“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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On April 23, the Department for the Development of Languages ​​of the Karaganda Region in the city of Karaganda in the House of Friendship organized a seminar on the topic “Effective methods of distance learning the state language”.

The aim of the seminar is to familiarize with domestic and foreign learning technologies and how to effectively use multimedia and distance technologies in teaching languages.

The seminar was attended by teachers of higher educational institutions of the Karaganda region, methodologists of the Center for Advanced Training “Orleu”, teachers of language centers and courses that are working on training civil servants in the Kazakh language. In this seminar from KGIU took part the master of the humanities, the senior teacher of the department “KR&FL” Kapasheva Zhaniya Kudaibergenovna.

The moderator was the director of the regional center for learning languages ​​Igenova A.A. The theme of the event is very relevant. After all, every teacher in the modern digital world should fully use the potential of the Internet and various modern programs. During the seminar, the director of the Center for Teaching Languages ​​of the Karaganda Region Igenova Almagul Akmashevna, the methodologist of the Center, the winner of the Republican contest “Best Methodologist” Kuanbaeva Dinara Abilseitovna and the teacher Omasheva Laura Kyrgyzbaevna conducted practical classes on

  • Effective methods of distance learning the state language;
  • Use of multimedia technologies on the STEAM system: opportunities and advantages;
  • Work with applications Socrative, Playposit, Thinglink;
  • Panoramic lesson online on “My city”;
  • Efficiency of using virtual panels IDroo, RealTimeBoard in the process of online learning;
  • The Quizlet program is a modern tool for mastering the lexical minimum.

During the training workshop, the participants demonstrated practical skills on the methods of new learning technologies.

At the end of the event, all participants were awarded certificates.

Press service of KSIU

02.05.2019, 18:06:30, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


April 29, in the capital Palace of Peace and Accord, a meeting of the XXVII Session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan was held with the participation of Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev with the agenda “Formula of Peace and Accord: unity and modernization”.

The session was attended by members of the ANC, chairmen of ethnocultural associations, leaders of political parties and religious associations, and representatives of the scientific and creative intelligentsia. Among the delegates were guests from Russia, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Germany.

The delegation of the Karaganda region included a third-year student of the KSIU of the faculty “Economics and Construction” Kasapidi Vitaly. He is an active participant in the Greek cultural center “Pontos”, included in the delegation as an active participant in the ethnocultural association.

The session of the session was opened by the First President of Kazakhstan – Elbasy, Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The first President noted that wealth and happiness are in unity. In Kazakhstan there is no law restricting the rights of ethnic groups. On the contrary, the equality of all citizens is noted in the Constitution of our country.

“For more than 27 years of Independence, I was firmly convinced that the true unity of the country is held together by patriotism, love for one’s land and people, its culture, common values, goals and objectives. Kazakhstan is a successful, economically and politically state, peaceful and stable, in which people live safely and without fear look into the future. But time does not stand still. I am confident that our people, while maintaining unity and harmony, will be able to honor the challenges of the time and reach new heights” said Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev in his speech.

At the end of the meeting a solemn concert took place. For the guests of the session, the People’s Artist of the USSR, the People’s Artist of the Kazakh SCR Alibek Dnishev sang, the young Kazakhstani performers – the winner of the Ukrainian TV show “The Voice. Children. 2018 ”, the finalist of the American World Talent Show The World’s Best Danelia Tuleshova and a participant in the contest“ Voice. Children. 2019 »Yerzhan Maxim.

Press service of KSIU

30.04.2019, 12:29:32, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


KSIU students visited the Karlag Historical Museum in the village of Dolinka as part of the implementation of the action plan for the “Ruhani Zhangyru” program.

The purpose of the trip to the museum was to expand students’ knowledge of history, to keep in memory its most tragic moments. The visit of Karlag has become a tradition of our university.

The story of Karlag is inscribed in the bloody history of the peoples who had deported to far Kazakhstan as a result of political repression. Political repression is a rather cruel and bloody period in the history of the Soviet Union. The victims of political repression in the USSR are millions of people convicted and sentenced to imprisonment or execution.

Karlag (Karaganda Labor Camp), one of the largest Soviet labor camps in the years 1930-1959, was located in the Karaganda region and was part of the GULAG system of the NKVD USSR.

Among the prisoners of this camp were such famous people as Arkady Belinkov, Anatoly Marchenko, Maria Kapnist, Natalya Stolyarov, Anna Timireva, Alexander Chizhevsky, Uar (Petr Shmarin), German (Weinberg), David Vygodsky, Afanasy Selischev, Vladimir Mikhailov. The total area of ​​Karlag is comparable in area to that of France. During the years of Karlag’s existence, the death toll was not kept, and personal affairs were destroyed after death. So the man disappeared forever.

In Karlag, the children of the “enemies of the people” served time. Many of them did not survive because of the harsh conditions of detention. Undressed  children slept on bare-reed mats. For pregnant women, there was no postponement of the sentence. As of January 1, 1938, among the arrivals of 2103 wives in Karlag were 655 pregnant and lactating mothers. In 1941, 108 pregnant women arrived. In 1939 there were 451 youngsters in the camp, 114 children died in one year. In the years 1940-1941, 1048 children were born in Karlag, and in the years 1950-1952 – 1713 children. 576 children are accommodated in 5 infant houses.

In 1959, Karlag was liquidated – reorganized into the administration of the places of detention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Karaganda region.

During their visit to Karlag, students could see with their own eyes the cells where political prisoners were sitting, interrogation cells, punishment cells, torture chambers, a room for execution, valuable documents of the time, as well as historical places.

Excursions into the history of their country play a special role in shaping the feeling of patriotism, instilling tolerance and irreconcilability towards injustice among the younger generation.

Press service of KSIU

30.04.2019, 09:19:04, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


On April 26, an evening of poetry titled “Sozge аtanat bіtken tun …” organized by the department “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages” was held at the Karaganda State Industrial University.

The poetry evening featured works by the talented Kazakh poet Baurzhan Karagyzuly, who is twice the winner and winner of the Grand Prix of the International Festival of Creative Youth “Shabyt” with the support of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev and UNESCO, the author of the book “Zhambaktaska Zhaukan k. “. Man Түс. »,« Жүрек кітабы »,« Топырық демі »which were translated into English, Spanish, Korean, Turkish, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Azerbaijani, Chinese and Mongolian languages.

The guests of honor of the evening were the editor-in-chief of the republican portal “Debiet”, the novelist-writer Nurlan Havdai, the famous showman, the editor-scriptwriter of the theater “Bazar zhok”, “KTA”, “іzil alemі” Bayanda Sahariyauly, the famous kyuishi, the winner of the international competition named after Kurmanga , laureate of republican competitions Dauletkerey, Alshekei, Kali Zhantleyov, Karshyga Akhmedyarov, laureate of competitions of performers named after Azidolla Yeskaliyev and in the style of “Baizhum”, winner of many kyuis Kadyrkulov Zhumabek Boranbaevich, winner of many republican and national competitions poet Umtyl Zarykkan. Also, the young poets of the city of Temirtau Adilet Chopin, Tansaule Agenovna, the faculty and students of the university delighted the guests of the evening.

Opening the event, the Deputy Dean of KSIU, Master of Arts, literary critic Kapasheva Zhaniya Kudaibergenovna noted that this evening is held as part of the program “Ruhani Zhangyru”, timed to coincide with the Year of Youth.

The evening of poetry was divided into three blocks “Eh, Omіr! X-Life”, “Kіrpіkke moldіrep kреpy tyndy …, Topy dem”, the first two blocks were prepared by students and teachers of the university for the guests of the evening, and the third block was at the disposal of the guests of the evening.

During the evening, the poet’s verses were read, questions were asked, the conversation with the poet was friendly. A student named Serjan from the hall- Bauyrzhan aha, the students who are now sitting in front of you are those who study technical specialties. We wrote one of your works in the language of modern SMS messages. Could you read the poetry hidden in these emoticons that came to your mind? – there were such unexpected appeals. Also the poet together with the students sang the song.

Next, the students read poems, reflecting the poet’s soul in the image of six beauties, in the specialty “Automation and Control” by Alpysbayeva Anelia – “Syy Dedim …”, Kurbanbai Perizat – “Kyzygyy Korgynyty shy Kundery ”, student of the specialty“ Transport, transport equipment and technologies ”Altynbek Akbota -“ Kt-Kel ”, future experts in“ Materials science and technology of new materials ”Agarys Akbota -“ Menin Nozik Janym Ushin ”, Toleu Uldana -“ Bolashatan Kelgen Hut ”, The seventh graduate student of the specialty “Metallurgy” Alimkhan Darkhan with the poem “Bourin sabir eshi, shyda, zheny!”.

Then the head of the department “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages”, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Nurziya Abdikarimovna spoke:

– In modern Kazakh poetry, young poets write “strange.” The question arises, what is the secret of “strangeness”. As in modern poetry, the poetic “material” penetrates completely into the form and is published as a “paradox”. In this regard, analyzing how the poetry of today’s youth is “intellectual poetry”, young people should have the same level of intelligence in order to read, comprehend and feel the poetry written for the development of rational knowledge and social consciousness.

At the end of the evening, the guests expressed their wishes, read the poems of Bauyrzhan Karagyzuly, expressed their opinions about his work. Also, at the request of the students, they were able to listen to the work “Topyrah dem”, which he read in Turkey, and was translated into 14 languages.

Professor of Karaganda State Industrial University, MD, scientist Amanzholov Iztileu Amanzholovich summed up the evening of poetry, read the poem of Bauyrzhan Karagyzuly, published in the newspaper “Zhas Alash”, and was very happy to meet with the poet today.

Poet Bauyrzhan Karagyzuli thanked the rector of KSIU, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Zhautikov Bakhyt Akhatovich, who gave the opportunity to organize such an evening, noted that the evening of poetry was held in a special format and highly appreciated the special interest in poetry from students studying technical fields.

Guests of the evening were given letters of appreciation on behalf of the rector of Karaganda State Industrial University.

Press service of KSIU

29.04.2019, 12:19:43, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


On April 25, a round table was held at KSIU within the framework of the program articles “Ruhani Zhangyru” and “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe”, the theme of which was “Kazakhstan’s contribution to the world cultural fund”.

The organizer of this event was the department “History of Kazakhstan and social and humanities disciplines.”

The moderator was the head of the department “Assembly of People of Kazakhstan”, Master of Humanities Zhanabergenova Dinara Kenesovna.

An interesting lecture on ancient metallurgy was made by associate professor of the department of metalworking Amanzholov Zhuman Kalykovich. Zhuman Kalykovich said that the furnaces for smelting iron ore began to be built in Central Asia, in Kazakhstan: “The land of our country is rich in minerals.” He also told what and how to do it for the manufacture of weapons and tools.

Then a guest, a student of group P-17-1 of the Temirtau Industrial Technological College Ucherova Ayauzhan, spoke. In her report “The equestrian culture of the Kazakhs,” Ayuzhan said that the Great Steppe gave the world horse breeding and equestrian culture. For the first time, human horse domestication took place on the territory of modern Kazakhstan, as evidenced by excavations of the Botai settlement in the north of the country.

Students of TMP-17k-2 Rakhymbayeva Shynar and Saduaқas Aңsar presented a very interesting report on the theme “The contribution of nomadic civilization to world culture”. In their report, it was noted that the contribution of nomads to world civilization was large. Almost half of the states of Eurasia are founded by nomads or with their participation. The nomads themselves did not create any religion, but contributed to the spread of Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. In military affairs, they made a revolution. They created equestrian archery and cavalry. As a result of the conquests, the nomads gained power over all sea and land trade routes.

Then the student of the MS&NT-18 group Agarys Akbota and the student of the group C&A-18 Poluektova Victoria made a presentation with the report “Kazakhstan – the home of apples”, in their speech they told that Kazakhstan is the keeper of the progenitor of all the Earth’s apple trees – the apple Sivers. On the ancient routes of the Silk Road from the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau on the territory of Kazakhstan, it fell into the Mediterranean and then spread throughout the world.

Alpysbayeva Aneliya, a student of the A&M-18k-2 group, told about the jewelry art of the nomads. In her report, she told that a large number of jewelers-zergers produced silver combs (tarak) and toothpicks (ths shukysh), as well as various gold jewelry, but they were rare because of the high price of metal. At mostly zergers worked with silver, creating wonderful pieces of jewelry. She clearly demonstrated these decorations on herself.

What contribution did Shokan Valikhanov make to Russian and world science were told by students of the E-17 group Tursunov Adilet and Seydullayev Darkhan. The historian, ethnographer, linguist, folklorist, geographer S. Valikhanov investigated the ethnic, political, cultural and socio-economic history of the Kazakhs and other peoples of Central Asia. In his writings he paid special attention to the oral folk art of the Kazakhs as the cultural and spiritual heritage of the ethnos  Sh.Valikhanov occupies a worthy place among prominent personalities of world science. His travels to Tien Shan, to Eastern Turkestan (Dzungaria and Kashgaria), scientific works and research became an important contribution to world Oriental studies.

Atakulova Zemfira, a student of the CT-17 group, presented a report on the theme “Kazakhstan’s experience in the process of establishing interfaith harmony”. She noted that during the years of independence, our state has put forward a number of initiatives aimed at strengthening peace and stability in the region. In general, Kazakhstan’s initiatives aimed at strengthening peace and harmony are of great importance for maintaining peace and stability in Central Asia, on the Eurasian continent, and throughout the world. In the international arena, Kazakhstan is perceived as the territory of the world, a platform for dialogue and rapprochement of cultures and religions.

The next topic of the report is the “hot” topic of today. The students of the TMT-18k group Nұrғalızyz Aқerke, Abdukarimuly Saparbek, Suleimenov Asқar, Yerzhan Ardaқ and Lemirul Nuray showed and told about how Dimash discovered Kazakhstan to the world society. It was Dimash who was the first singer in the history of the Kazakh people who conveyed the beauty, depth and strength of the Kazakh songs, originating in the centuries-old history of his people, to listeners of all continents on the planet. In many countries, music lovers began to study Kazakh culture, art, even learn to sing Kazakh songs. In the one and a half billion China, the songs “Daidydau” and “mytylmas kүn” occupy leading places in the top charts, they are even sung in schools. Dimash’s favorite book “Abai Zholy” is now being translated into Chinese.

The history and culture of the Kazakh land are multifaceted and are of great importance for world culture.

Press service of KSIU

26.04.2019, 12:37:58, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News