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Curatorial hour on academic integrity.

[Дата публикации: 29.09.2022, 13:56:07, published by: Sergey Plotnikov]




According to the Action Plan to eliminate the causes and conditions contributing to the commission of corruption offenses identified by the results of an internal analysis of corruption risks at the Karaganda Industrial University, as well as to form an anti-corruption culture among first-year students, a single curatorial hour was held on the university platform from September 26 to 29 this year, dedicated to familiarizing students and their parents with Codes of Academic Integrity of students and Corporate Ethics. Students, having familiarized themselves with the Codes, filled out the familiarization sheets. The parents showed understanding and interest in further work with the university on combating corruption.
Students and employees of the CarIU constantly strive to adhere to the rules of academic integrity and generally accepted moral and ethical standards

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29.09.2022, 13:56:07, Sergey Plotnikov Categories: News