real income. To implement this idea, the mother of many children was awarded a grant from the Coca-Cola Belesteri project, worth more than four thousand dollars. And the opportunity to participate in all socially significant events of the country.

Sholpanay Turdysheva shares her advice based on her experience: “In fact, the Kazakh land is very rich. She will give us everything if we treat her carefully. Even here, in a harsh climate, the earth gives us so many blessings. We must appreciate it. ”

Lyazzat Askarova, Executive Director of the Municipal Expo & Women: “The project in general is focused specifically on rural, self-employed, unemployed women. This is a global initiative of Coca-Cola, the goal of which is to involve 5 million women around the world, to teach business that they do not depend, become independent and financially sustainable. The coalition for a “green” economy and the Almaty Foundation for Social Dynamics have been implementing this project in Kazakhstan since 2012. ”

The organizers are confident that in business women will be able to reach the same heights as the strong sex. It is necessary only to provide initial support.

Press service of KSIU

24.04.2019, 14:42:56, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


On April 23, the XIX Extraordinary Congress of the Nur Otan Party, chaired by Nursultan Nazarbayev, was held in Nur-Sultan at the Palace of Independence. The delegation of the Karaganda region included the rector of the Karaganda State Industrial University Zhautikov Bakhyt Akhatovich.

On the agenda of the congress – the nomination of a candidate for the presidency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At the congress, Nursultan Nazarbayev nominated Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev from the party “Nur Otan” to participate in the upcoming elections of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Elbasy stressed that it is Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev who is the most worthy candidate for the highest position in the country, noting his merits and achievements before the Motherland.

In his speech, Tokayev thanked Nursultan Nazarbayev and party members for their high confidence and stressed that he sees his task as ensuring continuity and continuing the strategic course of the First President, Elbasy, on the comprehensive development of our country

Today, the party “Nur Otan” is the guarantor of the preservation of the course of the First President of Kazakhstan. By making a decision to nominate a candidate for participation in the presidential elections, the party intends to preserve and increase the large-scale transformations begun in the economic, social, political and spiritual spheres begun by Elbasy. These priorities will remain the main areas of work of the political organization for the coming period.

Press service of KSIU


23.04.2019, 12:09:21, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


A visiting meeting of the Council of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in Pavlodar, which was attended by 40 rectors of universities of the country, including the rector of KSIU – Zhautikov Bakhyt Akhatovich, as well as heads of universities of the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions of the Altai Territory. Akim of Pavlodar region Bulat Bakauov and chairman of the Council of Rectors of Kazakhstan Yerlan Sadykov also took part in the event.

Chairman of the Council of Rectors, Yerlan Sydykov, noted the importance of the topic on the agenda:

“We will discuss how science, education and business are connected today, consider the development of start-ups and their implementation in the fields of economics and industry. An exhibition of university achievements is timed to this day, which will be an advanced training for the rectors themselves. ”

According to the mayor of Pavlodar region, Bulat Bakauov, a direct dialogue between the higher educational institutions of the two states provides ample opportunities for development and interaction in the field of education and science, and contributes to the strengthening of bilateral relations. He also noted that modern educational institutions should not only provide knowledge, but applied knowledge for several years ahead, instill at the same time a very important skill – entrepreneurship.

The guests were presented innovative projects of students and university workers, and also showed a startup academy.

In the course of the work, the report of Shaizada Tasbulatova, Director of the National Office of Erasmus + in Kazakhstan, on opportunities for universities in Kazakhstan in the context of the new strategy of the European Commission for Central Asia was also heard. According to the speaker, in the new strategy, the focus will be focused on mobility, a combination of international credit mobility and increasing the potential in higher education. Shayzada Tasbulatova focused on the fact that support will be provided at approximately the current level, simplifying the rules of financing.

At the end of the event, the rectors of Kazakhstani and Russian universities became honored guests of the gala evening in honor of the 120th anniversary of Kanysh Satpayev. The concert was held in the city palace of culture. Estaya.

Press service of KSIU


22.04.2019, 16:02:31, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


From April 12 to April 15, 2019, the Fiestalonia-Almaty International Competition was held in Almaty.

The International European Competition in Kazakhstan, Fiestalonia-Almaty, is organized by the Spanish Committee of Fiestalonia, and the competition is held under the auspices of the largest state and cultural institutions – CID UNESCO, the embassy, ​​Spain, the Girona Conservatory, the British International Federation of International Festivals and the European Dance Council. Also, this competition is held within the framework of the implementation of the “Ruhani Zhangyru” program, which allows strengthening ties between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union. The aim of the competition is to develop the creative potential of gifted children around the world and to give them the opportunity to start an artistic career.

Fiestalonia-Almaty is the only stage of “Festalonia”, which takes place outside the European Union, and is intended to become the starting point for the spiritual modernization of Kazakhstan and society, to open the rich culture of the country at the international level.

Thousands of talented participants from all over the world, including our 4th year student, Balkybekov Alikhan, took part in the International European Competition in Kazakhstan Fiestalonia-Almaty, and demonstrated their skills in fair competition. This competition was evaluated exclusively by a European jury with international accreditation, among which are truly outstanding experts of world importance from Italy, Spain, and other European countries.

According to the results of the International Competition Balkybekov Alikhan in the nomination “Solo on Guitar” bypassed all the participants from 5 countries and won the first degree. He was awarded a gold diploma and certificate, which enables Alikhan to speak at the international competition “BlackSeaFest” 2019, which will be held from July 22-26, 2019 in the city of Batumi, Georgia.

The jury praised the complexity of the repertoire, the degree of virtuosity and technical freedom, also noted the artistry and creative individuality of our student. This result confirms that our students, having absorbed the best of their alma mater, are developing their talents. We wish Alikhan further creative success and new victories!

Press service of KSIU

22.04.2019, 15:49:31, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News