“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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To remember!

On May 30, the City Historical and Local Lore Museum hosted the dialogue platform “The Tumbled World: Archive Documents Speak”, dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions. Students of KSIU took an active part in the event.

The participants of the dialogue platform demonstrated unique documents with the names of all people of Temirtau  who were subjected to repression and many years later rehabilitated. Previously, no one kept such statistics, so the museum staff had to collect information by bit through the National Security Committee. In a unique list of 189 family names – 42 people were sentenced to be shot (their names were crossed out in red), the rest stayed in Stalin’s camps from 15 to 25 years.

For a small village of Samarkand, from which the city of Temirtau started, the figure 189 is huge. The names of the repressed were consigned to oblivion. So far information about these people is only contained in short dry archival records. The lists have never been published anywhere, so the museum staff suggested that students of the KSIU organize a search circle, with which it would be possible to find at least some information about these people and their loved ones.

A number of issues were voiced within the framework of the dialogue platform, among them:

– Does it make sense after decades of repression to raise and publish archival documents relating to the era of totalitarianism?

– Is it possible to justify repressive measures? the forces of prisoners built many industrial facilities – so maybe the end justifies the means?

– What is the reason for the mass retaliation and the use of capital punishment?

– How are the Stalinist repressions and the ethnic composition of the population in Kazakhstan connected?

– for what kind of actions for you in the years 1937-38 you could have been convicted?

– would you tell us about Stalin’s repressions to your relatives? Is there any repressed in your family?

The students of KSIU took an active part in the discussion and noted the importance of this topic. Representatives of different nationalities Zemfira Atakulova, Saveliy Elefteriadi and Leonid Kim told about the history of their ancestors repressed and relocated to Kazakhstan.

Press-service of KSIU

Rectors forum in the USA

In the United States of America there is the NAFSA conference and the forum of rectors, in which the rector of the Karaganda industrial university B.A. Zhautikov takes part.

Yesterday, on May 29, the NAFSA Annual Conference & Expo 2018 conference began in Pennsylvania. An agreement was signed between Karaganda Industrial University and Michigan State University. This document will facilitate the participation of KSIU students in the American Semester (ASP) program and is called upon to develop a mutually beneficial learning process abroad. Now KSIU will be able to send its students to Michigan State University for study for one semester, for the academic year or for summer short courses.

Today the meeting of rectors takes place in Pennsylvania State University. Speakers include representatives of the Institute of International Education, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, universities of the United States and Kazakhstan.

Press-service of KSIU


Participation KSIU in the teleconference-lecture

Students and faculty of the State Research and Design Institute took part in the teleconference “Geothermal Resources and Perspectives of Their Use in Russia”, which took place on May 25 at the Interuniversity Academic Navigation Center in the mining and geological profile on the basis of the State Geological Museum named Vernadsky RAS with the support of the Academy of Mining Sciences.

The lecture for students of higher and secondary special educational institutions of Russia and UIS countries was made by the Director of the State Geological Museum named Vernadsky Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. S. V. Cherkasov. In addition, the audience was the representatives of leading commodity companies. Among the participants of the space bridge were students and teachers of the KSIU. It should be noted that this is not the first experience of online participation of our university in such events.

One of the priority activities of the Interuniversity Academic Navigation Center is the implementation of the project on the formation of a unified communication platform for the development of a continuous system of education for children and youth in the field of geology and nature management, the education of an ecological outlook, career guidance for mining, geology and oil and gas. As part of this direction, the Center regularly conducts online broadcasts of lectures and master classes on the premises of its own professional recording studio equipped with the most modern equipment.

Press-service of KSIU

Greetings from Barcelona!

   Twelve staff and faculty of the KSIU were trained in Spain as part of the Erasmus + program.

During our stay at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, our delegation was acquainted with the structure and composition of the university, the main directions of training bachelors and masters, IT infrastructure (analogue of the Center for Information Technologies and Telecommunications of the KSIU), talked about the work of the “Business Incubator”, international relations, new ways joint work, as well as on the Catalan language and culture, on the activities of the language office. Then the training was divided, according to the interests of the participants, in different directions. On the final day of the trip, the head of the Polytechnic University department, supervising the scientific projects, addressed the participants, as well as an acquaintance with the university graduates who continue to study science. In the final of the event, all participants in the training were awarded certificates.

– The result of this training was the expansion of cooperation between our university and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. A memorandum on cooperation between our universities will be signed. Relations are established with the universities of Italy, Spain, China, Malaysia, Morocco, Russia, Tunisia and Japan. During this trip, we passed a good language practice and gained important knowledge in the field of internationalization and commercialization, “says Altyn Amanjolovna Aikeyeva, vice-rector for Vice-Rector of SR I R – Among the areas of further cooperation with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia is the participation of students and faculty of the KSIU in the program “Academic Mobility”, joint participation in foreign programs, joint work on scientific articles and teaching aids. In addition, our students will be available training materials of the Spanish teacher in the direction of “Computer networks” Jordi Casadremont, who in May read lectures at the KSIU.


Yerzhanov A.S., art. lecturer of the department “PTM”:

– Universities of Italy, China, Malaysia, Morocco, Tunisia, Russia, Kazakhstan and Japan took part in the seminar. Representatives of each university through presentations and videos represented their educational institutions, directions for training students and so on. Kazakhstan was represented by our university, which, of course, causes a sense of pride. Our delegation was the most numerous, and the film about KSIU – one of the best.

Arbuz A. S., Associate Professor of the Department “PTM”, PhD:

– For several representatives of our delegation, an excursion was made to the Faculty of Materials Science, which includes research groups “Light alloys and surface treatment”, “Biomaterials, biomechanics and tissue engineering”, “Polyfunctional polymeric materials” and others. Of particular interest to us, as researchers, is a group of metal pressure treatment processes that specialize in the characterization of plastic deformations of metals (mainly under hot working conditions), and also on the determination of processing paths on the basis of methods of intense plastic deformation to produce metallic materials with nanometric dimensions grains.

Panin E.A., art. the teacher of the department “PTM”, PhD:

– For further cooperation, an oral agreement was reached on the exchange of scientific materials with Gemma Fargas Ribas, Deputy Director of the Materials Science Department for Mobility and Development. The faculty’s management has been sent general information about our university, as well as basic information about scientific directions in the field of materials science and metal forming. These materials will be heard and discussed at the Faculty Council. After the conclusion of the general agreement between the universities, signed by the rectors, the faculty’s management will have the authority to conclude “private” contracts and memoranda on joint writing of articles, conducting experiments, performing scientific research work, scientific internships for undergraduates, doctoral students, researchers, etc.

Press-service of KSIU



The second place in the regional contest “Abai oqulary”

Student of the group “TMaE-15k” Beibut Tulkibaev took part in the regional contest “Abay oqulary” (“Abay readings”), where he took the second prize.

The organizer of the competition is the Office for the Development of Languages of the Karaganda Region. This event is held to support talented youth 17-29 years old, to expand the scope of the state language and improve the language culture.

In the first stage, the contestants read prose works of writers of Kazakhstan, in the second – Magjan Zhumabaev’s verses. Beibut Tulkibaev outscored more than thirty contenders – young actors and poets, university and college students, secondary school students and took second place. The third year student of the KSIU received a letter and a cash prize of 50 thousand tenge.

The rector of the KSIU Zhautikov B.A. congratulated B. Tulkibaev at the weekly meeting of the administration and for a long time established in the university tradition handed him, as the winner of the prize place, a corporate badge of KSIU.

The student was prepared for the competition by the Deputy Dean of the FETaCS, the senior teacher of the chair “KRaFL” Zh. K. Kapasheva.

Press-service of KSIU