“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Student of KSIU will represent Temirtau at the regional contest “Abay Okulary”

The city contest “Abay Okulary” was held on May 14 in the Central Library of Temirtau. Participation in it took students KSIU. In the first stage the contestants read by heart the verses of Magzhan Zhumabayev, in the second – the prose works of Kazakhstan classics.

A student of the group “AandM-17k” Perizat Kurbanbay took the third place. The third year student Beibut Tulkibaev (TMO-15k) became the first and will now defend the honor of the city of Temirtau on May 18 at the regional contest “Abay Okulary”, organized by the Office for Development of Languages ​​of the Karaganda region. This competition is held in order to support talented youth aged 17-29, to expand the sphere of the state language and enhance the language culture.

The deputy dean of the FET and the JC, Jania Kapasheva, who prepared the students of the KSIU, was awarded with a letter of thanks from the organizers of the contest.

Press-service of KSIU



“Kazakhstan is the territory of peace and harmony”

Students and teachers of the Karaganda State Industrial University became participants of the first republican scientific and practical conference “Kazakhstan – the Territory of Peace and Harmony”, which was held in Karaganda under the auspices of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. Reports of representatives of our university were marked as the best.

Participants in the House of Friendship of Peoples from Astana, Karaganda, Temirtau, Petropavlovsk and other cities. From KGIU took part in the conference six people.

The chairman of the Scientific-expert group of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda region Vilen Molotov-Luchansky became the moderator. Representatives of several universities of Kazakhstan made speeches at the plenary session. Then came the work on panel sessions “The Role of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in Realizing the Idea of ​​ Modernizing Public Consciousness”, “The Kazakhstan Model of the Social State and National Wellbeing” and “New Opportunities for Development in the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”. The event was attended by public figures in the field of interethnic and inter-confessional consent, members of ethno-cultural associations, scientists, doctoral students, undergraduates and students.

KIU student Sukhrob Ashurov, who came to study from Tajikistan, presented the report “The Frontiers of Kazakh-Tajik Relations” to the attention of the participants, which was prepared in co-authorship by the Chair of the “Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan” KSU, Ph.D., Associate Professor Tatiana Semenova. Sukhrob performed in national clothes, which attracted special attention. After his report, several questions followed, including: “How are relations formed with Tajiks in Kazakhstan?”, “Are there Kazakhs in Tajikistan and what are their living conditions?”, “What state organizations and funds are created in Tajikistan for the development of Kazakh-Tajik relations? ”

Freshman KGIU Saveliy Elefteredi, under the direction of the teacher, Master of Human Sciences Dinara Zhanaberenova, prepared a report “The contribution of Greeks to the development of the city of Temirtau”, and Saulet Kuanysh, in co-authorship with the senior teacher of the KGIU Magira Soltan, a work titled “Zhastar arasyndaғy Tolerantilik  Museleci”.

As a result of the conference, a resolution was adopted, and all participants received certificates and made a general photo for memory.

Press-service of KSIU

Photos of the conference participants and the site kelisim.kz

Foreign guests: passing experience

For foreign teachers reading lectures in Karaganda state industrial University, may 4 was tour high school: they have shown laboratory 3d-engineering, Museum and laboratory engineering profile.

Professor of the University of Tokushima (Japan) Akitoshi Mochizuki at Homeland teaches geotechnic engineering or, in other words, the mechanics of soils. Now it – visiting professor of the Eurasian National University named by  L. Gumilev. In Kazakhstan professor will stay up to June 30, after which the effect of its annual the contract is over. In KSIU  Akitoshi Mochizuki was one day, during which had time to not only to walk on the high school and read unique laboratory equipment, but also to read the future builders lecture. In a guest a great experience of use centrifuges at trial of soils.

– This technique was invented in the Soviet Union as early as 1936, and today very active used and develops in Japan, Singapore and America. In countries, before entering a part of the USSR, process, Unfortunately, stopped, – says Akitoshi Mochizuki.

– Your country is growing rapidly, its rating is growing, and it is important to his increase. Scope of technical education Kazakhstan needs of modern advanced devices and laboratory equipment. I will be very happy if someone from students of KSIU finds out of my lectures more about the centrifuge and method of her work, and in the long term introduce this device in Kazakhstan. I am very interesting to pass your experience. In addition, for further fruitful cooperation plan to find in Kazakhstan scientist, the direction of the work of which coincides with my. Particular interest for visiting professor are shear deformation of soils, providing a strong impact on the behavior of buildings and structures in the complex of subsoil conditions. The problem of Japan, related to ensure the stability of slopes, – landslides. The decision of this question professor pays a great attention. In addition, it is studying carrier the ability to reason Foundation. By the way, the activities of Akitoshi Mochizuki  in many ways echoes to the direction of the work of professor of KSIU  Bauyrzhan  Bazarov, which is engaged in the theme of the construction of buildings on reworked territories (over elaborated mines Karaganda area) and created a tapered foundations of various modifications. Together with the Japanese colleague professor markets currently explores the mechanical properties of soils stabilometer compression type in the conditions of трехостного compression. With his report in front of students made on this day and head of Department of “design buildings and structures” the Eurasian National University named by L. Gumilev, professor Askar Zhusupbekov, who came in KSIU together with the Akitoshi Mochizuki. It is one of the first introduced a progressive geotechnology by device driven and bored piles in special ground conditions in the process of global the construction of high-rise buildings and structures Astana. A day visit professors it was about geotechnical construction pile of foundations high-rise buildings and structures and their testing in of complex of subsoil conditions of the capital.

– A high level of groundwater, abrupt changes in temperature, long harsh winter and rapid thawing soil spring – all this is a very much is reflected in the behavior of buildings and structures, – says Askar Zhagparovich. – I showed in his lectures unique modern methods testing. Special attention focused on the importance of engineering and Geological survey that necessarily need to spend a very high-quality and detail that there was no such sad cases, as Karaganda “Besoba.” After the lectures guests told about the history of high school, which is a alma mater the first President of Kazakhstan and this year will celebrate 55 years, as well as demonstrated a unique equipment, which has KSIU . To tours Museum University and Laboratories joined and professor Polytechnic University of Catalonia Jordi Kasademon who arrived within the framework of programs “Erasmus +” and during the week lectured in the direction “wireless network.” By the way, communication both foreign visitors with students took place in English. Only Jordi Kasademon, in contrast to the Japanese colleagues, devoted his performances methods work on the Internet.

– In the near-time more and more will be used it is wireless network – he says. – anything, it is possible to connect to the Internet and control this process, up to driving the car. Guests great interest read in the Museum with stands devoted to periods of students and work on the combine the leader of the nation N.A. Nazarbayev, as well as appreciated seen in Laboratories 3d printer, high-precision microscopes and the other equipment. In addition, on this day was and non-formal communication, during which was able to find out that, for example, Jordi Kasademon liked part in the pervomaiskaya demonstration together with its Kazakhstan colleagues, as well as may weather and besbarmak that it treated in Temirtau. In the end of the meeting Akitoshi Mochizuki estimated the level of training Kazakhstan students as a whole: – very big problem and for our country, and for your – is the language of the international communication. If we knew languages, especially English, it is, of course, the range of communication and information exchange would be a wider and deeper. But at the same time, I will say that the level of knowledge of English, which demonstrate Kazakhstan students, all the same more than that of Japanese students.

Svetlana Egorova

Photo of the author

The results of the dictation in Latin alphabet were summed up, which was held at KSIU

Participants of the training dictation in the Kazakh language using the Latin graphics, which was held for the first time in the Karaganda region, were about 300 people. The first places were eventually awarded to the student of Karaganda State Industrial University Akerke Satybaldy and the master of Temirtau Polytechnic College Sabithan Aidarbek.

“When our President made a decision to stage a gradual transition to the Latin graphics , I was already beginning to explore this script, which our ancestors Magzhan Zhumabaev, Ahmet Baitursunov and others used to do before,” says Akerke Satybaldy, a student of the group “Technology of Processing Materials with Pressure 15k-2”. – When our teacher announced that a trial dictation using Latin graphics will take place at the university, I was very glad that I could participate in such an important event. I think that such events are very necessary for our country. The transition to the Latin graphics  will affect Kazakhstan in terms of the development of international and political relations.

Akerke Satybaldy and other participants of the dictation, who coped with the task best, were awarded with diplomas and letters of thanks on May 3  on Open Doors held at the KSIU, which is held annually at the university for graduates of secondary schools.

The second place was shared between the elementary school teacher of the Kazakh school-gymnasium № 15 Shalkar Rustamova and the student of KSIU Zhandos Atabekov.

– All the letters of the Latin alphabet are familiar to me, I easily coped with the task, – says Shalkar Rustamova. – From the first days, when the law came out, at school we use Latin graphics. Our students also took part in the dictation. They learn English from the first class, and since it also uses Latin graphics, the new Kazakh alphabet is given to them easily. As a result of the dictation, our students Balaus Smagul and Magzhan Dumanov were awarded with prizes.

The third place was awarded to the teacher of school-lyceum №9 Zhanagul Karaeva and the student of the same educational school  Asem Zholdasova.

Participation in the training dictation, which was held at the initiative of the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages ​​department, with the support of the leadership of KSIU , was attended by representatives of different nationalities of different ages. Among them are students of city schools and colleges, representatives of various organizations, students and teachers of KSIU. Dictation was planned to draw attention to the new font. Shortly before the event, all the participants were given leaflets with a new Kazakh font in the Latin alphabet as a clue.

“I would like to especially note the activity of our teachers and students, as well as the youth of the city of Temirtau,” said Nursia Abdikarim, head of the department of Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages. – For the first time the participants showed very good results. The youngest, Gulnaz Zhumagul, – 10 years old, the oldest, Zhetpisbes Akhmetov, – 68. They received letters of thanks and books. Among the participants there are ten representatives of Russian-speaking groups. Well written dictation student of the group “Metallurgy-17” Olga Samokhvalova – she also received a letter of thanks.

Zhetpisbes Akhmetov works at KSIU  of  a senior lecturer of the department “History of Kazakhstan and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines”.

– When I was a student and studied at KazSU in Alma-Ata, we passed Latin. I decided to try my hand at testing my knowledge, since Latin is being introduced in our state, “said Zhetpisbes Akhmetovich. – Difficulties during the dictation for me were that I did not know how to write in the Latin alphabet certain specific letters of the Kazakh alphabet. I looked in the “cheat sheet” and so the business progressed slowly. I think this event is timely and necessary – it is psychological and practical preparation of the population of the country for the transition to the Latin graphics, which will allow us to enter the world educational space.

Olga Samokhvalova went on dictation, as she expressed herself, for the sake of personal interest.

“I was in the audience about forty minutes before the beginning and all this time I carefully studied the new alphabet,” says Olya. “It helped me write the dictation well.” Difficulties, of course, were – a little confused in the letters.

For active participation in the dictation, thanks to the letters of gratitude of the rector of the KSIU, directors of the  schools of Temirtau, lyceums and colleges were awarded, as well as the city department of education.

Press-service of KSIU

“The best scientific and innovative idea”

Karaganda State Industrial University hosted the contest “The Best Scientific and Innovative Idea”, in which students and undergraduates of KSIU, as well as pupils of school N21 and school-lyceum N 20 took part.

11 works on such directions as “Ruhani zhangyru: modernization of public consciousness”, “Metallurgy – the basis of industry” and “Digitalization and new technologies” were submitted for the competition.

The main goals and objectives of the competition:

– stimulation of creative activity of students, undergraduates, young scientists and students of educational institutions of general, secondary vocational, technical and vocational education, rendering assistance in their professional development;

– identification and implementation of promising innovative projects;

– formation of innovative orientation of research activities in the field of economy, industrial technologies, science and innovations;

– Concentration of research of young specialists and students on priority areas in the economy, industrial technologies, science and innovation;

– support of scientific and innovative ideas and initiatives to introduce the results of scientific research into production practice;

– Assistance in mastering youth skills in the commercialization of scientific and practical results of research in the field of economics, industrial technology, science and innovation.

The winners of the contest were scientific and innovative ideas, which received the largest number of votes of the members of the competitive commission. I took the place of graduate student group TME-17nm Roman Moiseyev (KSIU, head: Ph.D. Nogaev K. A.). The theme of his project is “Research and assessment of the possibility of processing waste from concentrating production on the developed technological line” in the direction “Metallurgy is the basis of industry”.

ІІ place – 11-graders of school-lyceum №20 Nikolay Evimenko and Islam Raahad (the head: the teacher of chemistry Zhapparova G.A.). The children made a presentation on the topic “Electronic textbook on organic chemistry”.

ІІІ place awarded to student group MB-15 Bauyrzhan Zhalgasov (KSIU, head: senior lecturer G.A. Shayakhmetova), ​​who prepared a report on the subject “Serpin-2017″ for the model plan. ”

Press-service of KSIU