“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Erzhanov Almas Satybaldievich

with the recognition of the equivalence of the degree of candidate of technical Sciences and the award of the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D070900 – metallurgy!!!
We wish you further success, new scientific achievements and discoveries!!!


13.07.2019, 21:48:42, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News

Important milestone

Crossing the line between adolescence and adulthood, many girls and boys worry. After all, for them, the day of graduation is the moment of entering into a real adult life. The most important thing that this day remained in their heart as the brightest and most exciting event of the new beginning.

On July 10, 2019 in Karaganda state industrial University, Alma mater of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev, an important event took place: the University proudly released not just its students, but qualified specialists in the field of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, energy, construction and other industries of the industrial complex of our country.

The event began with the laying of a time capsule for future graduates of 2024. The Chairman of the Committee for youth Affairs of the University, active participant of public life of the city of Temirtau and Karaganda region Caribian Madiyar and candidate master of sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan on sports dances, the owner of the personal scholarships of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the winner of the title “Best student of Kazakhstan – 2018” Podgurskaya Tatiana read the text of the appeal to future graduates, wishing them to hold high the flag of his Alma mater.

In the year of the Youth from University graduated 268 students enrolled in the state program “Mangilik El zhastary – industriyaga” – “Serpin – 2050”. More than 500 qualified specialists received diplomas of Graduation. Among the graduates are metallurgists, power engineers, economists, builders, specialists of the machine-building complex. These are the clusters that determine the economic strategy of not only the city of Temirtau, but also the entire Republic of Kazakhstan.

The official graduation ceremony was held in the Assembly hall of the University. In the foyer, guests were greeted by live music performed by the string Quartet of the Karaganda Philharmonic, to the sounds of the solemn March, graduates walked on the red carpet.

The ceremony began with a parade of graduates. First into the hall a slender column includes graduates of the faculty of energy, transport and control systems, the right to carry the pennant of the faculty gave the best graduate, prize-winner of scientific conferences, the excellent student Mrs SamatA. Faculty of energy, transport and control systems is famous for its graduates, this year it graduated 134 students. Students of the faculty study social and humanitarian, fundamental, economic, General subjects: theoretical and applied mechanics, lifting and transport machines and machine parts, electrical engineering and automated control systems, and a cycle of special disciplines in the relevant specialty.

The following invited graduates of one of the oldest faculties of the University – faculty of metallurgy and engineering, the right to make the pennant of the faculty provided by the graduate faculty, the prize-winner of scientific conferences, the student learning Serkebay Dinar. The faculty is famous for its graduates, most of them are now heads of industrial enterprises not only in Kazakhstan but also abroad. Professional skills in the specialty students receive at practical training at the enterprises of the city and the Republic. Students have the opportunity to study under the program of academic mobility in other universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad (USA, Spain, Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, etc.). Foreign specialists are invited to teach students.

Next, graduates of the faculty of Economics and construction were invited to the hall. The right to make the faculty pennant given to the best graduate, excellent student, holder of the title “Best student of Kazakhstan” Tatiana Podgurskaya. 67 students graduated from the faculty in 2019. The faculty annually produces bachelors in Economics and masters in Economics, who possess a high level of professional skill, competitive and in demand in the labor market.

A congratulatory speech by the rector of the Karaganda state industrial University Zhautikov Bakhyt akhatovich.

“Today in the history OF kgiu, the history of Temirtau significant event, the beginning of a new Chapter. The first graduation of students who 4 years ago left their native land came to an industrial city, and entered the Alma mater of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the state program “Mangilik El zhastary – industriyaga” – “Serpin – 2050”. You are the personification of the renewed Kazakhstan. Your success is the key to the flawless development of our country. Good luck!»

The first diplomas of our University received masters of technical Sciences. The rector of KSIU presented diplomas to graduates with honors.

The honorary guest of the solemn event, the General Director of the financial company, the well-known philanthropist Sadykov Zhandar thanked for the opportunity to become a part of such a bright holiday. He wished the graduates to achieve their goals and conquer even higher peaks. Then he continued the ceremony of awarding diplomas with honors to graduates of the University.

With warm words of farewell to the graduates addressed the Deputy akim of Temirtau city, Kuttybai Miras Ganibegovic, Secretary of the city maslikhat Lomakin Aleksey Miller and the Chairman of the branch of the party “Nur Otan”, JSC “Arcelor Mittal Temirtau” Alibek alpysbayev Jankovic.

“One of the most valuable memories is your student years, do not forget, because they were filled not only with study, but also with friendship, interesting events, the first discoveries,” they noted in their speech.

University students take an active part in the life of the city and region, show excellent results in various competitions. Four student years spent at the University were filled with bright events. This year many significant achievements in the life of our University: we held the first prom, the competition “Zhuldyz EC”, our KVN team, winning the national championship, at the invitation of the President of the International Union of KVN Maslyakova participated in the 30th international festival of KVN in Sochi.

Bright achievements and events from the student life of the University were demonstrated in the video “from the life of students”. In this video, graduates watched as they “grew up” in the walls of their native Alma mater.

Parents of successful and active graduates were awarded a separate honor, because the success of each person is his family. Parents overflowing with pride for their children, now certified specialists, also received awards. They were awarded letters of thanks for their contribution to the education of the future generation of independent Kazakhstan.

This is perhaps one of the most emotional events in KGIU. In the address of yesterday’s students sounded a lot of warm words and parting words from teachers and curators.

In response, on behalf of the students, the permanent Chairman of the youth Committee of the University of Caribbean Madiyar sincerely thanked the entire teaching staff for the knowledge they shared and the skills they instilled in students.

Over 56 years of its activity Karaganda state industrial University has trained more than 20 thousand qualified specialists. The staff of the University with honor performs the task set before the system of higher education – to bring Kazakhstan’s education to a qualitatively new level, allowing Kazakhstan to become one of the most advanced countries in the world.

The press service of KSIU

11.07.2019, 18:39:03, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News

Congratulations on the day of the capital!

We cordially congratulate everyone on Astana Day, the holiday of the capital of peace and harmony. This holiday has an important social and political significance and is truly national for every citizen of Kazakhstan.

Being the initiator of the idea of founding a new capital of Kazakhstan, the First President, Leader of the Nation N. A. Nazarbayev laid in the image of Nur Sultan the deepest political and spiritual meaning by founding a unique Eurasian phenomenon.

Nur Sultan is a pearl in the crown of world capitals, the embodiment of a new, dynamically developing Kazakhstan, the guarantor of friendship and unity of our multinational and multi-confessional country, a symbol of renewal and independence of the state with a unique architectural appearance.

We sincerely wish peace, prosperity, happiness and success to each family, prosperity to Kazakhstan and its capital – Nur Sultan!

06.07.2019, 01:00:12, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


Dear colleague,

we invite you on July 10 at 10.00 in the Assembly hall of the new building for the ceremony of awarding diplomas to graduates of 2019. From 9.30 o’clock in the lobby for you will play a string Quartet of the Karaganda Philharmonic.

We are waiting for you as guests of Honor!

05.07.2019, 12:55:37, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News

A solemn event dedicated to the day of the Capital was held in Karaganda regional branch of Nur Otan party

July 3, 2019 in Karaganda regional branch of the party “Nur Otan” held a solemn event dedicated to the day of the Capital.

As part of this event, the awarding of letters of thanks to the President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev for active participation in the election campaign of the party “Nur Otan”was organized. Awarded by the rector of KSIU Zhautikov B. A.

“I Express my gratitude to You for your active participation in the campaign work carried out in the framework of The presidential elections of the Republic of Kazakhstan. I see the results of the elections as a worthy continuation of the policy of the Head of state and support for a new course of development based on the principles of continuity, justice and progress. I believe that we will fulfill the ambitious tasks set before us with honor! I wish you good health, success and good luck!”– said in the text of the letter of thanks of the Head of state.

The staff of our University showed high consciousness and responsibility for the future of the country, taking an active part in the elections of the President of Kazakhstan.

The past presidential elections have demonstrated the strength and unique ability of our people to maintain unity, stability and peace. Kazakhstan has demonstrated to the international community a unique experience in the transfer of presidential power.

The press service of KSIU

03.07.2019, 18:27:03, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News