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Students of the Department “Artificial Intelligence Technologies” participate in the National Final “Huawei ICT Competition 2022-2023 Eurasia”

[Дата публикации: 21.11.2022, 15:35:59, published by: Sergey Plotnikov]


Students of the Department “Artificial Intelligence Technologies” participate in the National Final of the international competition “Huawei ICT Competition 2022-2023 Eurasia”, which takes place today, November 21, 2022, in online format.

The competition takes place in several stages. At the first stage, participants studying at Kazakhstan universities went through a preliminary selection in the form of online testing in the chosen direction (Preliminary Exam). There were 3 directions to choose from: Network Track, Computing Track and Cloud Track The students with the highest scores of the Preliminary Exam advanced to the National Final. Information about the finalists who successfully passed the Preliminary Exam was published on the official website of Huawei:

in Network Track – https://e.huawei.com/en/talent/news/#/details?consultationId=2621 ;

in Computing Track – https://e.huawei.com/en/talent/news/#/details?consultationId=2625 ;

in Cloud Track – https://e.huawei.com/en/talent/news/#/details?consultationId=2623 .

According to the results of the preliminary selection from the Karaganda Industrial University, 8 students of the Department «Artificial Intelligence Technologies» successfully entered the National Final “Huawei ICT Competition 2022-2023 Eurasia”, which takes place today. 6 of them chose Cloud Track and 2 of them chose Computing Track.

The following students participate in Cloud Track:

– Komarov Vladislav (educational program “Software Engineering”, group PI-19, 4th year);

– Krivoruchka Grigory (educational program “Software Engineering”, group PI-19, 4th year);

– Podolskaya Anna (educational program “Software Engineering”, group PI-20c, 3rd year);

– Zhumakhan Aitolkyn (educational program “Software Engineering”, group PI-19k2, 4th year);

– Levchenko Ilya (educational program “Engineering of Automation Systems”, group ISA-19, 4th year);

– Kozhinov Maxim (educational program “Engineering of Automation Systems”, group ISA-19, 4th year).

The following students participate in Computing Track:

– Plotnikov Sergey (educational program “Software Engineering”, group PI-21, 2nd year);

– Zhumageldiev Mergen (educational program “Software Engineering”, group PI-20c, 3rd year).

The students who will take the top places in the National Final “Huawei ICT Competition 2022-2023 Eurasia” will be awarded valuable prizes at a ceremony to be held on December 8, 2022.

TOP 3 students with the highest scores in the National Final will represent Kazakhstan at the Regional Final, which will be held on December 20, 2022 in Oman.

Просмотров: 539
21.11.2022, 15:35:59, Sergey Plotnikov Categories: News