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From November 22 to 27, a number of competitions for university students took place in the KarIU sports hall

[Дата публикации: 29.11.2021, 16:19:01, published by: Umit Khuangan]


As part of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from November 22 to 27, the physical culture section of the Department of IC, SGD IFV held a number of competitions for university students in the KarIU sports hall.
Sports competitions in football, volleyball, kettlebell lifting were held among the students of the 1st-4th courses, the purpose of which was to popularize sports games and attract students to a healthy lifestyle.
40 people participated in kettlebell lifting in five weight categories. According to the results of the competition, the first places in their weight categories were taken by:
up to 60 kg — Nuritdinov Murat
up to 70 kg – Karim Azamat
up to 80 kg – Saitov Daniil
up to 90 kg – Seifulaev Adlan
over 90 kg – Azam Bekzhan
6 teams participated in football. The competitions were held in two stages, the first stage according to the Olympic system, the second stage the teams played in a circle. During the games, the places were distributed as follows: 1st place was taken by the Kyran team – 4th year students, 2nd place was taken by the Alliance team – 3rd year students, 3rd place by the Royal team-1st- 3rd year students
Volleyball competitions among girls and boys were held in two stages. The first stage included qualifying rounds among study groups. In the second stage, students of the winning groups met. During the hard – fought matches , the places were distributed in this way:
Volleyball girls:
1st place -team TFP- 20 -2 k
2nd place TFP- 21 -1 k
3rd place TFP-21 -4 k
Volleyball boys :
1st place – TFP-21 -1.2 k team
2nd place – TEK College team
3rd place – ISA-21 k team
According to the results of the competition, all the prize-winners were awarded with diplomas. CarIU students for a healthy lifestyle!


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29.11.2021, 16:19:01, Umit Khuangan Categories: News