“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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On June 10, 2019, a meeting was held with representatives of the Polish delegation at Karaganda State Industrial University. The purpose of this meeting is to achieve the most favorable conditions for mutually beneficial business cooperation in research activities.

The meeting was attended by: Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Transport Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, Academy Gurnicho-Khutnich named after  Stanislav Stashitsa in Krakow (Poland), AGH Scientific and Technical University – Krzysztof Krauze; Professor of the Department of Production Systems, Mechatronics and Modern Automation of Production, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, AGH Scientific and Technical University – Jasek Cieslik; Director of Karaganda Machine-Building Consortium LLP, foreign member of the Academy of Mining Sciences of Russia, Honorary Worker of the Coal Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Machine Builder of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor – Kezhin Bolat Mauletovich; Head of the Department of Physics of Karaganda State Technical University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor – Smirnov Yuri Mikhailovich; Director of KARTEL 2005 LLP – Kopyak Gennady Pavlovich; Director of Inkar 1 LLP – Kuandyk Baltabaevich Nurpeisov.

At the round table they discussed such tasks for cooperation as improving the quality of training and advanced training of scientific and pedagogical personnel; creation of conditions for training and retraining of personnel, ensuring the increase of innovative activity in the system of education and science, commercialization of research results; joint organization of scientific and practical conferences and seminars; joint participation and development of programs of international cooperation in the field of science and innovation technologies, integration into the world scientific, educational and information system.

A guided tour with the material and technical base of the university was held for the guests, and a meeting was held with the faculty of the university and undergraduates. Following the meeting, it is planned to work together on project works, state budget themes, master’s theses and joint publication of articles and monographs.

Press service of KSIU


11.06.2019, 15:15:05, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


On June 5, 2019, within the framework of a signed memorandum between KSIU and the Association of Developers of the Karaganda Region, a meeting with representatives of the construction cluster of the Basque Country (Spain) was held at the KSIU.

Basque Country – is the center of the metallurgical industry in Spain. The steel industry began to develop in Spain in the late 19th century. Almost all metallurgical plants are located in the northern part of the country, where deposits of coal and iron ore are successfully combined.

The meeting was attended by: Naylya Kamalovna Kairbekova, director of the Association of Property Developers of the Karaganda Region; Director of the company Eraikune – Ansoleaga Ugarte Jon; Eraikune Project Director – Iniguez Heras Oscar; Eraikune project manager – Oregi Arbide Maialen; Zabalandi Innovation Officer – Urtiaga Alberdi Markel; Kursaal company manager – Hernandez Saturio Josu; consultant of Infyde – Soimu Oxana; the head of the laboratory “Research Institute of Construction Production” KSIU – Filatov Anatoly Vasilyevich; Head of the Department “Construction” KSIU – Bazarov Baurzhan Anuarkhanovich; Alzhanov Almas Satybaldyevich, Director of the Department of Science and Innovations, KSIU; Director of the International Cooperation Department of the KSIU – Amenova Aliya Alikhanovna; Associate Professor of the Department “Construction” – Assel Nygmettollaevna Konakbayeva; Kaldanova Balzhan Oralovna, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Construction; teacher of the department “Construction” – Moon Irina Anatolyevna; Lecturer, Department of Management and Business – Beisenbina Marzhan Maratbekovna. The delegation got acquainted with the material and technical base of the university, visited the 3D-engineering laboratory, the engineering microscopy laboratory “Electron microscopy and nanotechnology”, the laboratory of the “Construction” department, where guests were shown modern scientific research methods used in the construction sector.

At the round table, they discussed the preparation of technical and engineering personnel specializing in engineering and technology, construction and business, and innovation in the priority areas of industrial development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As a result of the meeting, preliminary agreements were reached on the possibility of implementing joint projects.

Press service of KSIU

09.06.2019, 10:29:23, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


June 4th of this year Karaganda State Industrial University held a meeting with the youth of the city, dedicated to the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The meeting was attended by active youth of the city, representatives of the primary party organization of the Nur Otan party, students of the university and colleges of the city.

The meeting was attended by the deputy of the city maslikhat Bykov Vladimir Anatolyevich, a member of the Public Council Akishev Talgat Kymbatovich, the chairman of the youth wing “Zhas Otan” at the Temirtau city branch of the party “Nur Otan” Li Alexey Igorevich.

During the meeting, the participants were shown a video with a story about state symbols. From the first days of independence, one of the main tasks for the new state was the need to develop and approve State symbols. A competition was announced for the development of the coat of arms, flag, anthem, in which more than 600 people took part. A total of 1,200 applications were submitted with creative developments of the State Flag sketches. 245 image projects and 67 descriptions of the future State Emblem and 750 variants of the National Anthem were also proposed. State symbols had to meet not only aesthetic requirements, but also bear historical, political, economic symbolism. Masters such as Shaken Niyazbekov (the author of the flag), Zhandarbek Malibekov and Shota Ualihan (the author of the coat of arms), Shamshi Kaldayakov (the melody of the hymn), Zhumeken Najmedenov (the text of the hymn) managed to do this.

A special role in the process of adopting State symbols was played by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N.A. Nazarbayev. Having made separate amendments to the text of the National Anthem, which correspond to the ideals and goals of the development of the country, he entered the joint group of authors.

Since the adoption of state symbols, all the victories and achievements of Kazakhstan have been associated with them. Our compatriots 4 thousand times the Flag of Kazakhstan along the victorious paths of world competitions and olympiads, hoisted it in the most inaccessible places of the planet, raised to the highest mountain peaks and cosmic distances.

The meeting participants noted the special role and importance of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the formation and strengthening of the country’s independence.

Press service of KSIU

04.06.2019, 13:11:28, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News




Congratulations to the faculty and students of the University on the successful completion of institutional accreditation and accreditation of master’s programs!



29.05.2019, 19:32:34, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


On May 27, the final of the open League “Magnitogorsk”was held in the Palace of Culture of Temirtau. Of the 15 teams, only three reached the final: the National team of KSIU,” non-Standard ” THPC and the team from Kokshetau “Washington”. Theme of the game: “Graduation”. The theme of the final and last call teams had to beat in five competitions.

The audience and the jury expected an interesting and exciting fight. After the third competition the leader – the National team of KSIU was defined. Our guys gave their all, as they were aimed at the Cup, without which they did not want to leave KVN.

At the end of the game, the third place was taken by the team “non-Standard” THPC, and the Vice-champion was the team from Kokshetau “Washington”. The title of champion of the open League “Magnitogorsk” was won by THE KSIU team. Zhumageldinov Aydin, Hegai Sergey, Nakupova Darina, Kim Vyacheslav and Tursunov Adlet went to this title for a long time, they play in KVN for ten years, and this time the accumulated experience helped them to beat artistic and bright rivals.

Congratulations to our most fun and inventive, we wish you more creative ideas and brilliant victories!

The press service of KSIU

29.05.2019, 14:35:27, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News