“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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For young teachers organized courses ” School of pedagogical skills”

In the period from February 25 to June 20, 2019 on the basis of Karaganda state industrial University were held courses “School of pedagogical skills”, the main purpose of which was the development of professional competence of young teachers.

​At the end of the School, young teachers got acquainted with the information about the content of normative documents on the organization of educational process, planning and conducting open classes, professional ethics of teachers, competitions and projects for young scientists, the procedure for registration of applications for patents, grant funding, implementation of educational programs of master’s and doctoral PhD, etc.

​June 28, when summarizing the work, the participants of the School noted the depth of thought, originality and professionalism of each experienced teacher who conducted classes.

​Students noted that classes at the School help to develop initiative, the ability to think creatively and find innovative solutions in teaching.


02.07.2019, 13:50:11, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News

KSIU held a meeting of the Council for science, innovation and new technologies chaired by akim of Karaganda region Yerlan Koshanov

On June 28, Karaganda state industrial University held a meeting of the Council for science, innovation and new technologies under the chairmanship of akim of Karaganda region Erlan Koshanov. The meeting was attended by members of the Council, heads of state bodies, development institutions, Universities, research institutes, colleges and industrial enterprises.

The Council for science, innovation and new technologies has been functioning for 1.5 years. During this period, a lot of work has been done, the link between science and industry has been restored.

The meeting discussed the growing need for qualified specialists who must be ready for the conditions of the modern market. It is planned to work together colleges and enterprises in the region to form a list of current specialties and training of qualified specialists in the framework of the program “industry 4.0”. Akim of the region Yerlan Koshanov noted:

“In the current conditions, training should focus on the creation of competitive professional staff.»

According to the head of the region Yerlan Koshanov, the Department of education of the Karaganda region conducts very important work with colleges, also offered to cooperate with universities.

Rector of Karaganda state industrial University Zhautikov Bakhyt akhatovich made a report about the situation at our University, noting that today in the economy there is a shortage of professionals with it skills.

The combination of educational and scientific processes for the preparation of a new formation gives the opening of competence centers and a business incubator. At the University to improve the digital skills of the students are: only in the regional center Network Academy “CISCO”; information and communication centre SOTSBI (network communications model for open systems interconnection, information security, hardware-software complex of STSBI-ngn for the study of information and communication protocols); laboratory – 3D engineering on the basis of which created the centers of excellence, with the issuance of the certificates, including the United States. Also during the year, organized and conducted meetings of graduates with employers, practices are held at the enterprises of the region, such as JSC “ArcelorMittal Temirtau”, LLP “promtrans” the company “BI-Group” (Astana), LLP “Corporation Casinogames” and many others.

At the Council meeting, presentations were also made by the Deputy akim of Karaganda region Aydarov, A. A., Director of informationintensive of “Kazakhmys” Corporation Grevtsev, A. Yu., head of automation of the production of JSC “Zhairemsky GOK” of Auzhanov A. T., Deputy Predsedatelya of the Board, Ibragimov Z. F., head of Department of education of Karaganda region imangaliyev E. N., Vice-President of the Nazarbayev University Cayin E. S., rector of the University of Ibatov M. K. and rector of the University them. Buketov Idrisov A. T.

Following the meeting, akim of the region Yerlan Koshanov instructed the Department of education, the Department of coordination of employment and social programs, the Department of industry and Universities:

  • to form the need for personnel in specific specialties of digitalization;
  • to consider the possibility of reviewing educational programs taking into account the introduction of digital technologies;
  • build further joint work on training.

The press service of KSIU

28.06.2019, 17:50:36, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News

Announcement of the competition for grant funding for young scientists on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2020-2022

[Section or its translation in the development phase. Try the other language versions: Русский, Қазақша]

27.06.2019, 11:56:38, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News

Unified national testing in KSIU

On a hot day in June, graduates of secondary schools in Temirtau came to take one of the most important exams in life – a Single national test. For participation in UNT filed all 518 applications, of which 496 participated in Kazakh – 202, Russian – 294.

June 26 on the square in front of Karaganda state industrial University from 7:00 hours gathered hundreds of 11-graders, as well as their families, teachers and Directors of educational institutions. Welcome speech was given to the rector of KSIU Zhautikov Bakhyt the Akhatovich:

“Today you are taking the first step on the path of adult life within the walls of Karaganda state industrial University. I wish you to successfully pass this crucial moment.”

To pass the unified national testing, 6 classrooms were involved, where video cameras were installed. Relatives and friends of graduates had the opportunity to observe the progress of the UNT through the monitors installed in the conference hall of the new building of KSIU. For those who could not attend in person thanks to a special service developed, could watch the online broadcast on the website of KGIU.

Almost four hours of waiting are over. And here come the first graduates with different emotions, some have a smile on their face, others, seeing relatives, can not hold back tears, and others are confident in their success.

The press service of KSIU

26.06.2019, 17:31:13, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News


On June 20, 2019, the 7th meeting of the working commission to coordinate the activities of the Scientific and Educational Consortium of Higher Educational Institutions and the Research Institute of Belarus and Kazakhstan was held at Nazarbayev University.

The event was attended by more than 46 rectors of universities of the two states, including the rector of Karaganda State Industrial University Zhautikov Bakhyt Akhatovich.

The solemn event was greeted by the Vice-Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bibigul Asylova, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Kazakhstan Anatoly Nichkasov, the President of Nazarbayev University Shigeo Katsu, the Rector of the Belarusian National Technical University Sergey Kharitonchik.

A scientific and educational consortium between universities and research institutes of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan was established in 2011 at the initiative of the heads of two states – Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev and Alexander G. Lukashenko, led to the implementation of programs of cluster innovative development.

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Kazakhstan Anatoly Nichkasov acquainted the meeting participants with the activities of the Consortium as a whole, noting the history of its creation. The importance of the Consortium in strengthening business, friendly relations was especially emphasized.

During the meeting, the Karaganda State Industrial University was admitted to the scientific and educational consortium of higher educational institutions and the scientific research institutes of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The meeting participants approved a joint Action Plan of the scientific and educational consortium for 2019-2020.

The goal of the Scientific and Educational Consortium between universities and research institutes of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan is to create a scientific and technological, educational and innovative infrastructure in Kazakhstan and Belarus and to bring applied science to production and business, while establishing the following areas of common interest for cooperation:

  •  Development and implementation of high-tech projects,
  • Training of scientific and engineering personnel for high-tech and innovative activities,
  • Fostering young leaders who create their own and joint innovations and companies that are focused on strengthening bilateral business, increasing each other’s competitiveness in domestic and world markets.

The consortium includes 23 Kazakh and 21 Belarusian universities, research centers and joint-stock companies.

As part of this consortium, Karaganda State Industrial University signed an agreement with universities of the Republic of Belarus on international cooperation, academic mobility, research activities and educational work in particular the development of international CSM.

Press service of KSIU


20.06.2019, 15:57:51, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News