“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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From 9 to 18 October 2019 in the sport’s building of Karaganda state industrial university was held the annual Spartakiad “Freshman-2019”. This year the games were dedicated to the memory of public figure, doctor of economic Sciences Ibragimov Satybaldy. The main purpose of the event is to increase the interest of students in physical culture and sports, to form teams of the University in various sports, as well as to promote a healthy lifestyle among students. During  the week, on the sports grounds of the University there was an active struggle for supremacy between three teams of faculties of the University (“metallurgy and mechanical engineering”, “Economy and construction”, “Energy, transport and control systems”) and students of the Technical and economic college at KSIU in the following sports: volleyball, basketball, checkers, chess, togyz – kumalak, table tennis, football and sports and entertainment relay.

According to the results of the games places in 8 sports were distributed as follows:

Volleyball-9, 11 October 2019

Youths the 1st place — Faculty of Energy, transport and control systems

the 2nd place- Faculty of Economy and construction

the 3rd place Faculty of Metallurgy and mechanical engineering”,

Girls the 1st place Faculty of Economy and construction

the 2nd place- Technical and economic college

the 3rd place- Faculty of Metallurgy and mechanical engineering”,

Isin Rakhat was named  the best player

Basketball – October 10, 2019

1st place – Faculty of Energy, transport and control systems

2nd place- Faculty of Metallurgy and mechanical engineering

3rd place- Faculty of Economy and construction

Zhandildin Asanali  was named the best player

Football-October 14, 2019

1st place- Faculty of Economy and construction

2nd place- Faculty of Metallurgy and mechanical engineering

3rd place — Faculty of Energy, transport and control systems

Abyn Dinmukhamed was named the best player


Sports and entertainment relay.  — October 18, 2019

1st place- Faculty of Economy and construction

2nd place- Faculty of Metallurgy and mechanical engineering

3rd place — Faculty of Energy, transport and control systems

Personal chess championship — October 10, 2019.

Youths 1st place-Agabek E.-PI-19K

2nd place-Zholdasbek-PI-19-2

3rd place-Kuzmin V.-TOP 19

Girls 1 place-Temir G.-TFP-19-K -1

2nd place-Ermek K.-TFP-19-K 3

Personal championship in draughts-October 10, 2019.


1st place- Agabek E.-PI-19K

2nd place-Ilisbay A.-TFP-19K

3rd place – E. of MutalovE– PI – 19K


1st place-Khadyrbay U.-TFP-19K-3

2nd place-Mieyerdek N -PI-19K

3rd place-Abylkai-OMD-19K

Personal championship on togyz-kumalak -10 October 2019.


1st  place-Shukerkhan A.-MCHM-19K

2nd place-Abin Dinmuhamed-PI-19K

3rd place-Ybray Ablaikhan-TFP-19K


1st  place-Zazdravnykh Aisha-TEC

2nd place-Niyabek Aruzhan-TFP-19K

3rd place – Tolegeng Znanna – TFP – 19K

Personal table tennis championship-October 14, 2019.


1st place and 2nd place-Abin Dinmuhamed-PI-19K

3rd place-Kuttybay zhumahan-PI-19K


1st place – Diana Hafizova-UIA-19

Absolute champion recognized Khafizova Diana-UIA-19


The winners of the competitions were awarded with certificates and medals provided by the honored worker of sport of Kazakhstan, head of the Board sports community and sports veterans, Vice-President of the Federation of archery of Republic of Kazakhstan by Suymbaev Kemelbek Momynovich.

Spartakiad “Freshman” is held not in the first year, and during this time has become one of the brightest and most important corporate traditions. Variety of competitions, emotional rise, high intensity of wrestling promoted creation of the atmosphere of a holiday as the sports Contest bears a big positive charge not only to participants of competitions, but also to the audience.

Congratulations to all participants of the games with the successful completion of the competition!

We wish you new achievements and victories!

The press service of KSIU

22.10.2019, 12:03:40, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News, Мероприятия


On October 17, 2019, the staff of Karaganda state industrial University took part in the XXI international festival “Musical Saryarka” Of the Russian Academic orchestra of the Novosibirsk state Philharmonic, the Venue of which was the Palace of culture of the city of Temirtau.

The oldest musical collective of Novosibirsk was created in 1927 at the first Siberian broadcasting company. The organizer of the orchestra is Vasily girman. Since 1976, the team is headed by Vladimir Gusev.

During the concert, the audience was able to enjoy music of different styles and genres: classical, folk, wind and jazz, conducted by Maestro-artistic Director of the orchestra, people’s artist of Russia — Vladimir Gusev and laureate of the all-Russian competition of conductors-Rustam Dilmukhametov.

The orchestra featured all the instruments of the traditional national Russian orchestra established at the end of the XIX century. The orchestra has its own performing style, which is distinguished by rigor, restraint and nobility of tone, melodiousness and warmth of sound, individual brightness of solo instruments. It is one of the four orchestras of folk instruments in Russia, which have the honorary title “academic”.

The concert program of the festival included 18 musical works, among which were performed:

  1. Mozart Overture. “Director of the theater” – performed by the Russian Academic orchestra, conducted by the winner of the all-Russian competition-Rustam Dilmukhametov.
  2. D. Rossini. “Cavantina Figaro” from the Opera “the Barber of Seville” – performed by the soloist of the Novosibirsk gatob, winner of international competitions — Guria Guriev.
  3. P. Tchaikovsky. “Dance of the oprichniks” from the Opera “Oprichnik”.
  4. A. Ferraris, et seq.E. Grebenkin “black Eyes”.
  5. A. Belokurov. “Boyaryna-Lady” – performed by a duet of balalaika: people’s artist of Russia Andrei Gurevich and laureate of all-Russian international competitions Vadim Shelepov.
  6. B. Bartok. Suite No. 1. The final is performed by the Russian Academic orchestra, conducted by the chief conductor — people’s artist of Russia, Professor Vadim Gusev.
  7. E. Podgaits “Winter” from the concert “Seasons in Moscow” – performed by soloist of Novosibirsk gatob, laureate of international competitions-Irina Novikova.
  8. H. M. Kano “Child of the moon”.
  9. H. Jimenez “Zapateado”.
  10. S. Sirotin. “Utesov-Fantasia” – performed by the Russian Academic orchestra.

The orchestra was warmly and cordially received, each performance was accompanied by a standing ovation, shouts of “Bravo!” they didn’t stop. The room was bubbling with excitement.

After the concert, the audience went home satisfied, many could not contain their emotions from the fact that they touched the great music together with one of the most famous and oldest musical groups of Novosibirsk, which is one of the four orchestras of folk instruments in the Russian Federation.

The press service of KSIU


Happy city day!


Dear Temirtau citizens!

We congratulate you on the city Day. Over a short period of time, a small working village has grown into a modern and compact city with a developed socio-economic infrastructure and its cultural and labor traditions.

Temirtau occupies a special place among many cities of Kazakhstan. His eventful life, small by historical standards, is inseparable from the formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Temirtau is known in Kazakhstan and abroad as the city of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev, where he spent a significant part of his career.

On the festive day we wish you good health, longevity, new successes for the prosperity of the city of Temirtau and our Motherland – the Republic of Kazakhstan.


B. Zhautikov
rector Karaganda state
industrial university

28.09.2018, 17:50:35, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News, Мероприятия

Dear veterans!

Dear veterans!

We congratulate you on the day of the elderly! On this day, we honor the people who, through their tireless work, thanks to an active life position, inexhaustible optimism, created the future of our country.

People of the older generation are our special pride, because many of them, having completed their work, continue active social life, educating young people, preserving and passing on their invaluable life experience. Your wisdom and experience are invaluable to us and our youth.

We wish that age is not a hindrance to receive joy, happiness and great pleasure from life! We wish you a wonderful mood every morning and all day, love of family and friends, respect and understanding!


B. Zhautikov
rector Karaganda stat
industrial university

28.09.2018, 17:43:06, Әкімшілік, goto → Categories: News, Мероприятия

2018-09-21 17:40:38

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