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Regional debate tournament «Bolashak zhastary»

[Дата публикации: 12.12.2021, 17:34:10, published by: Umit Khuangan]



On December 11, the regional debate tournament “Bolashak Zhastary” was held in Karaganda, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

All universities of the Karaganda region took part in the debate tournament. There were 3 teams from our university. Which included the following students: Sakenkyzy Dana, Tleubek Arailym, Bakyt Nurai, Ilas Ybray, Nurlanuly Bakdaulet.

The head of the debate club Zhumali Nurikamal prepared our debaters for the tournament. According to the results of the debate tournament, our debaters showed very strong knowledge and a good game. Bakyt Nuray won in the «Uzdik Speaker» nomination.

The winners were awarded with diplomas and prizes. Congratulations to the winners and we wish you further victories!




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12.12.2021, 17:34:10, Umit Khuangan Categories: News