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Information literacy week in the fuel and energy complex at KarIU «Digital IQ: the path to success in the digital world»

[Дата публикации: 20.04.2021, 17:17:04, published by: Әкімшілік]


On April 19, 2021, a week of information literacy “Digital IQ: the path to success in the digital world” was opened at the Technical and Economic College at KarIU. In the VTiPO-19 group, the teacher of fuel and energy complex at KarIU L.M. An extracurricular event “IT Priorities” was held, where using game elements, a conversation was held on the rules of safe behavior on the Internet, as well as watching videos and films. Within the framework of the same week, in the group VTiPO-18, teacher Sәkenova F.Қ. a discussion titled «Cyber ​​Threats on the Net» was organized and conducted. The purpose of these events is to expand knowledge about cyber threats, knowledge about the main risks of using the Internet and ways to prevent them, develop skills in recognizing and assessing risks, instilling the skills of responsible and safe behavior in the Internet environment, finding answers to the question posed, developing the ability to formulate your own thoughts on the emerging problem, to educate the information culture of the individual. On the same day, the «RoboCross-2021» competition, organized by the teacher Baimaganbetova Altynai Khamitovna, was held with future programmers. The preparation and holding of such competitions gives the children the opportunity to summarize the knowledge gained in the classroom, develop mental abilities, attention and thinking, and also test the knowledge and skills of writing software code, the correctness of their implementation, emphasizes the importance and necessity of the ability to work with technology. The students demonstrated «The movement of the robot along the black line», created a program for the «Robot traffic light». The students did an excellent job.

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20.04.2021, 17:17:04, Әкімшілік Categories: News