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Methodology of algorithmization of applied problems using an object-oriented programming language С++

[Дата публикации: 15.11.2022, 16:36:35, published by: Sergey Plotnikov]


On November 15, 2022, on the platform of the Karaganda industrial university for student groups « Materials science and technology of new materials» – 20k, «Metal processing by pressure»-20k, « Мetallurgy of non-ferrous metals»-20k, the teacher of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Technologies, N.E. Popova, held a master class on the topic «Methodology of algorithmization of applied technologies” within the framework of the methodological week of the Faculty of Energy, Transport and Management Systems. tasks using an object-oriented programming language.

The purpose of the event: to acquire the skills of SBT in solving mathematical and applied problems using a programming language, as well as the opportunity to check the result obtained using free online platforms and mobile applications.

The event was held using modern computer and technical means.

C++ object object-oriented programming language is widely used for software development, being one of the most popular programming languages. It is used to create operating systems, various application programs, device drivers, games, etc. As part of the Master class, training using the С++ programming language independently solved problems with natural numbers (calculated unique and even numbers); found the determinant of the matrix by the Gauss method and worked with the number system (converting a number from decimal to binary). Students were able to check their answers on free service platforms: math.semestr.ru; matrix.reshish.ru; calculatori.ru and the Photomath mobile app.

The final stage was a reflection at which the participants of the event were able to express their opinion on the interdisciplinary connection of the subject «Fundamentals of algorithmization» with such subjects as «Mathematics» and «Information and communication Technologies», to conduct self-analysis and self-assessment that will help them «look at themselves».

At the end of the event, it was noted that studying the basics of algorithmization allows you to activate the cognitive process, express your creative potential and implement your own ideas in the field of knowledge being studied.

Просмотров: 451
15.11.2022, 16:36:35, Sergey Plotnikov Categories: News