“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Professor of Catalonia reads lectures

During the week in KSIU professor of Polytechnic University of Catalonia Jordi Kasademon reads leactures.

Professor  Kasademon arrived in the University of program “Erasmus +” April 29. He lectures in the direction “wireless network” – in Spain this is called telecommunication engineering.

– The majority of students your University interested in learning at this course, understand its importance and try to insight into the essence of the process, – says professor. – What regard to the level of knowledge of English, then I his long as it is difficult to estimate. But I spoke between sessions with several students, they showed oneself in this plan well enough.

 Press office of KSIU


The day of the unity of the people of Kazakhstan

Leaders, staff and students of Karaganda state industrial University took part in procession dedicated to the day of the unity of the people of Kazakhstan. In bright executed column were professor, heads of chairs, teachers, movers study and activists.

May 1, columns consisting of representatives of different guests to Temirtau, formed with both sides – in the area of business Center “Express” and hotels “Steel”, then moved towards each other and stopped in front of the Park  “East.” There was a solemn rally on which were made Akim of Temirtau,  G. Ashimov, executive director JSC “ArcelorMittal temirtau” V. Basin, member of the city maslikhat F. Kurbanov. All of them are noted the importance of the conservation of international agreement and friendship between the peoples, wanted to the world of good and happiness each family of Temirtau . Festive program continued in the Park where on this day worked a few concert sites.

Press office of KSIU

Publication in the journal “Higher School of Kazakhstan”, No 1/2018 (21)







“The Best Student of 2018”

The information on two representatives of KSIU  and their photographs are included in the first issue of the student book collection “Zhas-Kyran”, launched as part of the Republican project “The Best Student”. The organizer was the public foundation “bridge of consent”.

Applications for the book were received from successful students in the areas of “Science”, “Art” and “Sport”, as well as from chairmen and activists of student organizations. The book included information about the holders of the sign “Altyn belgi”, about laureates of international, republican, regional olympiads and conferences; leaders and activists of public youth movements; members of the National Team of Kazakhstan, laureates and prize-winners of the Olympic Games, international and sports competitions.

A few worthy students were sent from KSIU. As a result, the names of the two future economists – Tatyana Silayeva and Aitadzh Ziyadova, excellent students and activists, without which none of the events can be dispensed with, were included in the book “Zhas Kyran”.

– For participation it was necessary to give your autobiography and photos, as well as copies of diplomas and letters of thanks for active work, – told Aytadzh Ziyadov. – Documents were accepted in three languages ​​- Kazakh, Russian and English.

On April 27, girls, like other students from different universities of Kazakhstan, went to Astana for the award ceremony, which took place in one of the conference rooms of the complex “Tilep қobyz sarayy”. Each participant of the project was awarded the book “Zhas Kyran”, a special badge “The Best Student of 2018” and a special certificate.

– The books that were handed to us were personally signed by Zhandarbek Malibekuly – the author of the state emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Worker of the RK, professor of the Eurasian National University named by Gumilev, – said Tatiana Silayeva.

After performances of the guests and a collective photo shoot for the best students, an excursion to the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan was organized.

Press-service of KSIU




In Karaganda state industrial university was conducted dictation with the use of Latin graphics

All interested persons could become participants of the training dictation in the Kazakh language, which was held for the first time in the Karaganda region. On April 27, about three hundred people of different ages, among whom were representatives of different nationalities, gathered in the huge streaming audience of the university to check the knowledge of the new font.

The dictation was conducted at the initiative of the Kazakh, Russian and Foreign Languages ​​Department with the support of the Karaganda State Industrial University (KSIU) leadership in order to implement the state program “Ruhani zhangyru: Latin alipbiine koshu». The organizers wanted to see people of Temirtau  actually: switching to Latin graphics is not so difficult as it seems at first glance, and very convenient. This test dictation was planned to draw attention to a new font. By the way, on the eve of the event, all the participants received leaflets with a new Kazakh font in Latin as a hint.

Students from city schools and colleges, representatives of various organizations and, of course, students, teachers and employees of the KSIU – were all worried a little before the start of the unusual and new for all event. Before the dictation of the audience, several training assignments were given concerning pronunciation, writing and reading. After the warm-up, active participants received small sweet presents. And then it began, in fact, for the sake of what all on this day gathered in KSIU.

The text of the dictation was the final word from Nursultan Nazarbayev’s article “Ruhani zhangyru: modernization of public consciousness.”

“Our university is the Alma mater of the first President,” says the rector of KSIU Bakhyt Zhautikov. – We support all initiatives, in particular, the initiative to transfer the Kazakh language to the Latin schedule. For us it is very important, because students should be ready to enter the world educational space, they must be able to navigate in any country and in any situation. This initiative is both relevant and timely, and I think it will undoubtedly benefit everyone.

One of the participants of the pilot dictation was the teacher of the department “Construction” Anastasia Mezentseva.

– I’m interested. I want to be involved in the global changes taking place in our state, so I immediately decided that I would try to write dictation in Kazakh using the Latin alphabet, “she says. – However, already closer to the appointed time began to worry, how much I will manage.

The dictation consisted of 115 words. The senior lecturer of the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages ​​department Zhania Kapasheva became the reader. In the course of writing, the participants did not all go smoothly, but on that he and “the first test ball.”

– Personally, I had a difficulty with additional characters in the Latin alphabet, as well as when writing the letter “c”. I do not know if I did the right thing, but I wrote “t” and “s” in this case, “Anastasia Mezentseva told after the dictation. – In addition, I did not know how to correctly write the letters “yu” and “ya” – wrote “y” and “u”, as well as “y” and “a” respectively.

As the organizers said, the results of the dictation will be used in the future in order to draw conclusions and prepare proposals to the commission on languages.

“I think that this work will have a big resonance and will bring great benefits to our entire country,” says Bakhyt Zhautikov. – If such events will be held more and more, the transition to the Latin alphabet will pass painlessly. This is not the last event of this kind – in autumn we plan to hold a second dictation, already with the involvement of the residents of the entire Karaganda region. In addition, in the long term we are considering the possibility of opening courses on the study of the Latin script of the Kazakh language – everything will depend on demand.

The organizers plan to sum up the dictation right after May 1. Check the work will be the leading philologists of the Department of Languages ​​KSIU and city teachers – have already prepared a monitoring group that will carefully verify each letter. The best works will be marked with memorable prizes and letters.

Press-service of KSIU