“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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2022-11-16 16:51:17

16.11.2022, 16:51:17, Sergey Plotnikov, goto → Categories: News

On November 29, 2022, the Republican Scientific and Methodological Conference «Innovative approaches in Education» will be held at Karaganda Industrial University.

The conference is held in order to create a space for an open dialogue between representatives of the educational environment, exchange of best practices in education. The conference participants will discuss issues related to the introduction of new approaches to the academic processes related to the methods of innovative education, new developments and achievements in [...]
15.11.2022, 17:02:33, Sergey Plotnikov, goto → Categories: News

Methodology of algorithmization of applied problems using an object-oriented programming language С++

On November 15, 2022, on the platform of the Karaganda industrial university for student groups « Materials science and technology of new materials» – 20k, «Metal processing by pressure»-20k, « Мetallurgy of non-ferrous metals»-20k, the teacher of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Technologies, N.E. Popova, held a master class on the topic «Methodology of algorithmization [...]
15.11.2022, 16:36:35, Sergey Plotnikov, goto → Categories: News

2022 жылдың 11 қарашасында Қарағанды индустриалды университетінде …

On the 11th of November , 2022, the event «RETRO KARAOKE» was held at Karaganda Industrial University with the participation of the teaching staff of the department of Kazakh, Russian and Foreign Languages as part of the methodological week of the faculty of Economics and Construction. The 1st and 2nd year students took part in [...]
15.11.2022, 12:54:43, Sergey Plotnikov, goto → Categories: News

Report on the master class

in the disciplines of the natural-mathematical direction “Mathematics, physics and theoretical mechanics” Date: 10.11.2022 year. aud 1-313 time 13:00 h. Organizers of the event: Associate Professor L.I. Kukalo, associate Professor B.T. Tanaguzov, senior lecturer G.M. Kholodova, senior lecturer G.A. Shayakhmetova, senior lecturer A.R. Karipbaeva. Participants of the event: students of 1-2 courses of all educational [...]
15.11.2022, 12:18:22, Sergey Plotnikov, goto → Categories: News