“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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“The best scientific and innovative idea”

Karaganda State Industrial University hosted the contest “The Best Scientific and Innovative Idea”, in which students and undergraduates of KSIU, as well as pupils of school N21 and school-lyceum N 20 took part.

11 works on such directions as “Ruhani zhangyru: modernization of public consciousness”, “Metallurgy – the basis of industry” and “Digitalization and new technologies” were submitted for the competition.

The main goals and objectives of the competition:

– stimulation of creative activity of students, undergraduates, young scientists and students of educational institutions of general, secondary vocational, technical and vocational education, rendering assistance in their professional development;

– identification and implementation of promising innovative projects;

– formation of innovative orientation of research activities in the field of economy, industrial technologies, science and innovations;

– Concentration of research of young specialists and students on priority areas in the economy, industrial technologies, science and innovation;

– support of scientific and innovative ideas and initiatives to introduce the results of scientific research into production practice;

– Assistance in mastering youth skills in the commercialization of scientific and practical results of research in the field of economics, industrial technology, science and innovation.

The winners of the contest were scientific and innovative ideas, which received the largest number of votes of the members of the competitive commission. I took the place of graduate student group TME-17nm Roman Moiseyev (KSIU, head: Ph.D. Nogaev K. A.). The theme of his project is “Research and assessment of the possibility of processing waste from concentrating production on the developed technological line” in the direction “Metallurgy is the basis of industry”.

ІІ place – 11-graders of school-lyceum №20 Nikolay Evimenko and Islam Raahad (the head: the teacher of chemistry Zhapparova G.A.). The children made a presentation on the topic “Electronic textbook on organic chemistry”.

ІІІ place awarded to student group MB-15 Bauyrzhan Zhalgasov (KSIU, head: senior lecturer G.A. Shayakhmetova), ​​who prepared a report on the subject “Serpin-2017″ for the model plan. ”

Press-service of KSIU

Professor of Catalonia reads lectures

During the week in KSIU professor of Polytechnic University of Catalonia Jordi Kasademon reads leactures.

Professor  Kasademon arrived in the University of program “Erasmus +” April 29. He lectures in the direction “wireless network” – in Spain this is called telecommunication engineering.

– The majority of students your University interested in learning at this course, understand its importance and try to insight into the essence of the process, – says professor. – What regard to the level of knowledge of English, then I his long as it is difficult to estimate. But I spoke between sessions with several students, they showed oneself in this plan well enough.

 Press office of KSIU


The day of the unity of the people of Kazakhstan

Leaders, staff and students of Karaganda state industrial University took part in procession dedicated to the day of the unity of the people of Kazakhstan. In bright executed column were professor, heads of chairs, teachers, movers study and activists.

May 1, columns consisting of representatives of different guests to Temirtau, formed with both sides – in the area of business Center “Express” and hotels “Steel”, then moved towards each other and stopped in front of the Park  “East.” There was a solemn rally on which were made Akim of Temirtau,  G. Ashimov, executive director JSC “ArcelorMittal temirtau” V. Basin, member of the city maslikhat F. Kurbanov. All of them are noted the importance of the conservation of international agreement and friendship between the peoples, wanted to the world of good and happiness each family of Temirtau . Festive program continued in the Park where on this day worked a few concert sites.

Press office of KSIU

Attention graduates general schools and their parents!

May 3 at 3 p.m. in the assembly hall

of the new building

Karaganda State Industrial University

Open Day will be held.

We invite all comers!

Publication in the journal “Higher School of Kazakhstan”, No 1/2018 (21)