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Elections of the president of the KarIU Student Parliament

[Дата публикации: 21.10.2021, 16:07:11, published by: Umit Khuangan]



Dear students!
The elections of the president of the KarIU Student Parliament are coming very soon, and the fate of the entire student government of our university is in your hands. After all, it depends on your choice in which direction student life will develop in our educational institution!
The collection of applications for participation in the elections for the post of President of the KarIU Student Parliament is open!
• The mission of the Student Parliament is to solve educational and social problems of students, the formation of self-government skills.
• The main task of the Student Parliament is to promptly contribute to solving the problems of KarIU students. In its work, the Student Parliament enjoys the support of the University leadership.
Students of 2-3 courses who have positive grades in the studied disciplines, decent behavior, and take an active public position in the life of the university can run for the post of President of the Student Parliament of the KarIU.
To nominate your candidacy, you need to submit by e-mail before October 30 (inclusive) 2021 ninulichik@mail.ru the following information is in two languages (Kazakh, Russian)
• A business card for publication in social networks. Brief information (full name, photo, course and faculty);
• The developed program of activities of the Student Parliament for the academic year (what would you like to do/change at the university as president of the Student Parliament and/or a project that you would like to implement at the university?);(1 page)
• Video message (no more than 1 minute)
Voting in the election of the President of the Student Parliament will take place on November 8-12. The results of the selection will be announced on November 15.

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21.10.2021, 16:07:11, Umit Khuangan Categories: News