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In honor of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a demonstration of a debate game on the topic was held in KarIU: «Countering corruption and corruption manifestations» with the participation of first-year students

[Дата публикации: 30.11.2021, 15:26:50, published by: Umit Khuangan]


In honor of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a demonstration of a debate game on the topic was held in KarIU: «Countering corruption and corruption manifestations» with the participation of first-year students. Tleubek Arailym, Bakhyt Nurai, Ilyas Ibrai and Nurlanovich Bagdaulet performed at the demonstration of the debate game

Debates are one of the ways to attract young people to leadership. Currently, it is important that young people, who are the future, openly express their thoughts and speak freely. Debates motivate our youth to be flexible, politically literate.

The main purpose and objective of such events is to form an anti-corruption worldview among young people, in particular, university students, consciousness, as well as the formation of anti-corruption immunity.

In general, the game in the form of debates is very useful and interesting. It gives a very good effect. All students first of all study the laws, what is good, what is bad. They should understand where the offense, especially corruption, is a big cross on their future, and not only on their own, but also their children. If they have violated it once, then their reputation will be tarnished. Our society does not accept people with corrupt manifestations, stories, and will not allow them to work at all in the future. Most importantly, our country will prosper if Kazakh youth have immunity against corruption.


Просмотров: 864
30.11.2021, 15:26:50, Umit Khuangan Categories: News