“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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The people of Temirtau met the Victory Day

“Immortal Regiment” passed along the main avenue Temirtau on May 9. Several thousand townspeople with portraits of their relatives approaching the victory at the front and rear moved shoulder to shoulder in the column towards the monument to the Unknown Soldier. The leadership, teachers and students of the Karaganda State Industrial University also took part in the march of the “Immortal Regiment” carrying flags of all fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

During the Great Patriotic War, 230 people left the village of Samarkand for the front. Only 84 of them returned. Now in Temirtau there are only 23 participants of those battles and about 3,000 back workers.

From the solemn procession of the military with the flag of the country and the banner of Victory, a rally dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Victory began. On the perimeter of Gagarin Square, students of KSIU in white T-shirts lined with state flags and flags of the fronts of the Great Patriotic War lined up.

Congratulations were received from the Akim Temirtau G. Ashimov and the military commissar of the city S. Kabulov. Dance groups of the city congratulated veterans with an unusual flash mob.

On the territory behind the monument an original installation was created, symbolizing a soldier’s halt with dugouts, a nurse’s tent, a field kitchen. On this day, you could treat yourself to soldiers’ porridge and learn how to fold front-line letters-triangles.

The meeting ended with the traditional laying of flowers to the Eternal Flame.

Press-service of KSIU


This day they brought it as close as they could!

On the eve of May 9, all organizations honor veterans of the Great Patriotic War who made a huge contribution to the approach of Victory. We are indebted to those who fought on the fronts, who worked in the rear, who raised a huge country in the postwar years. A lot of troubles and difficulties fell on their lot, but these people stood firm, showing an iron character and mighty willpower. On the eve of the great holiday the rector of Karaganda State Industrial University Bakhyt Akhatovich Zhautikov visited the veteran of the Second World War Nikolai Semenovich Kurilenko.

91-year-old Nikolai Semenovich Kurilenko went through the whole war. The activist of the city’s veteran organization is often compared to the hero of the work of Tvardovsky – Vasily Terkin. Tight, cheerful, active, always optimistic and full of energy, Nikolai Semyonovich with an expression often recites his favorite poem for memory. He says that it was the book about Terkin, as well as a good sense of humor and the ability to joke in a kind way that did not give him a chasm in the years of military hard times.

Nikolai Semenovich served in the 36th Guards Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment, which was drafted in 1944. The Victory Day was met in Poland. For the courage and bravery shown in the battles, he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, Zhukov medals, “For courage”, “For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945”, jubilee medals.

The wife of Nikolai Semenovich, Maria Fedorovna, is a toiler of the rear. Together they brought up five children who gave their parents 10 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. Family of Kurilenko came to Kazakhstan from the Bryansk region to build the Kazakhstan Magnitogorsk in 1958 with two children, and already here, in Temirtau, they had three more children. In the town of metallurgists, Nikolai Semyonovich graduated from the construction technical college, worked as a senior master, and then as the head of the water supply and ventilation department of the trust “Kazmetallurgstroy”

Despite his considerable age, veteran Kurilenko is still in the ranks – he is a lover of travel, fishing, cycling, swimming and working at the dacha. With the wife together they are already 66 years. Last year, the couple of Kurilenko was named the best family in Kazakhstan, becoming the winner of the national contest “Mereili Otbasy”. This award is natural, because the family of Kurylenko is friendly, exemplary, creative and unique.

B. A. Zhautikov handed Nikolai Semenovich and Maria Fedorovna gifts from the staff of the university and wished them long life. Rector of KSIU noted that it is thanks to veterans that the people of Kazakhstan have lived for many decades under a peaceful sky.

Press-service of KSIU

The results of the dictation in Latin alphabet were summed up, which was held at KSIU

Participants of the training dictation in the Kazakh language using the Latin graphics, which was held for the first time in the Karaganda region, were about 300 people. The first places were eventually awarded to the student of Karaganda State Industrial University Akerke Satybaldy and the master of Temirtau Polytechnic College Sabithan Aidarbek.

“When our President made a decision to stage a gradual transition to the Latin graphics , I was already beginning to explore this script, which our ancestors Magzhan Zhumabaev, Ahmet Baitursunov and others used to do before,” says Akerke Satybaldy, a student of the group “Technology of Processing Materials with Pressure 15k-2”. – When our teacher announced that a trial dictation using Latin graphics will take place at the university, I was very glad that I could participate in such an important event. I think that such events are very necessary for our country. The transition to the Latin graphics  will affect Kazakhstan in terms of the development of international and political relations.

Akerke Satybaldy and other participants of the dictation, who coped with the task best, were awarded with diplomas and letters of thanks on May 3  on Open Doors held at the KSIU, which is held annually at the university for graduates of secondary schools.

The second place was shared between the elementary school teacher of the Kazakh school-gymnasium № 15 Shalkar Rustamova and the student of KSIU Zhandos Atabekov.

– All the letters of the Latin alphabet are familiar to me, I easily coped with the task, – says Shalkar Rustamova. – From the first days, when the law came out, at school we use Latin graphics. Our students also took part in the dictation. They learn English from the first class, and since it also uses Latin graphics, the new Kazakh alphabet is given to them easily. As a result of the dictation, our students Balaus Smagul and Magzhan Dumanov were awarded with prizes.

The third place was awarded to the teacher of school-lyceum №9 Zhanagul Karaeva and the student of the same educational school  Asem Zholdasova.

Participation in the training dictation, which was held at the initiative of the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages ​​department, with the support of the leadership of KSIU , was attended by representatives of different nationalities of different ages. Among them are students of city schools and colleges, representatives of various organizations, students and teachers of KSIU. Dictation was planned to draw attention to the new font. Shortly before the event, all the participants were given leaflets with a new Kazakh font in the Latin alphabet as a clue.

“I would like to especially note the activity of our teachers and students, as well as the youth of the city of Temirtau,” said Nursia Abdikarim, head of the department of Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages. – For the first time the participants showed very good results. The youngest, Gulnaz Zhumagul, – 10 years old, the oldest, Zhetpisbes Akhmetov, – 68. They received letters of thanks and books. Among the participants there are ten representatives of Russian-speaking groups. Well written dictation student of the group “Metallurgy-17” Olga Samokhvalova – she also received a letter of thanks.

Zhetpisbes Akhmetov works at KSIU  of  a senior lecturer of the department “History of Kazakhstan and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines”.

– When I was a student and studied at KazSU in Alma-Ata, we passed Latin. I decided to try my hand at testing my knowledge, since Latin is being introduced in our state, “said Zhetpisbes Akhmetovich. – Difficulties during the dictation for me were that I did not know how to write in the Latin alphabet certain specific letters of the Kazakh alphabet. I looked in the “cheat sheet” and so the business progressed slowly. I think this event is timely and necessary – it is psychological and practical preparation of the population of the country for the transition to the Latin graphics, which will allow us to enter the world educational space.

Olga Samokhvalova went on dictation, as she expressed herself, for the sake of personal interest.

“I was in the audience about forty minutes before the beginning and all this time I carefully studied the new alphabet,” says Olya. “It helped me write the dictation well.” Difficulties, of course, were – a little confused in the letters.

For active participation in the dictation, thanks to the letters of gratitude of the rector of the KSIU, directors of the  schools of Temirtau, lyceums and colleges were awarded, as well as the city department of education.

Press-service of KSIU

I congratulate you on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland and Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War!

We have what to preserve and protect is peace in our state, stability, prosperity and unshakable traditions. Our common duty is to do everything to ensure that the history of our victories remains the main example in the education of a sense of patriotism, strong friendship of the peoples among today’s youth and all subsequent generations. Thanks to our heroes, their courage, valor, honor and courage, over our heads – the peaceful sky. I express my deep respect to all those who defended the huge country during the Great Patriotic War and who defend its borders today.

I wish you health, success, happiness, love and understanding in the family! Peace and prosperity to our common home – the Republic of Kazakhstan!

Rector of KSIU, Doctor of Technical Sciences,

professor Zhautikov Bakhyt Akhatovich

Come to us to learn!

Open Day “Entrant-2018” for the graduates of the Temirtau  schools was held May 3 at KSIU. Such events have been traditionally held for many years in the university for those in whose hands the future of our country lies.

Graduates of schools solve today uneasy questions: where to go to study, what specialty on the labor market to choose? Young people are especially concerned about the question: what kind of educational institution should you enroll? Everyone wants the university not only to provide high quality of knowledge, but also that its diploma should be recognized in all countries of the world. Today such education is offered by Karaganda State Industrial University – Alma Mater of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

KSIU is one of the leading technical universities in our country. For 55 years of its activity, it has produced over 23 thousand highly qualified specialists. Graduates of KSIU are known not only in Kazakhstan, but also far beyond its borders. The university provides modern and competitive knowledge. In addition, the student life here is interesting and rich.

On May 3, in the foyer of the main building, the graduates were able to get acquainted with the activities of each chair of KSIU , and in the assembly hall of the guests a specially prepared program with concert numbers waited. The audience was offered a film about the university, after which the vice-rector for the academic work of the Karaganda State Industrial University G.A. Sivyakova delivered a welcoming speech. At the end of her speech, she rewarded the winners and active participants in the dictation in Latin script, which was recently held at KSIU.

But not only official performances and creative numbers were offered on this day to the participants of the event. Graduates were invited to take part in a small quiz for knowledge of the history and facts about KSIU – all the necessary information was concentrated in the film about the university, in performances on the stage, as well as in the KSIU brochures that were distributed at the entrance. And it became clear who was more attentive. Among the questions: “The name of our most famous graduate?”, “How many specialties are there in KSIU?”, “The address of the university and the phones of the admissions committee?”, “From what day does the reception of documents begin?” And others. All correctly answered questions received small presents.

In the hall on this day there were those who have already firmly decided to enter the KSIU. Several people were invited to the stage, told about why they made such a choice and received small memorable gifts.

Students KSIU live a rich and vibrant life. At the university, such competitions, festivals and holidays as “Dedication to students”, “Tsveti, my Kazakhstan!”, “Two stars”, “Miss and Mr. KSIU” and many others became traditional. On the stage were invited excellent students, leaders of the Committee on Youth, active participants in the socio-political, cultural and sporting life of the KSIU, the region and the republic. M. Karibzhan, T. Silaeva, N. Sarsenov, V. Bazarbekova, A. Ziyadova and S. Amanbaev told about their participation in the life of their home university and their successes, which they are proud of.

In the final of this warm meeting, the graduates received the words of welcome and the wishes for the successful delivery of the UNT. They are already waiting in a friendly family KSIU!

Press-service of KSIU