“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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Патриотичную песню о родной земле «Қуатты Қазақстаным» написали В Карагандинском индустриальном университете.

15.11.2022, 12:15:03, Sergey Plotnikov, goto → Categories: News

2022 жылдың 11 қарашасында Қарағанды индустриалды университетінде «қазақ, орыс және шет тілдері»…

On the 11th of November , 2022, the event «RETRO KARAOKE» was held at Karaganda Industrial University with the participation of the teaching staff of the department of Kazakh, Russian and Foreign Languages as part of the methodological week of the faculty of Economics and Construction. The 1st and 2nd year students took part in [...]
11.11.2022, 19:42:03, Sergey Plotnikov, goto → Categories: News

В НАО «КарИУ» завершился внутривузовский этап Конкурса на присвоение звания «Лучший преподаватель вуза – 2022 года»

11.11.2022, 17:45:15, Ольга Пак, goto → Categories: News

On November 09, 2022, as part of the methodological week, the teacher of the department “Construction” Kasenova…

On November 09, 2022, as part of the methodological week, the teacher of the department “Construction” Kasenova A.N. an open lesson was held in the discipline “Architecture of civil buildings” on the topic “ Жаңа құрылымдарды құрылыста қолдану ” with the participation of the group дПГС-21k. The purpose of the open lesson was to familiarize [...]
10.11.2022, 14:58:09, Sergey Plotnikov, goto → Categories: News

In order to improve the methodological training and…

In order to improve the methodological training and pedagogical skills of the teaching staff at the Faculty of Energy, Transport and Management Systems, a Methodological week is held from November 14 to 17. https://old.tttu.edu.kz/education/edmework/ Seminars, round tables, workshops, mini-conferences, business games/business games, curatorial hours and open classes are planned during the week. We invite everyone [...]
09.11.2022, 19:15:37, Sergey Plotnikov, goto → Categories: News