“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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New textbooks in Kazakh

The library of the Karaganda State Industrial University on May 17 received 1485 copies of books translated into Kazakh under the program “New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language “.

The books were published by the public foundation “Ulttyk audarma burosy” on the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Translation into the Kazakh language of world works is historically significant for the country. The textbooks have been translated and published as part of the program to modernize public consciousness. The project “100 new textbooks” has a special role in educating the younger generation.

“Young people should receive knowledge corresponding to higher scientific standards,” President Nazarbaev noted at the presentation of the textbooks that took place in April this year in Astana. – Scientific knowledge is the main condition for the competitiveness of the modern nation. New textbooks are a real encyclopedia of knowledge. Now it is important not only the method of education, but also its content. In this regard, the program “Ruhani zhangyru” provides an opportunity to implement a five-year national education. In world practice, there are few examples of the implementation of such a comprehensive program. New textbooks are an exclusive humanitarian library. It will be available to all people in three formats: in the form of ordinary paper books, in electronic online versions and in the format of a video library of open lectures from the best lecturers. Our young people living abroad will also have access to it at a time when the books will be published in Latin.

Among the books translated into the Kazakh language are the best intellectual products of the USA, Russia, France, Switzerland and Great Britain. Translation was carried out from the original language.

With a list of already translated books, as well as textbooks in the process of translation, you can find here: https://100kitap.kz/ru/books.

Press-service of KSIU

Single information hour

On May 16 the Karaganda Industrial University hosted a single information hour on the topic “Twenty years of the establishment of public service bodies”.

Director of the department for educational work and youth policy KIU M. Salpenova and teacher of the department “HK and SGD” M. Soltan brought to the attention of the audience the basic information on the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025, the National Plan “100 specific steps” and general of the country’s general policy aimed at preventing corruption.

The candidate of historical sciences, professor T. Baygabatov disclosed to students the main provisions of the legislation on combating corruption and public service, as well as the main stages of their formation and development.

Students expressed their opinions on the effectiveness of measures taken to combat corruption, noted the importance of measures taken to prevent corruption, voiced proposals to improve ongoing activities aimed at the prevention of corruption crimes in society.

Press-service of KIU


Publication in the newspaper “Industrial Karaganda” on May 12, 2018

POSITION about city competition of multimedia works “History of my city”

[Section or its translation in the development phase. Try the other language versions: Русский, Қазақша]

Student of KSIU will represent Temirtau at the regional contest “Abay Okulary”

The city contest “Abay Okulary” was held on May 14 in the Central Library of Temirtau. Participation in it took students KSIU. In the first stage the contestants read by heart the verses of Magzhan Zhumabayev, in the second – the prose works of Kazakhstan classics.

A student of the group “AandM-17k” Perizat Kurbanbay took the third place. The third year student Beibut Tulkibaev (TMO-15k) became the first and will now defend the honor of the city of Temirtau on May 18 at the regional contest “Abay Okulary”, organized by the Office for Development of Languages ​​of the Karaganda region. This competition is held in order to support talented youth aged 17-29, to expand the sphere of the state language and enhance the language culture.

The deputy dean of the FET and the JC, Jania Kapasheva, who prepared the students of the KSIU, was awarded with a letter of thanks from the organizers of the contest.

Press-service of KSIU