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Students of KIU – against corruption

[Дата публикации: 06.04.2018, 17:02:58, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


On April 6, 100 students from the Karaganda Industrial University took part in the anti-corruption marathon “Adal zhol – Honest Road”, organized by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service, with the support of the Akimat of Temirtau. The main objectives of the action, which will be held in all cities and regions of Kazakhstan, are the prevention of corruption, the formation of the level of anti-corruption culture, the principle of “zero tolerance” for all forms of offenses, the involvement of people of Temirtau in the fight against corruption, and the display of an active civic position.

The torch passed to our city Karaganda. A meeting was held in front of the Akimat of Temirtau, attended by a city akim G. Ashimov, the head of the Department for Civil Service Affairs in the Karaganda Region J. Sarsenov, civil servants, deputies of the city maslikhat and students. During the rally, KIU representatives blew balloons, which represented a swindle, bribery and venality of officials. Thus, the young men and women called upon all the young people of the city of Temirtau to join the republican action and stand in line with fighters against corruption.

Then the students of KIU  held the action “Clean Hands” in the akimat building, giving pieces of soap to the heads of state institutions as a symbol of fighting corruption. In addition, the young people attached to the doors of the offices of akim Temirtau, the secretary of the city maslikhat and the leaders of all government agencies signs with the slogan “I do not take bribes, I do not give!” And a telephone hotline. Thus, an active and irreconcilable civil position was expressed in relation to corruption manifestations. Here it should be recalled that the students of KIU repeatedly became winners of city and regional competitions aimed at counteracting corruption.

The marathon continued its auto race around the city. Cars and buses passed through Temirtau with state flags, flags with the inscriptions “Adal Jol”, stretches with slogans concerning anti-corruption.

The marathon will last until April 20. Contests, actions, quest, flash mobs, meetings will be held within its framework, the main purpose of which is the formation of an anti-corruption culture among the population. The marathon will end with a forum.

Press-service of KIU



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