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[Дата публикации: 18.11.2022, 16:56:47, published by: Sergey Plotnikov]


Within the framework of the methodical week of the Department of Energy, Transport and Control Systems on November 18, 2022 by candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of “Technological machinery and transport” Ashkeyev Zhasulan conducted an open lesson on “Full factor experiment” for students of educational programs 6B07107 “Process equipment industry” and 6B07110 “Hoisting, construction and road vehicles” to study the basics of experimental research. During the open class students got acquainted with the full factorial experiment, which is the main method for scientific research, and gained skills for research works in the design of machines and technological processes. The obtained knowledge will help students in the future in the performance of diploma and term papers.

Просмотров: 526
18.11.2022, 16:56:47, Sergey Plotnikov Categories: News