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Prevention of human trafficking

[Дата публикации: 04.11.2021, 17:15:23, published by: Umit Khuangan]


On November 4, 2021, the Department of Educational Work in CarIU, together with representatives of the public foundation “Kaisar”, organized and held a round table for students of our university on the topic:
The purpose of the event is the formation of citizenship, patriotism and national identity of young people based on the state ideology of Independence of Kazakhstan, as well as improving social security in the field of human trafficking, forced labor and involvement in pseudo-religious cults.
The participants of the round table took an active part in the event, asked their questions related to human trafficking and human rights. Also during the round table, the organizers distributed booklets and cards with hotline numbers to students.
It’s important to know!
1. Human trafficking is the exploitation of people for the purpose of obtaining benefits.

2. As a rule, victims fall into labor, sexual or domestic slavery.

3. Human trafficking is the most actively developing criminal activity that brings considerable income.

4. Especially vulnerable are those persons who, due to poverty or lack of work, intend to leave their home in search of a better life.

5. There are more than 20 million people in modern slavery.

6. In most cases, people become victims of human trafficking due to fraud or coercion.

7. Criminals are usually people whom victims know well and trust them.

8. When people become objects of exploitation, they are forced to work many hours in a row, either without receiving remuneration for their work at all, or receiving scanty pay. In addition, victims can often be subjected to physical or psychological violence: threats, rape, murder.

9. Often, the victims’ documents are taken away and forced to pay fictitious debts.                                                                                                                                                                                                        10. Human trafficking is a global phenomenon that is taking place right now in every country without exception.


Просмотров: 461
04.11.2021, 17:15:23, Umit Khuangan Categories: News