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Intellectual game

[Дата публикации: 09.04.2018, 15:21:42, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


In Astana on April 4-6, the traditional republican chess tournament among students for the Dinara Saduakasova Cup took place. The prize fund was 1 500 000 tenge. For the first time the team of Karaganda State Industrial University took part in competitions.

Dinara Saduakasova – multiple world chess champion, international grandmaster among women, international master among men, multiple and absolute champion of Kazakhstan, Goodwill Ambassador of the UN Children’s Fund Unicef. The tournament for the Dinara Saduakasova Cup was founded in 2013 on the initiative of the student community of the Eurasian National University named by Gumilev. These competitions are held within the walls of this institution annually for full time students of higher and secondary special educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The tournament was attended by 33 teams from all regions of the country. Each team consisted of two men and one girl under 26 years of age. From KSIU took part in the competitions Vasily Kim (group VTPO-14), Sultan Turan (gr. EE-17k) and Aygerim Makhmetova (group S-15k).

The tournament consisted of nine rounds. On each of the three days the teams met each other in three games of 15 minutes each. Competitions were held on the Swiss system, which allowed, if necessary, to score the missing points.

– The competitions were interesting. Between the parties there were big breaks, during which we could sort out our mistakes, talk, play with other participants, which we did, – said Vasily Kim. – Opponents we come across different, but in general there was no team that would be head and shoulders above all. In every game there were chances and there was a fight.

KSIU team took the 21st place. The organizers noted the good level of training of our children and their uniform form with the logo and the name of the university. At the end of the tournament all participants were awarded certificates and memorable gifts.

Press-service of KSIU

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