“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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В КарИУ прошла встреча представителей компании Huawei со студентами кафедры «Технологии искусственного интеллекта» и Технико-экономического колледжа

27 сентября 2022 года в Карагандинском индустриальном университете проша встреча представителей компании Huawei со студентами кафедры «Технологии искусственного интеллекта», обучающимися по образовательным программам «Программная инженерия» и «Инженерия систем автоматизации» и со студентами Технико-экономического колледжа, которые проходят обучение по специальности «Вычислительная техника и программное обеспечение».

Встреча была посвящена проведению ежегодного международного конкурса в области информационно-коммуникационных технологий «Huawei ICT Competition», основными задачами которого являются поддержка талантливых студентов, интеграция индустрии и образования, стимулирование образовательной, научной и прикладной деятельности в сфере IT.

В начале встречи с приветственным словом к студентам обратились гости вуза – менеджеры компании Huawei Жазира Камашбек и Улкан Кенебаева. Спикеры рассказали студентам об основных направлениях деятельности компании, перспективах ее развития, а также познакомили их с правилами проведения конкурса «Huawei ICT Competition». Студенты, изъявившие желание принять участие в конкурсе, сразу же смогли пройти регистрацию. Все зарегистрировавшиеся студенты будут участвовать в предварительном онлайн-отборе, победители которого пройдут в национальный финал. В свою очередь, победители национального финала будут представлять страну на региональном первенстве. Участники, занявшие призовые места в региональм финале проходят в заключительный тур – Глобальный финал «Huawei ICT Competition».

После регистрации всех желающих на участие в «Huawei ICT Competition» была проведена викторина, в ходе которой студенты отвечали на вопросы в области информационных технологий. Наиболее активные участники викторины получили памятные призы от компании Huawei: фирменные футболки, сумки и блокноты.

Регистрация участников «Huawei ICT Competition» продлится до 20 октября 2022 года. Для того чтобы зарегистрироваться на участие, необходимо отсканировать представленный ниже QR-код и пройти по открывшейся ссылке.

28.09.2022, 16:26:46, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News

KSIU took part in the international forum “STEM-technologies in training of industry 4.0 specialists»

On October 4, 2019, Karaganda higher Polytechnic College hosted the international forum “STEM-technologies in training industry 4.0”. The purpose of the forum is to develop an algorithm to maximize the availability and quality of vocational education, updating its content taking into account the needs of society, the individual and the industrial and innovative development of the economy.

The event was attended by representatives of NAO “holding ” Kasipkor”, heads of regional departments, rectors of universities, representatives of colleges of the region, social partners. Representatives of the Republic of Belarus, Germany, Lithuania, Estonia and Sweden were invited as expert speakers.

The Forum participants visited the sites of the first regional championship “Agroskills” among students of rural colleges and “Zhasagroskills” among students of rural schools on the basis of Karaganda technical and construction College and Karaganda higher Polytechnic College.

The following issues were discussed at the international forum:

– implementation of the project “Training region” to create a zone of advanced education;

– opening of technology parks on the sites of the organizations entities;

– network form of interaction of partner institutions in the development and implementation of educational programs, including for students with disabilities;

– creation of competence centers by types of economic activity;

– prospects of the University 3.0 organization: education + production + science + commercialization;

– quality system of professional education of the European Union EQAVET+ PRACTICAL;

– model of strategic management in the field of IT services and maturity assessment for secondary schools.

As a result of the Forum, a Roadmap for the implementation of the project “Learning region”was developed.

Holding such a forum format is another opportunity to study international experience and learn from the best. This, of course, will contribute to the further improvement of the vocational education system of our region.



04.10.2019, 18:44:24, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News

Greater Eurasia: Dialogue. Trust. Partnership

On September 23-24, Nur Sultan hosted the IV Meeting of speakers of parliaments of Eurasia on the theme “Greater Eurasia: Dialogue. Trust. Partnership.»

The event is timed to the 25th anniversary of the idea of Eurasian integration, initiated by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev. This initiative was the starting point for a new historical process, which is now called Eurasian integration. This integration process is based on economic pragmatism, respect for the sovereignty and independence of States, voluntary integration, equality and openness of the Eurasian space.

The Meeting was attended by delegations of parliaments of more than 60 countries of Europe and Asia, as well as representatives of international and inter-parliamentary organizations such as the OSCE and CSTO parliamentary assemblies, inter-parliamentary Union, Asian parliamentary Assembly, CICA, OIC Parliamentary Union, etc.Chairman of the Majilis Nurlan Nigmatulin met with a number of speakers who arrived in Kazakhstan to participate in the meeting.

The parliamentary event of such a high level in Kazakhstan is held for the first time in order to establish a direct multilateral dialogue between the heads of legislative bodies of the Eurasian States, strengthen confidence and further expand inter-parliamentary cooperation.

At the IV Meeting of the speakers of the parliaments of the Eurasian countries, discussions were held on the promotion of integration processes on the Eurasian continent, including the implementation of multilateral projects in the economic sphere, legislative support for the development of the digital economy and digital sovereignty of States, environmental protection, countering terrorism and strengthening security.

The press service of KSIU



24.09.2019, 10:09:58, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News

Teacher of the department “Metal forming” Panin Evgeny took first place at the XXII international scientific and technical conference KONTECH ” Advanced molding technology and nano-structured materials»

On September 18-20, 2019, the XXII international scientific and technical conference KONTECH “Advanced molding technologies and nano structured materials”was held in Opalenica, Poland. The conference program included plenary sessions, poster session and anniversary session of the 70th anniversary of the Institute of Metalworking.

The aim of the conference is to increase the innovation and development of the Polish economy through the integration and cooperation of science and industry.

The thematic scope of the conference included mechanical engineering and materials science in the field of Metalworking, including: solid molding, sheet molding, technology of molding parts from powder materials, nanotechnology and nanomaterials, issues related to machines and tools, process modeling and devices, as well as biotechnology and biomaterials.

Teacher of the Department “metal forming” Panin Evgeny took first place in the competition “The most interesting stand”, entitled “Research technology for ultra-thin materials for use as materials in nuclear power” presented during the poster session at the XXII international scientific and technical conference KONTECH “Advanced molding technology and nano-structured materials”.

Congratulations! We wish him further success!

The press service of KSIU

23.09.2019, 17:19:30, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News

The way to the future begins with everyone

On September 18-19, students of Karaganda state industrial university took part in a two-day training seminar “The way to the future begins with everyone”, which was held in the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy in Nur-Sultan.

Within two days, our students took a course of lectures developed by leading researchers and Libraries of the Nation: the message of the First President of Kazakhstan N. And. Nazarbayev 2018 “New possibilities of development in the fourth industrial revolution, Growth of welfare of Kazakhstan: increase of income and quality of life,” article “Bolashakka Badar: Rouhani air” and “Seven faces of the great steppe”, and the book of the President “Era of independence”, as well as the President’s address K. K. Tokaev “Constructive public dialogue – the Foundation of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan”.

During the training, students not only listened to a course of lectures on the main program documents of the country, but also gained skills in the development of social projects, took part in a training on leadership development, got acquainted with the expositions of the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy and the National Museum of Kazakhstan.

– In the course of participation in the training seminar, we learned a lot of interesting and little-known facts from the history of our country and the life of Elbasy. It was very interesting to see the exhibits relating to his biography, labor and political activities. The lectures were very informative and easy to understand. Most importantly, we realized that for our future, and therefore for the future of Kazakhstan, we are responsible. We got new experience at trainings and practical classes, met with the guys from the West Kazakhstan state University, and we are very happy about it,-shared his impressions Kirill Villains, 2nd year student of the faculty of energy, automation and control of Karaganda state industrial University.

The hero of this meeting was a doctoral student of Nazarbayev University, co-founder and Director of the startup company “ReLive”, Vice-Chairman of the NGO “Alliance of young scientists” Beibit Abdikenov. Beibit specializes in data analysis and bioinformatics, currently developing a prognostic model for breast cancer. And the company “ReLive”, which he heads, offers modern robotic rehabilitation for patients after stroke and neurological disorders. The company’s innovative solution includes hardware and software for reading and recognizing brain signals, microcontroller and upper limb exoskeleton. The system allows you to mentally control the exoskeleton (artificial limbs), which will speed up the recovery process of patients. Currently, the prototype has passed the preliminary verification work and is fully operational.

The guest told the children about his path to science, urging them to learn and educate themselves, not to succumb to difficulties on the way to achieving the goal. The students asked a lot of questions, which Beibit gladly answered.

These two days were the most intense for the youth of our University. Students received new information about the history of our country, realized its inextricable connection with the present day. Children not only listened to lectures, but also had an opportunity to discuss with each other and lecturers. During the training part, students received valuable knowledge and skills that will further strengthen and develop their leadership qualities.

The training seminar “the Way to the future begins with everyone” showed the way, the direction in which our state is moving and all of us should move.

The organizers of the training seminar handed over certificates of participation to all participants. Inspired students sincerely thanked the leadership of the University And the library of Elbasy for the opportunity to participate in the training seminar and get the necessary knowledge and motivation for new heights in learning and ambitious projects.

The press service of KSIU


23.09.2019, 17:17:44, Баспасөз-орталығы, goto → Categories: News