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Master class «Time management and personal effectiveness»

[Дата публикации: 02.12.2021, 18:25:24, published by: Umit Khuangan]


A master class on «Time management and personal effectiveness» was organized at Karaganda Industrial University.

The event was held by Romazanov Zh.K., Ergaliev T.S. – freelance expert, methodologist of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

During the master class, students examined the principles of personal effectiveness, learned the history of the emergence of time management and how to implement it in their activities. Special attention was paid to the stages of determining life values and strategic goals. The participants discussed practical cases of implementing the principles of time management in life, and also considered the main provisions of effective time allocation.

Time management is translated from English as «time management». Of course, literally no one can manage time; therefore, its real function is to use time with maximum efficiency.

Those who know how to manage their time productively, live a full and busy life, do their work with minimal time, having the opportunity to additionally do what they really like.

In the modern world, the issue of time management is becoming more and more relevant. And the better this skill is developed, the more effective we become.

Time management allows you to organize your work and personal time during the day (week, month) in order to have time to do all the important and necessary things without being distracted by secondary or extraneous issues and problems.



Просмотров: 939
02.12.2021, 18:25:24, Umit Khuangan Categories: News