“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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Students of KSIU took part in the athletics half-marathon “Armanga zhol 2018”

The race was held in Karaganda on May 20 and became a truly large-scale and popular holiday.

On Independence Square, for all participants of the races for different distances and fans, the instructors of three fitness centers held a warm-up, and the students of martial arts schools demonstrated their skills. It was not only a sporting event, but also a cultural event with the performance of creative teams.

The general start was given by Akim of Karaganda region Yerlan Koshanov. Each participant chose the most “liked” distance from several proposed ones: “Sputnik” – 7 km, “Dostyk” – 14 km, half-marathon “Armanga zhol” – 21 km 97.5 m, “Balapan” (for children 8-14 years old ) – 2 km.

The track “Armanga zhol-2018” received the certificate of the Association of International Marathons and Runs. Registration of the participants of the half marathon was actively held on the websites qazrun.kz and flakar.kz, as a result, the figure “exceeded” 5 000. Among the runners – not only residents of different regions of Kazakhstan, but also guests from Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus.

The main prize of the half marathon – one million tenge – among the men was won by the Belarusian professional sportsman Vladislav Pryamov, who, by the way, installed the track record – 1 hour 6 minutes. Among the women, the master of international-class marathon and half-marathon Victoria Polyudina from Kyrgyzstan became the winner.

– Effective labor activity, fruitful education and health are inextricably linked. Our students pay special attention to participating in sporting events, understanding how important physical activity is in their lives, “says Raisa Kolesnikova, teacher of the section for physical education of the KGIU. – Our students took an active part in the half marathon. Most of them ran at a distance of 7 kilometers, and Adilbek Kurakbayev chose a 14-kilometer route. Yerkebulan Sailaubekov duly ran 21 kilometers, despite the fact that the distance is decent, the load is huge, and among the rivals are professional athletes.

All the finishers were awarded commemorative medals and certificates. Participants received a great charge of vivacity and good mood.

– For me, as for a person who has not done sports for a long time, 7 kilometers were given with little difficulty. The marathon itself turned out to be a kind of hardening, after which I decided to resume sports, – says the student of the group “TOMD-17” Kirill Malov. – The spirit of rivalry did not leave me and a day after the race. Now I will prepare for the marathon, which will be held next year.

Press-service of KSIU

The Global Challenges Summit-2018 was held in Astana

The XI Astana Economic Forum Global Challenges Summit (“Global Challenges Summit”) took place in the capital of Kazakhstan on May 17-19. This year, it was based on global trends: economic growth and resource sustainability, digitalization and urbanization, longevity and the financial revolution, global security and a cultural shift.

The forum was attended by more than 500 speakers and 5000 participants from 111 countries. Among the speakers are the eighth UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, co-founder of Apple Steve Wozniak, former French President Francois Olland, film director Kshishtof Zanussi, director of the Asian Bank for Infrastructure Investments Tzin Lutzin and many others.

The forum was opened by the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

– The current forum is aimed at finding effective responses to global challenges. Today, historical time has reached unprecedented density. The world is changing at an incredible speed, once again in front of the fork. From where he will turn, it depends what the humanity expects: the epoch of prosperity or the period of stagnation, “said the head of state.

Nursultan Nazarbayev singled out the five major megatrends of the planet’s development: the digitalization of all aspects of humanity’s activity, the energy revolution of the world’s movement towards clean energy, the rapid growth of the world’s population, the change in the pace and nature of urbanization, and the transformation of the global labor market.

The forum has long been an international platform, connecting economic thought, idea and practice. For 10 years, more than fifty thousand delegates from 150 countries of the world took part in the event. The effect of the forum is from attracting international investors to the exchange of new ideas for the formation of an economic policy agenda in the country and in the world.

Press-service of KSIU

Used Internet materials

Single information hour

On May 16 the Karaganda Industrial University hosted a single information hour on the topic “Twenty years of the establishment of public service bodies”.

Director of the department for educational work and youth policy KIU M. Salpenova and teacher of the department “HK and SGD” M. Soltan brought to the attention of the audience the basic information on the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025, the National Plan “100 specific steps” and general of the country’s general policy aimed at preventing corruption.

The candidate of historical sciences, professor T. Baygabatov disclosed to students the main provisions of the legislation on combating corruption and public service, as well as the main stages of their formation and development.

Students expressed their opinions on the effectiveness of measures taken to combat corruption, noted the importance of measures taken to prevent corruption, voiced proposals to improve ongoing activities aimed at the prevention of corruption crimes in society.

Press-service of KIU


Student of KSIU will represent Temirtau at the regional contest “Abay Okulary”

The city contest “Abay Okulary” was held on May 14 in the Central Library of Temirtau. Participation in it took students KSIU. In the first stage the contestants read by heart the verses of Magzhan Zhumabayev, in the second – the prose works of Kazakhstan classics.

A student of the group “AandM-17k” Perizat Kurbanbay took the third place. The third year student Beibut Tulkibaev (TMO-15k) became the first and will now defend the honor of the city of Temirtau on May 18 at the regional contest “Abay Okulary”, organized by the Office for Development of Languages ​​of the Karaganda region. This competition is held in order to support talented youth aged 17-29, to expand the sphere of the state language and enhance the language culture.

The deputy dean of the FET and the JC, Jania Kapasheva, who prepared the students of the KSIU, was awarded with a letter of thanks from the organizers of the contest.

Press-service of KSIU



“Kazakhstan is the territory of peace and harmony”

Students and teachers of the Karaganda State Industrial University became participants of the first republican scientific and practical conference “Kazakhstan – the Territory of Peace and Harmony”, which was held in Karaganda under the auspices of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. Reports of representatives of our university were marked as the best.

Participants in the House of Friendship of Peoples from Astana, Karaganda, Temirtau, Petropavlovsk and other cities. From KGIU took part in the conference six people.

The chairman of the Scientific-expert group of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda region Vilen Molotov-Luchansky became the moderator. Representatives of several universities of Kazakhstan made speeches at the plenary session. Then came the work on panel sessions “The Role of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in Realizing the Idea of ​​ Modernizing Public Consciousness”, “The Kazakhstan Model of the Social State and National Wellbeing” and “New Opportunities for Development in the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”. The event was attended by public figures in the field of interethnic and inter-confessional consent, members of ethno-cultural associations, scientists, doctoral students, undergraduates and students.

KIU student Sukhrob Ashurov, who came to study from Tajikistan, presented the report “The Frontiers of Kazakh-Tajik Relations” to the attention of the participants, which was prepared in co-authorship by the Chair of the “Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan” KSU, Ph.D., Associate Professor Tatiana Semenova. Sukhrob performed in national clothes, which attracted special attention. After his report, several questions followed, including: “How are relations formed with Tajiks in Kazakhstan?”, “Are there Kazakhs in Tajikistan and what are their living conditions?”, “What state organizations and funds are created in Tajikistan for the development of Kazakh-Tajik relations? ”

Freshman KGIU Saveliy Elefteredi, under the direction of the teacher, Master of Human Sciences Dinara Zhanaberenova, prepared a report “The contribution of Greeks to the development of the city of Temirtau”, and Saulet Kuanysh, in co-authorship with the senior teacher of the KGIU Magira Soltan, a work titled “Zhastar arasyndaғy Tolerantilik  Museleci”.

As a result of the conference, a resolution was adopted, and all participants received certificates and made a general photo for memory.

Press-service of KSIU

Photos of the conference participants and the site kelisim.kz