“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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About the Department

The cathedra “Natural Sciences Disciplines” provides fundamental physical and mathematical training for students of all specialties of the university.

Teaching lessons for students are conducted by highly qualified teachers with extensive experience in scientific and methodological work: the head of cathedra Khuanbai Yessenboldy, Ph.D. Associate Professor Kukalo LI, Ph.D., Associate Professor Tanaguzov BT, Ph.D., senior lecturers: Karipbaeva AR, Kholodova GM, Shayakhmetova GA Urken GA, Soy EG.

All teachers are penetrated the courses of elevation in the leading universities of Republic of Kazakhstan and all the time work for perfecting their pedagogical skills. The cathedra supports the scientific connections with the universities of TSU(Tomsk, Russia), University of Massachusetts Boston (USA) and e.t.

The cathedra disposes 4 training laboratories, 2 specialized audiences, 5 rooms and have the biggest amount of hours on laboratory practices in the university.

The cathedra has a research laboratory for studying the physical properties of superconducting thin YBaCuO films according to the state program of fundamental research “Solid State Physics, Condensed Matter; new materials and devices. ”

Academic work on courses in physics, mathematics and mechanics includes conducting lecture, practical, SRSP and laboratory exercises using modern instruments.

Methodical work at the department is aimed at improving the teaching of all read disciplines based on the use of modern teaching methods, the use of computer technology, the implementation of the professional orientation of the teaching material.

Teachers of the cathedra actively work on the introduction of new technologies and training systems with the use of test control of students’ knowledge, the structuring of intersubject communications, the study of the role of an integral system of methods in the formation of effective strategies for pedagogical activity.

The cathedra has all the premises for the introduction and use in the educational process of new innovative teaching technologies.