“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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On April 16, within the framework of the program “Rukhani zhangyru” and the year of youth, a cognitive and educational meeting “QARTTARYM-ASYL QAZYNAM” with teachers — veterans of KSIU was held.


The first President Nursultan Nazarbayev, in his article “Looking to the future: Ruhani zhangyru” written two years ago, said: “on the path of modernization, we must be the receivers of our ancestors, and revive the good qualities that flow in our veins.” The main purpose of today’s meeting is to promote national traditions and values, such as love, respect, forgiveness, faith between family and spouses. An example of this for our students was the teachers-veterans of our university who entered the threshold of 80 years old  Serikbayev Seilbek and Asylbekova Raushan.

In their speech, they told about the 50-year life together, also noted that love is the love of a child for parents, family, brothers, native land, profession and work.

Poet Ruza Aldasheva in her speech: “If you look back and given that without the past there will be no present, and without the present there will be no future, we often say that true lovers will never be together.” How true is that? What do we know about characters such as Kyz Zhibek and Tolegen, Bayan Sulu and Kozy-Korpesh, Enlik-Kebek, estay and Korlan? What thoughts visit us from the history of Aisha Bibi and Karahan, from the unique love of estay and Korlan?”asking such questions encouraged the students to open dialogue and at the end read a passage from a poem by Mukhtar Shakhanov “Miracles of love”.

Students read poems of Abay, Mukagali and young poets about love.

Invited chief Imam of Temirtau Central Mosque Zhanbolat Koshkeldiyev spoke about how the current youth builds a family, about their duties and responsibilities, shared sayings that instill morality, honesty and love in students.

Students looked at the photos, telling about the life of the main characters of the meeting and took pictures with them for memory.

Seilbek Agay specially performed the song for students.

At the end of the meeting, head of the Department of Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages of KSIU candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor Nurzia Abdikarimovna thanked the guests and noted that ” a person can not be taught to be happy, but you can bring up so that he became happy.” Therefore, such events are of great importance, leave indelible impressions and unique emotions among students.


The press service of KSIU


16.04.2019, 17:02:16, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News

KSIU took part in the citywide cleanup

April 13, 2019, the citywide clean-up was held under the motto “We are for a clean city!”, Held within the framework of the environmental month for landscaping, gardening and sanitary cleaning of the city of Temirtau.

Teаchers, staff and students of our university decided to spend the outdoors and do their bit in cleaning and planting a favorite city. Armed with rakes and shovels, we cleaned last year’s leaves, cleaned the lawn, cleared the canopy of the trees. All participants perceived volunteer work as a small good holiday, when you can work well physically between working life and socializing.

University students cleaned up a very large area behind the monument to metallurgists, in Dostyk Square.

When you understand what you are doing and why, any lesson becomes important, and therefore enjoyable. KSIU easily coped with the public useful, labor occupation and with pride you can say: “Cleanliness is a guarantee of health!”.

Press service of KSIU

13.04.2019, 15:59:36, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News

KSIU hosted the international educational campaign “Total dictation”

April 13, 2019, the citywide clean-up was held under the motto “We are for a clean city!”, Held within the framework of the environmental month for landscaping, gardening and sanitary cleaning of the city of Temirtau.

Teachers, staff and students of our university decided to spend the outdoors and do their bit in cleaning and planting a favorite city. Armed with rakes and shovels, we cleaned last year’s leaves, cleaned the lawn, cleared the canopy of the trees. All participants perceived volunteer work as a small good holiday, when you can work well physically between working life and socializing.

University students cleaned up a very large area behind the monument to metallurgists, in Dostyk Square.

When you understand what you are doing and why, any lesson becomes important, and therefore enjoyable. KSIU easily coped with the public useful, labor occupation and with pride you can say: “Cleanliness is a guarantee of health!”.

Press service of KSIU

13.04.2019, 13:52:18, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News, События


The 11th Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth of the 21st Century is the Key Factor of Kazakhstan’s Competitiveness in the Modern World” was held at the Karaganda State Industrial University on April 11-12, dedicated to the Year of Youth in the Republic of Kazakhstan, held jointly with the Kremenchug National University. M. Ostrogradsky (Ukraine) and Magnitogorsk State Technical University. G.I. Nosova (Russia).

This republican scientific-practical conference was held in the framework of the celebration of the Day of Science and the 120th anniversary of Academician Kanysh Imantayevich Satpayev.

The plenary meeting of the conference was opened by the Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations – Aykeeva Altyn Amanzholovna.

Further, the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Director of the Institute of Electromechanics, Energy Saving and Control Systems of Kremenchug National University named after Mikhail Ostrogradsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Chernoy A. and vice-rector for scientific and methodological work and new technologies in education of Magnitogorsk State Technical University. G.I. Nosov, Sergienko S.A.

The conference was held in 9 sections:

– “Innovations in the development of metallurgy and metal science”;

– “Actual problems of engineering technology”;

– “Chemistry, chemical technology and ecology”;

– “Thermal Power Engineering, Electric Power Industry and Automation of Production”;

– “Modern physical and mathematical sciences and information technology”;

– “Architecture and construction”;

– “Development of business in Kazakhstan in the context of globalization of the world economy”;

– “The role of social and humanitarian disciplines in the modernization of public consciousness”;

– “Philological Sciences.”

During the conference, more than 300 reports were announced. The working languages ​​of the conference were Kazakh, Russian and English.

The conference was closed on April 12 in the assembly hall of the new KSIU building.

Rector of KSIU, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Zhautikov Bakhyt Ahatovich made a congratulatory speech.

The official part of the event began with a pleasant moment. On stage in a festive atmosphere, an ally of the First President,an honorary metallurgist, a graduate of our university in 1967, Iskakov Toktarkhan Ibraevich, according to the Kazakh custom, was presented with a chapan.

Then there was a solemn ceremony honoring students who won prizes in the republican competitions.

The grateful letter of the rector of the Karaganda State Industrial University for the second place in the Republican Olympiad among universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the subject “Basics of designing and machine parts” were awarded the following students:

1) Raymbek Nұrқazy TMO-16k

2) Dәuletby Shүk_r TTTT-16k

3) Myrzabekov Nursultan TTTT-16k

As well as for the excellent training of students, the teacher of the department “Technological machines and transport” Azimbaev Kuatkhan Alibekovich was awarded the letter of thanks from the rector of KSIU.

For the honorable 3 rd place in the Republican subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty “Materials Science and Technology of New Materials” the rector awarded students of the group MS&NM-16 Saparov Dastan and Asainov Diana. For the preparation of students for this Olympiad, the teachers of the department “Metallurgy and Materials Science” Balabayeva Aynur Aitzhanovna and Akhmetova Gulzhaynat Esenzholovna were awarded.

Over the years of its activity, our university has trained more than 20 thousand specialists who work in various industries and economics. And on the Day of Science diplomas of our university were awarded to President of the Association of Entrepreneurs of the City of Temirtau, deputy of the city maslikhat Bykov Vladimir Anatolyevich, leading engineer of the Department of Science and Innovations Zhaslan Rymgul Kuatkyzy, head of the QMS Pak Olga Klementevna and teacher of the department “Construction” Kasenova Aigerim Nursul’s

Following this, the awarding of diplomas and mementos of the winners in all sections.

Winners in the section “Innovations in the development of metallurgy and materials science”:

3rd place – undergraduate group M-18nm Moiseyev Andrei

2nd place – undergraduate group M-18nm Bulekova Gulzat

1st place – student group MS&NM-15 Asainova Diana

The winners in the section “Actual problems of engineering technology and transport”:

3rd place – student TM&O-15k-1 Meirbekova Altynay

2 place – student of group TMP-15k Kambar Madina

1st place – students of TMP-15 group Shostykova Aliya and Tymchenko Alexandra

Winners in the section “Chemistry, chemical technology and ecology”:

3rd place – a student of grade 10 school № 21 Siverskaya Ekaterina

2nd place – a student group HTOV-18 Kalashnik Konstantin

1st place – student group HTOV-15 Oleg Fedasov

Also in the nomination “The best work in the field of environmental protection” awarded a pupil of the 11th grade of secondary school  21 Hegay Laura. In the nomination “The best practical significance of the work” awarded the graduate group HTOV-18mn Tlepbergen Erzat and student group HTOV-15k Imangali Aldiyar.

The winners in the section “Power Engineering, Electric Power Industry and Production Automation”:

3rd place – a student of TE-15 Popov Fedor

2nd place – students of the EE-15k group Batyrbek Alibek and Smile Arailym

1st place – student of the group A&M-18k Absaliyev Mukagali

Winners in the section “Modern Physics and Mathematics and Information Technologies”:

3rd place – students of the Higher Temirtau Polytechnic College Tsaregorodtsev Nikita, Ibraimova Symbat

2nd place – a student of grade 6 of school number 21 Kiselev Yan

1st place – a student of the group C&S-17s Zakhvatov Konstantin

Winners in the section “Architecture and Construction”:

3rd place – a student group S-16k Ahmedov Hurshid

2nd place – a student of the C-17k group Serikbay Azamat

1st place – a student of the group C-15k-2 Sapar Aida

Winners in the section “Development of business in Kazakhstan in the context of globalization of the world economy”:

3rd place – a student of the group E-16 Roman Podgursky

2nd place – a student of grade 8 school №21 Gulnova Anastasia

1st place – a student of the group U&A-18 Kazbekov Anuar

The winners in the section “The role of social and humanitarian disciplines in the modernization of public consciousness”:

3rd place – students of the group TMO-18 Suleimenov Olzhas, Bagdat Zharylkasyn, Isenov Zhanibek

2nd place – a student of group W-17-1 of Temirtau Industrial Technological College Userova Ayauzhan

1st place – students of the group TMP-17k Zhumabekova Akmaral and Dyusebekova Marzhan

Winners in the section “Philology”:

3rd place – student group TMP-18k Batyrkhan Zabira

2nd place – student of the 3rd class of secondary school №27 Tolegenova Zhibek

1st place – a student of the group TMP-17 Elefteria Savely

Further, letters of appreciation and memorable gifts awarded speakers of the plenary session:

– Undergraduate group MS-16mn KSIU Nikita Lutchenko

– Student group C-18-s KSIU Sakenova Zhazira

– Student of the group MO-17 KSIU Bobylev Artem.

The letter of thanks to the rector of KGIU was noted by the teams that took an active part in the second round of the annual Republican Subject Olympiad in Metallurgy:

3rd place – a team of the East Kazakhstan State Technical University. Serikbayeva: Nursaparova Azhar, Malybaeva Alua and Ensebaeva Kamila

2nd place – a team of Aktobe Regional State University. Zhubanova: Zhumabayeva Zhuldyzai, Manasov Nursultan and Davletova Aigerim

1st place – a team of Karaganda State Industrial University: Pushanova Asemay, Utemuratova Aruzhan and Bigaliuly Talant

Diplomas signed by the Ministry of Education and Science winners of the Olympiad will receive later.

According to the results of the discussion of the competition commission, the following students won prizes:

3rd place – student of the Karaganda Technical University, Myrzagulova Zarina

3rd place – a student of the East Kazakhstan State Technical University. Serikbaeva, Ensebaeva Kamila

3rd place – a student of South Kazakhstan State University. M. Auezov, Bakytzhanova Umit

2nd place – a student of Aktobe Regional State University. K.Zhubanova, Zhumabayeva Zhuldyzai

2nd place – a student of Karaganda State Industrial University, Uruemuratova Aruzhan

1st place – student of Karaganda State Industrial University, Pushanova Asemay

The results of the scientific-practical conference, the Republican Subject Olympiad in metallurgy, the competition of research works showed a large number of talented students.

Press service of KSIU


12.04.2019, 18:00:22, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: Conferences, News


On April 12, 2019, the intellectual quest game “Fort KSIU” was organized at KSIU. This game was held as part of the celebration of the Day of Science and the 120th anniversary of the academician, geologist, public figure, founder of the Soviet metallogenic science, the founder of the Kazakhstan school of metallogeny Kanysh Imantayevich Satpayev.

The event was organized by the department “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages.”

The goal of the game is to awaken students’ interest in research work, civil and patriotic education of young people in the framework of the “Rouhani Zhangyru” program.

Two teams, “Nursultan” and “Restless”, took part in the quest game. Each team had its own coordinators who accompanied throughout the game and monitored the observance by the teams of all the rules of the quest game. For justice, the participants did not have the right to use gadgets that somehow could help them in carrying out their tasks.

Each team passed a route consisting of 9 main stages, each of which involves solving tasks in the following disciplines:

– Kazakh, Russian and English languages

– Mathematics and Physics

– History of Kazakhstan

– Metallurgy

– Informatics

– Ecology or chemistry

– Machine parts

– Economics

– Construction

The task was considered completed if the game participants received a key-password as a result of the task solution.

The winner of the Quest game is the team that will go through the whole game as quickly as possible, correctly answer all the questions, complete all the proposed tasks and call the proposed phone number and find out the location of the prize.

According to the results of the game, the Nursultan team was the fastest. The members of the team received their prize at the closing of the scientific-practical conference in the assembly hall of the new KSIU building.

Press service of KSIU


12.04.2019, 17:00:57, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News