“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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In KSIU held a regional dictation in the Latin alphabet

On September 17, Karaganda state industrial university held a regional open dictation on Latin graphics. The purpose of the dictation is to increase the role of the state language in strengthening peace and harmony in the country, education of Kazakhstan patriotism and tolerance.

The regional campaign involved students from all courses and teachers KSIU, in addition to test your knowledge on the Latin decided by the Deputy akim of Temirtau city, Kuttybai Miras Ganibegovic.

Before the dictation, through an explanatory video, the participants recalled some aspects related to speaking, writing and reading. Text dictation on the theme of competitiveness, voiced text senior teacher of Department of “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages” of Kapasheva Jania Kudaibergenovna. The duration of the dictation was 30 minutes. Under the terms of the dictation, at the first reading it was necessary to listen carefully to the text, at the second –to write it, at the third-to check the spelling correctness of the work performed.

At the end of the dictation, two small competitions were held. In the first competition, two people were given a text written in Latin, and their task was to read it expressively and without errors in a short time. In the second interview, it was a test of comprehension and spelling. Two students under dictation had to write a sentence, and, accordingly, use Latin graphics.

As noted by the participants of the dictation, there were some difficulties in writing the dictation, but such events on a systematic basis will contribute to the rapid development of Latin graphics.

The press service of KSIU


18.09.2019, 09:26:12, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News

Leadership asset KSIU participated in a regional seminar-training

On September 16-17, 2019 in Karaganda the Public Association “development Center” infiniti ” organized a set of training events, which included training seminars and master classes on the following topics: “Personal growth”, “Psychology of family relations”, “Public presentation” and “Effective time management”.

This event was organized with the support of the Ministry of information and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of the grant project of the non-profit joint stock company “center for support of civil initiatives” on “a Set of measures for methodological support of youth and family policy”.

The two-day seminar was attended by employees and representatives of the youth resource center of Karaganda, the Committee on youth Affairs of regional universities, youth public associations of Karaganda region. Professional psychologists of the trainer were also invited for the purpose of qualitative and effective implementation of this social project.

The training was actively attended by 24 students of Karaganda state industrial University, members of the Committee on youth Affairs. In the theoretical part of the seminar participants learned about the various theories of leadership, types and qualities of the leader, as well as learned what exercises contribute to self-development and development of leadership qualities. In addition, students practiced important in modern life skills of teamwork, getting out of the” comfort zone”, the development of strategic thinking, proactivity. In the practical part of the students in a lively discussion discussed the issues and participated in group exercises that develop mindfulness, leadership skills, and team spirit.

At the end of the two-day training seminar, our active students were awarded certificates.

The press service of KSIU

17.09.2019, 18:14:52, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News

«Asyl sozdin arnasy»

Abai’s legacy is a priceless treasure. Abay, arguing that ” poetry-the ruler of language…”, himself was master poetry,”son not only his father, his people, but and just humanity.”

In Karaganda state industrial University held a competition of expressive reading “Asyl sozdin arnasy”, devoted to 175 anniversary of the birth of Abai Kunanbaev. The event was organized by the Department of “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages”.

The purpose of the competition is to preserve and promote the literary heritage of the great Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbayev, the formation of a sense of patriotism among young people, belonging to the history of their people, identification and support of talented youth in the realization of their creative potential, education of artistic taste and familiarization of young performers with the best examples of national culture and art.

In this event, the contestants had to choose a number that would correspond to the serial number of the performance. Participants were invited to the stage by drawing lots. At the end of the official part of the event, smoothly moved to the most interesting part of the competition – reading favorite works.

All students who took part in the competition demonstrated excellent ability to tell poems expressively and with feeling. Each of them showed skill and understanding of what he reads, with all his heart empathizing with the lyrical hero.

The best of the best were Schaberger Armand PGS-19K, Achieva Zhazira DFT-19K-3, Alibek Erbolsyn DFT-19K-3, Sabyrbaeva Asel DFT-19K-1, Aibek Sarsenbaev PTSD-19ск, Tolegen Aerce DFT-19K-2, Side aika DFT-19K-2, bauirzhan Tanatarov PI-19ск and Abay Karas PI-19ск. At the end of the competition the most expressive awarded rector’s certificates and gifts from the trade Union of kgiu students.

The celebration of the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev is one of the most important events in the modern history of independent Kazakhstan, aimed at deepening the historical consciousness of the people and all-round promotion of the spiritual culture of the country in a global format.

The press service of KSIU

14.09.2019, 09:13:11, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News

KSIU held a meeting of the asset to explain the Message of the President of Kazakhstan

On September 10, Karaganda state industrial University held a meeting of the activists to explain the Message of the President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Constructive public dialogue-the basis of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan”.

The President’s address annually occupies a special place among the majority of policy documents addressed to the society. The current Address is remarkable in that it announced a specific program to improve the welfare of Kazakhstan. Through all the Message the main idea is to take care of a Person by solving problems in social policy, improving the quality of life.

Head of the Department “Assembly of people of Kazakhstan” zhanabergenova Dinara kenesovna made an explanation about the main directions noted in the Address.

“In Kazakhstan, political reforms will be carried out consistently, persistently and thoughtfully. Successful economic reforms are no longer possible without the modernization of the social and political life of the country,” she said in her speech.

Special attention is paid to the employment of graduates and the Head of state noted the role of universities in this issue. The Director of the center “Career” Capelan Larisa vital’evna told about the work being done at our University on employment of graduates. Work on the employment of students gives very good results, this is evidenced by the rating of the country’s universities at the end of 2018, compiled by JSC “center for human resources development” commissioned by the Ministry of labor and social protection. Karaganda state industrial University takes the 9th place among 101 higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan.

The head of state gave a number of instructions on the development of volunteering among young people. In our University, active work among students is carried out by volunteer club “Kamkor”, which is considered one of the best organizations in the city. The head of the club “Kamkor” Kosherbaeva Zhadyra spoke in more detail about the activities of the club.

“Volunteer center “Kamkor” KSIU has been successfully operating for over 15 years, being the basic form of a Union of socially active young people from the student environment with the purpose of implementation, promotion of the volunteer movement through conducting charity events, development and social self-realization of students by familiarizing with various social activities and involving them in volunteerism the volunteer movement”.

Head of the Department “Economics and Finance” Silaeva Olga in her speech noted: “for the well-being of Kazakhstan, set a number of tasks that will solve the issues of socially vulnerable categories by increasing the subsistence minimum. In turn, it depends on a number of economic parameters»

The anti-corruption strategy plays a key role in The President’s Address. In our University with the aim of carrying out preventive work among the students created the club “Sanely Urpak”. The Director of the Department on educational work and youth policy Sultanova Madina Maratovna spoke about the great work being undertaken on the prevention of corruption, the formation level of anticorruption culture, the principle of zero tolerance to all forms of crime, involvement of students in dealing with corruption, the manifestation of active citizenship.

Already today, everyone should be ready for rapid changes directly related to the tasks set by the Head of state in the current Address. One of the main tasks facing the University today is to pay special attention to the employment of our graduates.

The press service of KSIU

11.09.2019, 09:14:33, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News

Information hour for the first year students

September 9 in Karaganda state industrial University in order to adapt first-year students to the educational process and crime prevention was held a traditional information hour.

Successful adaptation of a freshman to the life of a higher educational institution is the key to the further development of each student as a person and as a future specialist.

Director of KSU” youth resource center of Temirtau ” Igembayev Adilbek told about the possibility of implementing new projects through various youth programs.

“The future of Kazakhstan, the foundations of which are laid in the present, is connected with the level of development of Kazakhstan’s youth, its integration into society. Only professionally educated, physically and morally healthy, competitive, Patriotic and socially responsible youth can provide Kazakhstan with prosperity and world recognition. In this regard, the task of the state is to adapt young people to the requirements of the time”- he said in his speech.

The next speaker was the police captain, chief WHIP of GUIP OMPS East OP UE Temirtau Askarova Aliya Beibutova. She instructed first-year students to observe the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In more detail acquainted with the basic laws and the consequences if they are not respected.

Director of the branch in Temirtau of the chamber of entrepreneurs of Karaganda region of Orazuli Aziz explained about the opportunities presented to young people and the novice businessmen. He wished all students to start their own business, and for the success of their endeavor to attend trainings of the chamber of entrepreneurs.

The topic of prevention of extremism and terrorism is one of the most relevant in the world. The head of the center for the study and analysis of problems of interfaith relations in Temirtau, Hamitov Yerzhan, advised to contact theologians and read books approved by the Mufti with questions about religion.

On employment and youth employment, told specialist of se “the center of employment of Temirtau” arynova Saniya Talgatovna. Acquainted freshmen about the possibility of seasonal employment. In addition, young people without work experience can find employment in enterprises of any form of ownership.

With the help of this event, students received information about the extracurricular life of students, motivation to obtain a profession; the opportunity to better know themselves and others, to acquire skills of successful communication, interaction with peers and teachers.

The press service of KSIU


10.09.2019, 10:18:18, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News