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Foreign professor Aydin Chetin gives lectures at the Department «Artificial intelligence technologies»

[Дата публикации: 11.10.2022, 20:36:15, published by: Sergey Plotnikov]


Every year, within the framework of international cooperation, professors from leading foreign universities give lectures and conduct practical classes for students of the Karaganda industrial university.

This year for students of the educational program “Software Engineering” lectures on the disciplines “IT Project Management” and “Software Development” are given by Professor of Gazi University from Turkey Aydin Chetin.

During the classes, Professor Aydin Chetin actively uses innovative teaching methods, such as lecture-problem, group work, development of own projects using specialized software and online services, applying the Agile approach to project planning and management.

The cycle of classes of Professor Aydin Chetin with students of the Department «Artificial intelligence technologies» will last until November 3, 2022.

Просмотров: 483
11.10.2022, 20:36:15, Sergey Plotnikov Categories: News