“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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KUMAR Askar Kanatuly


KUMAR Askar Kanatuly

Education, professional qualifications:

1999-2004 – full-time studies at the Faculty of Humanities of the Shakarim Semey State University in the specialty “History, fundamentals of Law and Economics”, qualification “Teacher of History, fundamentals of Law and Economics” (diploma with honors);

2004-2006 – Master’s degree in Semey State Pedagogical Institute, specialty 6N0114 “History” and the assignment of a Master of History (diploma with honors);

2018-2021 – PhD studies at L.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, specialty 6D020300 “History”

Academic experience:

2004-2011 – Teacher of social and humanitarian disciplines of the KGKP “Semey Business College”;

2005-2007 – Press Secretary, editor of the student newspaper of the RSE “Semey State Pedagogical Institute”;

2010-2016 – Lecturer, Senior lecturer of the Department of History and Law, Press Secretary of the RSE “Shakarim Semey State University”;

2016-2018 – Head of the Student Service Center of the RSE “Shakarim Semey State University”;

2020-2022 – Deputy Director of the State Philharmonic Society named after A. Kashaubayev Semey.

2021-2022 – Lecturer of the Department of History and Law of the NAO “Shakarim Semey University” ((part-time);

2022 –present – Senior lecturer of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Physical Education of the NAO “Karaganda Industrial University”

Taught disciplines:

History of Kazakhstan, Sociology and Political Science, Fundamentals of Law, Philosophy.

Certificates or professional registration:

2013-2014 – certificate of the holder of the International scholarship “Bolashak” of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the internship program of the specialty “1.47 T History” in “Necmettin Erbakan University” Konya, Turkey;

2013-2016 – member of the “World Federation of Kazakh kures” (World Federation of Kazakh kures);

2013 – certificate of participant of the IV Kazakh Kures World Championship Minsk, Belarus;

2013 – Certificate of the participant of the TURKSOY Scientific Forum, dedicated to the memory of public figure Hassan Oraltay, Ankara, Turkey;

2014 – Certificate of judging in “Ist World Nomad Games” Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan;

2014 – certificate of the participant of the V Kazakh Kures World Championship Orenburg, Russia;

2016 – Certificate of scientific internship and archival practice “Bogazici University” (Bosphorus University) Istanbul, Turkey;

2014 – certificate of the participant of the VI Kazakh Kures World ChampionshipJaosu, China;

2019 – certificate of completion of scientific internship “Ege University” (Aegean University) Izmir, Turkey.

Awards, prizes:

2007 – Letter of thanks from Akim of Semey;

2014 – Diploma of the 3rd degree, bronze medalist of the V Kazakh Kures World Championship, Orenburg, Russia;

2015 – Letter of Thanks from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2015 – Awarding the title of “Master of Sports of the international class of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Kazakh Kures wrestling”;

2020 – Medal “Halyk algysy” (Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 24.09.2020).