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The methodological week of the Faculty of Energy, Transport and Control Systems (FETandCS) was held from November 14 to 19 2022.

[Дата публикации: 17.11.2022, 21:04:36, published by: Sergey Plotnikov]



The purpose of the methodological week is to increase the level of methodological competence of teachers and improve their professional skills in order to increase the level of knowledge of students, as well as the effective use of digital educational resources in the learning process.

Within the framework of this week, the Department of Energy held two educational events.

On November 17, 2022, the master, senior lecturer of the department Kamarova Saule Nurtazaevna held a master class on the topic “Independent work as the main form of the educational process in a technical university using the Fishbone technology”.

The Fishbone diagram is a graphical representation that allows you to visually demonstrate the causes of specific events, phenomena, problems identified in the analysis process and the corresponding conclusions or results of the discussion.

The Fishbone project method is currently one of the most popular pedagogical technologies, which forms the ability to comfortably adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of life in modern society.

By creating and developing key competencies in engineering areas, contributing to the formation of engineering mobility, project-based learning is one of the promising technologies in the study of disciplines at a technical university.

Просмотров: 354
17.11.2022, 21:04:36, Sergey Plotnikov Categories: News