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MEMO about the rules of conduct in the conditions of terrorist danger

[Дата публикации: 07.10.2021, 16:51:14, published by: Әкімшілік]


MEMO about the rules of conduct in the conditions of terrorist danger

Anti-terrorist exercises. Safety engineering, fire safety.


On October 6, 2021, an online seminar was held at the Karaganda Industrial University on the topic «Anti-terrorist exercises. Safety engineering, fire safety».

The seminar was organized by:

The head of the university staff – Nurzhan Daurenbekovich Abildaev, the engineer of safety, civil defense and emergency situations – Erdauletova Altynai Toizhanovna. The online seminar was attended by students and faculty.

The purpose of the event was to highlight preventive work to counter terrorist activities, safety, fire safety.Within the framework of the meeting-conversations, thematic videos were shown about step-by-step instructions on how to ensure anti-terrorist security of an educational organization, how to act in such situations. Preventive booklets, anti-terror, fire safety and safety memos were also sent to the participants of the events.

The designated topic was identified as relevant and significant, therefore the seminar was of a theoretical and educational nature.


Просмотров: 917
07.10.2021, 16:51:14, Әкімшілік Categories: News