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Origins of the great metal of Central Kazakhstan

On October 1, 2019, students and faculty of KIU took an active part in the regional scientific and practical conference “The Origins of the big metal”, within the framework of the state program “rukhani zhangyru”, organized by the Temirtau city Museum of local history.

Two Republican scientific and practical conferences concerning the history of metallurgy of Central Kazakhstan were held on the basis of the historical Museum of Temirtau in 2017-2018. In 2019, within the framework of the project, the regional akimat initiated a research expedition to the ancient settlement of metallurgists Alat in Karkaraly district. The purpose of the expedition was a set of experimental research activities to collect and promote the history of the formation of metallurgy in Central Kazakhstan.

During the expedition, the metallurgical furnaces of the bronze age and the early iron age were reconstructed on the mother plateau, where the workshops of ancient metallurgists were located more than 3000 thousand years ago. For the first time in the history of Kazakhstan experimental archaeology, a unique melting of bronze and iron was carried out simultaneously, taking into account the production technologies of that time.

The result of three years of research activities with documentary, archival materials, the results of experimental expedition work was a new exhibition area “Settlement of ancient metallurgists”, located on the square in front of the Museum. It is a production metallurgical site of the early iron age with a furnace for melting metal, a hearth for firing charcoal and a residential shed.

Behind the iron bars is a historical reconstruction of the “Settlement of metallurgists of the early iron age”. Where there is a small shed, as well as a model of an ancient metallurgical furnace.

The speakers of the conference were: Egimbaev Erkebulan of Molokovich – head GU “Management of culture, archives and documentation of the Karaganda region”; the Leader of Tulkibas Saktaganova – head KGU “the Center for the preservation of historical and cultural heritage”; Skorikova Natalia – head of the SOE “Temirtau city Museum”; Zhumbaev Syndic Abaevich – Ph. D., Professor, Department of archeology, Ethnology and national history the University them. Buketov; Kazanbaev Sapin Zakirovna – head of SOE “Museum of history of mountain and melting business in settlement Zhezdy them. M. Toregeldinov»; Amanzholov zhuman Kalykovich-Ph. D., associate Professor of the Department “metal processing by pressure” KIU; Treshcheva Svetlana Petrovna-senior researcher of the KSCP “Temirtau city Museum of local history”; Khmeleva Tatiana Vladimirovna-senior researcher of the KSCP “Temirtau city Museum of local history”; Zhanabergenova Dinara kenesovna-head of the Department “History of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian disciplines” KIU.

Dinara kenesovna in his speech spoke about the relevance of the presented methodical literature for the study of history of metallurgy in the curriculum: “writing the book “the Origins of the big metal Central Kazakhstan” was conducted research, sent scientific-practical expedition led by Professor KIU Amanzholova J. C., Professor of the University them. Buketova Zhauymbaevym S. U., scientific staff of the Museum, a group of professional artists and operators in karkaralinsky district in Kent to create a complete picture of the life and activities of people who lived in this area in the II-I thousand BC. in particular, the book begins with a quote from the article “Seven faces of the great steppe”, thereby focusing on the popularization of Kazakh culture and history.

Amanzholov zhuman Kalykovich-candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department “metal processing by pressure” KGIU, member of the expedition “the Origins of the big metal” noted: “the Analogy of such a furnace was found for the first time in Kazakhstan and throughout Central Asia, where iron was produced.” Zhuman Kalykovich has been studying the history of copper smelting on the territory of Central Kazakhstan for several years, repeatedly taking part in archaeological research on the excavation of ancient metallurgy sites.

The result of the project was a set of useful methodological products. Among them is a film about the melting of metal and the expedition itself, a book with scientific articles, a comic book in which the history of the early iron age and the formation of Temirtau. As well as postcards with reproductions of paintings by Temirtau artists, their masters made, based on the stories of archaeologists.

The press service of KIU