“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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The extraordinary presidential elections were supported by the participants of the round table, which was held in Temirtau on April 18. The meeting brought together more than 60 people – representatives of city cultural institutions, employees of museums, libraries, cultural and leisure organizations, researchers of the Karaganda Industrial University.

The roundtable participants emphasized that Temirtau is the labor birthplace of the First President. Residents of the city, representatives of the creative and scientific intelligentsia urged everyone to use their constitutional right of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan and vote for the future President of the country.

The meeting participants noted that the extraordinary elections will determine the future path of Kazakhstan’s society and preserve the achievements that the country has achieved over the years of independence. To ensure further economic prosperity, democratization of society, policy of interethnic and interfaith harmony.

Zhanabergenova Dinara Kenesovna, Head of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Chair, took part in the round table and made a presentation. In her report, she focused attention on the importance of participating in the election of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She also noted that it is the President who determines the vector of internal and external development of the country, makes decisions on protecting the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representing our state in the international arena. Therefore, no one should be indifferent to what kind of person will personify the state.

Natalya Dmitrievna Skorikova, director of the Temirtau Historical Museum of Local History, Svetlana Gezha, head of the Russian folk song group “Bereginya,”, head of the cultural and leisure department of the Palace of Culture Alydasheva Ruza Zhakypovna, a tour guide of the Historical and Cultural Center of the President of the Republic of Kuyans, made presentations.

Press service of KSIU

19.04.2019, 12:29:46, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


On April 18, 2019, the Youth Resource Center of Temirtau, together with the State Department of Internal Policy of Temirtau, organized a youth communication platform for students of KSIU and colleges in the TED “Knowledge is Power” format.

TED is a platform in which successful people share their experience emphatically, popularly and informally.

The moderators of this event were students of Karaganda State Industrial University Eleftherodi Savely and Epaneshnikova Nastya.

The TED speakers of the site were young people in Kazakhstan who had some success. The TED topics of the site allowed to discuss the most relevant topics for young people.

The theme of the development of social entrepreneurship was voiced by a well-known entrepreneur in Kazakhstan, founder of the Green TAL Workshop Askerov Emin. In his speech, he focused on the possibilities of social entrepreneurship, told his success story. The main message that sounded in his speech is the great opportunities of young people in modern society. The next speaker, Amin Ismailova, is a well-known blogger who is promoting marketing ideas on social networks. Very positive girl. The speaker spoke the same language with the audience; she paid great attention to the culture of behavior in social networks.

A wave of questions from the participants of the TED’s was caused by the performance of the famous judo player Almas Nesipberlinov. The idea of ​​opening the club “Judo Kids” Almas Nesipberlinov had long been born, he is an active athlete, candidate for master of sports in judo, winner of numerous sports.

In his speech, he spoke about how he was going to achieve his goal, the difficulties he faced. The most important thing that moved them was the love of sport and of children. By connecting them, he got his life’s work.

Sergey Khegay, captain of the CSM team of the city of Temirtau, very vividly showed the path of success of a simple guy who loved CSM very much. It all started with his performance in the CSM School League, then he began to play in the student league. Playing CSM is a huge titanic work.

The next speaker, Natalya Vorotynskaya, began the creation of her art studio from scratch, without a single penny. Now she is a well-known artisan in the country, she is doing a lot of work on the revival of folk arts and crafts among the population. Her motto: you need to love the work that you do.

The speeches of the speakers of the communication platform were different in emotionality and in the topics, but through their speeches one could see through thought: you need to develop abilities in yourself and love them, only then you can achieve success!

The participants of the site noted that the event allowed them to take a different look at many everyday issues, to assess their capabilities and abilities!

The event caused a positive response among the youth of the city, in general, it was a test attempt, but it showed that the possibilities of TED are limitless and can be the starting point for new success stories.

Press service of KSIU


19.04.2019, 12:17:31, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


On April 18, 2019, the traditional job fair “Graduate-2019” was held in Karaganda State Industrial University.

The event was attended by representatives of enterprises and organizations of Kazakhstan who are interested in the development of their companies, the influx of fresh forces, new specialists, oriented in the rapidly changing technological world of today. Among them are ArcelorMitall Temirtau JSC, Kentau Transformer Plant JSC, Temirtau Electrometallurgical Plant JSC, JIB Recruitment Temirtau LLP, KazTemirStroy LLP, Avangard-Stroy LLP, Kazenergomash Corporation LLP, Bassel Group LLS ”,“ Karaganda flour mill ”LLP, the largest banks of Kazakhstan, KSIU“ Center of employment of the population of Temirtau ”and others.

The goal of the fair is to bring together the interests of employers and graduates seeking work. For businesses, this is a unique opportunity to select promising, young professionals from among the best graduates of the university. For students, this is a happy occasion to introduce themselves to potential employers.

The solemn part of the event was held in the assembly hall of the new building of KSIU. The students were addressed by the General Director of Railways Systems KZ LLP Akhanko Sergey Nikolaevich and the president of the Association for the Promotion of Private Enterprise in Kazakhstan, the deputy of the Temirtau city maslikhat Vladimir Anatolyevich Bykov.

Further, participants were able to communicate directly with employers and obtain the necessary information about vacancies. Many employers who were seriously interested in updating their staff, accepting resumes, asked questions and gave practical recommendations.

“Everything is organized very well. I got acquainted with the proposed vacancies, with some I had a preliminary interview. She has not studied everything yet, but already noted something. Before that, she planned to go to another city, but now I’ll think about it ”one of the graduates shared her opinion.

According to graduates who participated in the fair, such events are very productive. Job fair – a great chance to find a job for a serious company or organization.

After the end of the work of the fair, a round table was held with the participation of employers, deans and leading university lecturers, which addressed the current problems of employing young professionals and their adaptation to the labor market, the issues of maintaining close cooperation between enterprises and the university.

The graduation of specialists is always a great event for our university. We hope that the graduates of 2019 will become worthy followers of the traditions of the university, will contribute to the prosperity of our republic.

Press service of KSIU

18.04.2019, 17:27:17, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


On April 9-15, the annual sports day of the faculty and staff of KSIU in 11 sports was held.

Every year there are more and more participants, and teachers of different ages, not only young, but also veterans are competing. Teachers and employees of the three faculties of the University “Metallurgy and Machine Building”, “Economics and Construction”, “Energy, Transport and Management Systems”, the Technical and Economic College at KSIU and the Department of Infrastructure Operation and Development participated in the Games.

It is gratifying that a healthy lifestyle is becoming the norm for our teachers. And just to be energetic, lively, healthy becomes fashionable and prestigious today. The most common and favorite form of sports and recreational work was and still is the Games. Competitions included in the Games are different: volleyball, football, sports and entertainment relay, tug-of-war, table tennis, darts, weight-lifting, asyk atu, togyz-kumalak, chess and checkers.

Volleyball games were held up to 15 points for three games. The teams consisted of six people each, mixed composition was allowed. According to the results of the competition, the teams were distributed as follows:

1st place – DE&RI team

2nd place – the fuel and energy complex team

3rd place – FET&MS team

Personally-team competitions were held on darts. Winners were determined by the highest amount of points scored from 10 hits:

1st place – TEC team

2nd place – the team

3rd place – FM&M team

The best players – Akishev Talgat Kumbatovich, Bailenova Aidana

Person-team competitions were held in table tennis. The game consisted of three games and went up to 11 points. The result of these competitions:

1st place – FE&C team

2nd place – FM&M team

3rd place – FET&MS team

The best players – Kenzhetaev Rakhimbek Rapikovich and Chepelyan Larisa Vital’evna.

Teams for competitions in asyk consisted of five people. The winner was determined by the larger number of asykov knocked out. Eventually:

1st place – DE&RI team

2nd place – FM&M team

3rd place – FET&MS team

The best player is Talgat Tokashevich Zhіnіskaliev.

The futsal match consisted of two halves of 15 minutes each. The composition of the team – 5 people, replacements are not limited. According to the results of these competitions:

1st place – FET&MS team

2nd place – FM&M team

3rd place – the team

The best player is Zhautikov Bakhyt Akhatovich.

In tug-of-war, the TEC team took the lead. The second place is for FET&MS, the third – for DE&RI.

One of the most spectacular and fun kinds of sports and athletics is a sports and entertainment relay. Each team consisted of four women and the same number of men. The winner was determined by the smallest amount of seats in the stages. For breaking the rules 2 penalty seconds were added. Total:

1st place – TEC team

2nd place – the team

3rd place – the team and the team Datiri FET&MS

In the weight lifting competitions, the first places in their weight categories were taken: Vladimir Leontiy Lechtmets (up to 100 kg over 60), Bahyt Akhatovich Zhautikov (up to 100 kg), Alikaydarov Bekzat (over 100 kg), Utebayev Nurlybek (up to 82 kg) and Balgabaev Maksat (up to 75 kg).

Chess, checkers and togyz-kumalak games consisted of one game and were held according to the Olympic knockout system. The first places in drafts are Isabekova Gulnar Dzhumadullaevna and Umirbayev Elbay. Balabayeva Aynur and Ayaganov Aybar took the second position, the third place was Zhanabergenova Dinara Kenesovna and Koshimov Begaly Serikovich.

In chess, Alikaydarov Bekzat became the leader, Ainur Shushabayeva took the second place, and Laili Tazhibaevna Bozshalova became the third.

The leader of togyz kumalak competitions is Turnar Yernar. On the second place – Karipolla Alkagul, on the third – Kuatbai Yerbol.

The organizer of the Olympics is the university administration and the trade union committee of the KSIU. The chief judge of these competitions was R. Kolesnikova.

On April 15, B.I. Zhautikov, the Rector of KSIU, solemnly presented certificates and prizes to the winning teams. Winners in individual championships and active participants (in three or more types) of competitions were awarded with prizes and diplomas.

A variety of competitions, emotional lift, high intensity of wrestling contribute to creating a festive atmosphere. The Olympics carries a large positive charge not only to the participating teachers, but also to the audience.

Press service of KSIU


16.04.2019, 18:20:55, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


On April 16, 2019, a curatorial hour was held at KSIU within the framework of the “Ruhani Zhangyru” program and the Year of Youth, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, geological engineer, statesman, founder and First President of the Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences Kanysh Satpayev. The organizers of the event were the teacher of the department “M&M” Tuyskhan Kurmetbek Tuyskhanuly, the teachers of the department “TMP” Abishkenov Maksat Zharylgasynovich and Saydrahimov Nurbolat Bakhtiyarovich.

Students of groups MS-17k, MS&NT-16k and TMP-16k-1 told about the life of Satpayev (childhood and the way of getting education), the outstanding scientist (scientific works and works) and the state and public figure (patriot and minister of their country).

Satpayev Kanysh Imantayevich – engineer-geologist, scientist, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor, academician. Founder and first president of the Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences, since 1964 Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, since 1951 – Honorary Academician of the Tajik Academy of Sciences, First Academician of the Kazakh SSR. Kanysh Satpayev is related not only to the geological industry, but also to literature. This is evidenced by his works “Yer Edige”, “Ubagan”, “On the National Theater of Kazakhstan”, “The Evening of Nations in Tom” and others.

At this event, students told interesting facts that occurred in the life of the first Kazakh geologist, the founder of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan.

The event was very informative, and the students were very impressed with the information received, and all questions relating to K. Satpayev gave exhaustive answers.

Press service of KSIU

16.04.2019, 17:31:40, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News