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A single curatorial hour was held in KarIU on the topic: «Alikhan Bukeikhanov is a fighter for the freedom of the people»

[Дата публикации: 14.09.2021, 16:24:57, published by: Umit Khuangan]


A single curatorial hour was held in KarIU on the topic: «Alikhan Bukeikhanov is a fighter for the freedom of the people»

On September 14 of this year, at the Karaganda Industrial University, the curators of student groups, together with members of the Student Club «Sanaly urpaq» of KarIU, held a single curatorial hour on the topic «Alikhan Bukeikhanov – a fighter for people’s freedom», during which a video lecture «Ulihan Bukeikhan: etu bіlіmnen emes, mіnezden».

Alikhan Bukeikhanov is a descendant of Bukeikhan, born on March 25, 1866 in the Kyzylarai area of ​​the Tokraun volost of the Karkaralinsky district (now the Aktogay district of the Karaganda region). Since childhood, he was very different from his peers, he was characterized by such traits as justice and honesty, intolerance to lies and falsehood.

Alikhan Bukeikhanov – a famous educator, a great teacher of his nation and a devoted son of the Great Steppe A. Bukeikhanov was one of the founders and ideological inspirer of the «Alash» party, which defended the idea of ​​creating autonomy. Unfortunately, the noble goals of the leaders of the Alash Horde ended tragically. The national spirit could not be embodied in life due to the system of those times. Deep-thinking, eloquent, who awakened the soul of the Great Steppe, who managed to lead the people, was not pleasing to the government of that period. The famous «Karkaralinsk petition» or «Petition of the Kazakhs», one of the main initiators of which was A. Bokeikhanov, can serve as a vivid example of his struggle.

Despite its short existence, the Alash party became a symbol of the resistance of the Kazakh people at the beginning of the 20th century, their desire to gain sovereignty. Also, the Alash party went down in the history of Kazakhstan as the first national-democratic party in our country. Like many other representatives of the national intelligentsia, Alikhan Bukeikhanov was repressed for his beliefs and active position. The Stalinist totalitarian machine did not spare such bright people, seeing them as a danger to the regime. Alikhan Bokeikhanov’s life was cut short in the dungeons of the NKVD, but his legacy and memory of him will remain in the hearts of Kazakhstanis forever.

Alikhan Bokeikhanov left behind a rich and priceless legacy. His publications have appeared in over 50 newspapers and magazines. He wrote a number of fundamental works in various branches of science. The fate of the Kazakh intelligentsia was reflected in the biography of Alikhan Bukeikhan. At one time, they said the following words: «The descendants of the khans have an enduring duty to the Kazakhs and while I am alive I will not stop serving the Kazakhs!» With all his activities, Alikhan Bukeikhanov serves as an example for the younger generation, with his humanity, decency, compassion for his compatriots, he served the people and inspired them with these qualities.

The Hour of Integrity was developed by the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which on an ongoing basis conducts an online “Hours of Integrity” based on the works and life stories of great personalities and young leaders of modern Kazakhstan, in order to instill in the young generation the principles of integrity and patriotism. Indeed, as world experience shows, the most effective fight against corruption and its prevention is achieved where the role of society in regulation increases, transparency of decisions is ensured and a high anti-corruption culture is formed.

Просмотров: 817
14.09.2021, 16:24:57, Umit Khuangan Categories: News