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A meeting of students with the rector was held at KarIU

[Дата публикации: 13.05.2021, 17:00:32, published by: Әкімшілік]


On May 12, 2021, a meeting of student youth with the rector Bolatbek Serikbaevich Abdrasilov was held at the Karaganda Industrial University, in which more than 100 students took part in offline and online formats.

Opening the meeting, Bolatbek Serikbayevich noted that students are the main value of any university, the human capital that contributes to its development. He also noted that one of the important tasks is to increase the competitiveness of specialists, to maintain and strengthen their professional relevance, taking into account changes in the labor market.

For the development of strategic goals, according to the rector, in the coming years, the infrastructure of the university will significantly develop: the assembly hall will be reconstructed, a coworking center and recreation areas, a multifunctional sports ground will be created, new circles and sections will be opened, and much more.

Bolatbek Serikbayevich paid special attention to the support of active and talented youth and made a proposal for the payment of 30 rector’s scholarships, which was met with the approval of the students.

During the meeting, a discussion of topical issues of student youth took place, an active dialogue took place, during which the most pressing problems were identified, issues of modernization of hostels were touched upon. Students received comprehensive answers to their questions, and their proposals aimed at creating a comfortable environment in the university and hostels were also supported.

Proposals and problematic issues will be reflected in the KarIU development project for 2021-2025, the most pressing issues will be included in the current year’s plan.

Addressing the students of our university, Bolatbek Serikbayevich urged the children to actively realize themselves in different spheres of life, but not to forget about science and study: “In our university, taking into account all the voiced proposals, all conditions will be created so that you can not only get good knowledge, but also to prove themselves in creativity, science, sports and social life.”

At the end of the meeting, the students thanked the rector for the meeting and wished them success in their work.

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13.05.2021, 17:00:32, Әкімшілік Categories: News