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[Дата публикации: 22.11.2022, 16:53:47, published by: Sergey Plotnikov]


On November 18, 2022, as part of the methodological week of the Faculty of Energy, Transport and Management Systems, the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Physical Education held an intellectual game “CarIU – IQ”.

In order to demonstrate the comprehensive level of knowledge of young specialists, teaching staff, undergraduates of the university and the implementation of the principles of civil and open society, the head of the department M. S. Soltan made a preface and wished the participants good luck as the chairman of the jury.

Teams took part in the game: from the teachers “Dostyk”, a group of young specialists “Sunkar”, “Arlan” created by undergraduates and students of the applied educational program of the team “Arys” and “Barys”.

In the game of intellectuals, consisting of 3 rounds, the competition between the teams continued until the end, and as a result of a very intense game, the Sunkar team emerged the winner.

Acting Vice-rector for Strategic Development of the University Makhmutov Bolat Bizhanovich expressed sincere wishes and read his poetic creations to the participants at the award ceremony.

The organizer of the game, senior lecturer of the Department of IC, SRDiFP A. Kumar noted that games of such importance will be continued in the near future.

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22.11.2022, 16:53:47, Sergey Plotnikov Categories: News