“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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In KSIU  was competition “Tildaryn”

Seven students of KSIU, as well as several representatives of the multidisciplinary college “Miras” and the Temirtau College of Trade and Nutrition took part in  competition “Tildaryn”, which was held at the university.

The goals and objectives of the Tіldaryn contest are to identify and provide support to students who are fluent in three languages ​​(Kazakh, Russian and English), the formation of a culture of interlingual communication and the education of a multilingual person, the strengthening of the sense of Kazakhstani patriotism, the education of a comprehensively poly-linguistic personality capable of competing.

The participants of the competition waited for three rounds, in which it was necessary to fully disclose the content of the assigned topics (“Modern scientific and technological progress”, “Great people of the Kazakh steppe”, “Multilingualism – the demand for time”, “Ruhani jangyru” and “Transition to the Latin alphabet”), write an essay and show the ability to synchronously translate text. In the first round, assignments were given in Kazakh, in the second – in English, in the third – in Russian. To the next round, only those who passed the previous one were allowed – this was an obligatory condition of the competition.

As a result, Asemay Pushanova (student of the group M-16k KSIU) took the first place. On the second place – Nurasil Tarasov (group TMP-17K, KSIU) and Kasymkhan Erezhep (group VTiPO-17K, KSIU), on the third – Umid Iriskulov (student VTIPO-16K, KSIU) and Umida Tastursinova, a student of the Miras college.

All participants of the competition were awarded with incentive prizes and certificates. Asemay Pushanova will represent the city of Temirtau at the regional contest “Tildaryn”.

Press-service of KSIU


The external evaluation of educational achievements

A trial external evaluation of the educational achievements of higher education was held at the KSIU on April 18 in the form of comprehensive testing of students in the four compulsory disciplines of the basic and profiling cycles.

The number of test tasks for each discipline is 25, all test tasks in the amount of 3 hours are allotted.

366 students of the third year of the full-time department were declared to pass the EEEA, of which 248 people study in the Kazakh language, 118 in the Russian language.

Tasks of the EEEA:

– Monitoring of educational achievements of students;

– Evaluation of the effectiveness of the organization of the educational process;

– comparative analysis of the quality of educational services provided by educational organizations.

Press-service of KSIU


Meeting in Poland

A meeting of the delegation of rectors of Kazakhstan universities with Polish colleagues is held in Warsaw.

 On the first day of their stay Kazakhstani rectors took part in the International Forum of Leaders in the field of engineering education Perspektywy-2018. Then, negotiations will be held in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, where the directions for further cooperation will be determined. It is planned to sign agreements on strategic cooperation and a number of inter-university contracts.

Currently, 783 students from Kazakhstan study in Poland. Many Polish universities have bilateral agreements on cooperation with Kazakhstan universities, which can be implemented on a wider scale.

The visit of the delegation of rectors of Kazakhstan is the result of a recent working visit to Astana by the rector of the Warsaw University of Technology J. Schmidt, the rector of the Technological University Opole M. Tukiendorf and the president of the Education Foundation “Perspektywy” V. Sivinský.

Press-service of KSIU

Scientific creativity of young people in the world of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Karaganda Industrial University hosted the XLVIII Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Creativity of the Young in the World of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” on April 12, held jointly with the Kremenchug National University named by Ostrogradsky (Ukraine).

Scientists, teachers, employees of universities of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, enterprises and educational institutions, doctors, undergraduates and students took part in the conference. According to the conference, the chairman of the organizing committee, the director of the Institute of Electromechanics, Energy Saving and Control Systems of the Kremenchug National University named by M. Ostrogradsky, Professor AP Cherny.

At the plenary session, A.A. Aikeeva, vice-rector for research and international relations of the KSIU, spoke. She focused on the fact that the main goal set by the Head of State is to bring Kazakhstan’s education to a qualitatively new level, which allows our country to become one of the most advanced countries in the world. The importance of integrating scientific activity and the educational process is noted by the Head of State in the annual Addresses to the people of Kazakhstan. In the new message of N. A. Nazarbayev “New Development Opportunities in the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, clearly defined are the tasks that the country has successfully achieved in the new world with its rapidly changing conditions. Altyn Amanzholovna spoke about the scientific, innovative and international activities of the KSIU, about the plans of the university for the coming years and wished the conference participants successful work and fruitful exchange of views.

A young scientist of the KSIU D. Tokseit told about the training in the network academy “Cisco” and its influence on the further career at the plenary session. With the report “Topiraktardi zerthanalyk synau”, the master student gr. C-16 nm A. Kasenova. About the best tools for effective management of the company the student gr. E-15 T. Silaeva. Then, in the classrooms of the main and new buildings, work began on nine different sections. The speakers were representatives of Pavlodar State University. Toraigyrov, KarSU named by Buketov, Kazakh National Technical University named by Satpayev, KSIU, colleges and secondary schools.

A total of 300 reports were submitted for the conference, of which the largest number was in the sections “Actual problems of engineering technology”, “Innovations in the development of metallurgy and metal science”, “Business development in Kazakhstan in the context of globalization of the world economy”, “Architecture and construction”. The works were presented in three languages ​​- Kazakh, Russian and English, at the choice of the speakers.

The best results were shown by KSIU students I. Stamkulov (class MITNM-14, “Innovations in the development of metallurgy and metallurgy”), J. Franz (TOMD-15c, section “Actual problems of engineering technology”), A. Musin (gr. KHTOV-14, Section “Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Ecology”), A. Smile and A. Batyrbek (section EE-15k, section “Heat-and-power engineering, electric power and automation of production”), D. Prokhorovitch (group WTPO-15, section “Modern physics and mathematics and information technology”), A. Sapar (section S-15k-2 section “Architecture and Construction”), D. Se Dullaev and A. Tursunov (section E-17, section “Business Development in Kazakhstan in Conditions of Globalization of the World Economy”), S. Kuanyshyzy (TOMD-17k-3, section “The Role of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines in Modernizing Public Consciousness), S. Elefteriadi (TOMD-17, section “Philological Sciences”).

After a fruitful and busy day of work, the commission summed up the results. At the closing ceremony of the conference, the winners of the first three places in each section were awarded with certificates and gifts, and especially distinguished speakers, heads of educational institutions and teachers who prepared the participants, letters of gratitude.

Press-service of KSIU

Students of KSIU became leaders of the republican subject Olympiad

On April 13, the second round of the annual Republican subject Olympiad on specialties “Metallurgy” and “Technology of processing of materials by pressure” was held at the Karaganda State Industrial University, which is the main university in the training of metallurgy specialists.

The uniqueness of the educational process of KSIU is the availability of a modern educational and scientific laboratory base, which includes the only experimental pilot site in the country with semi-industrial units and installations. In total, 59 specialized laboratories operate at the university, allowing students to conduct research and development work. There is a Metallurgy Center at the University, which includes 12 laboratories, including the Laboratory of Engineering Profile “Electron Microscopy and Nanotechnology” – undergraduates of the KazNITU named by Satpayev, KSTU and other universities.

In order to develop the practice base and further employment of students, KSIU has established close ties with such industrial enterprises and companies as Arcelor Mittal Temirtau, Kazakhmys Corporation, TNK Kazkhrom JSC, Zhezkazgan Copper Smelting Plant, Central Asia Cement JSC “, Sokolovsko-Sarbaiskoye GPO, LLP” Silicium Kazakhstan “, LLP” Aktyubinsk rail-and-wire plant “and many others.

The annual Republican subject Olympiad in the specialties “Metallurgy” and “Technology of materials processing by pressure” is held within the framework of the republican student Olympiads and is one of the types of support for talented youth. Based on the results of this Olympiad, teams are formed to participate in international olympiads.

The first stage of the Olympiad takes place inside universities. According to its results, the university’s competitive commission, approved by the order of the rector, selects the best students and sends them to the basic university for participation in the second round.

In total, 17 teams took part in the second stage of the Olympiad. Among them – representatives of KSIU, Aktobe Regional State University named by  Zhubanov, East Kazakhstan State Technical University named by  Serikbayev, KSTU, Pavlodar State University named by  Toraigyrov, South Kazakhstan State University named by Auezov, Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named by Satpayev, Zhezkazgan University named by Baikonurov.

After the participants answered theoretical questions and solved complex tasks, which took them several hours, the competitive commission summed up the results.

The first place in the specialty “Metallurgy” was awarded to the team of KSIU, the second – to the team of the Aktobe Regional State University named by  Zhubanov, the third – the team of the East Kazakhstan State Technical University named by  Serikbaev. On the specialty “Technology of processing materials by pressure” the 1st and 2nd places were occupied by the teams of KSIU, the third place – by the KSTU team.

Following the results of discussions on the specialty “Metallurgy”, the following students were awarded by the competitive commission: diploma of the 1st degree – D.Sailauuov (KSIU); a diploma of the second degree – M. Kulmurza (K. Zhubanov ARSU) and A. Malybaev (EKSTU named by Serikbayev); diploma third degree – D. Arystanova (KSTU), Z. Abdrakhmanova (EKSTU named by  Serikbayev) and A. Bolusbekov (PSU named by  Toraigyrov).

On the specialty “Technology of materials processing by pressure” are marked: diploma of the 1st degree – A. Kanybek (KSIU), diploma of the second degree – G. Zait (KSIU) and M. Kambar (KSIU); Diploma third degree – D. Dyusembayev (KarSTU), A. Tymchenko (KSIU) and M. Orynbasarov (KSTU).

Participants of the Olympiad noted the importance of the last event, as it, according to them, contributes to the formation of critical thinking and professional development.

Press-service of KSIU