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The School of Integrity held a competition «Don’t Think About Benefits, Think About Conscience!»

[Дата публикации: 30.04.2021, 11:32:39, published by: Әкімшілік]


On April 28, on the third day of the methodological week of the School of Integrity, an intra-university student competition «Don’t Think About Benefits, Think About Conscience!»

The purpose of this event:

– popularization of spiritual values in the youth environment, such as honesty, conscientious work, ethics, education, science through the work of a brilliant thinker, composer, great poet Abai Kunanbayuly;

– propaganda among young people of the state anti-corruption policy, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the fight against corruption», the principles of academic honesty in the university;

– improving the spiritual culture of the individual, increasing the patriotic feelings of university students.

The competition was held in the nominations «Master of Art Reading», «Worthy Student», «Best Production», «Best Singer». In the nomination «Master of Artistic Reading» the best readers of Abai’s poems «Do not think about profit, but think about conscience!», «Not patient, dishonest, lazy!» answered a blitz-question on the Code of Honesty of Students of KarIU and the Law «On Combating Corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan».

In the nomination «Best Production» a stage performance was presented according to Abai’s edification about greed, honor, ethics. The best performers of Abai’s song were determined in the nomination «Best Singer».

According to the results of the competition, 1st place was taken by a stage performance based on the 29th word of Abai’s edification. The winners were students of the MITNM-19k group Ibrayeva Adina and Amina, Sikimbaev Sergali, Congressbekuly Temir, Kapanova Sattygul and a student of the MM-19K group Ablez Bekzat, students of the TPP-20k-1 group Satynbayeva Asel, Adilbaeva Zhanel, a student of the OMD-20ramk group MCM-19k Zaynaev Alizhan.

The second place was taken by Uldana Mendygalieva, a student of the TPP-19k-1 group; presented in the nomination «Best Singer».

The winners of the third place were two winners: a student of the MTNM-18k group in the nomination «Master of Art Reading» Agarys Akbota, the second in the nomination “Best Singer” student of the A&C-17k group Kylyshbaeva Nurgul.

An honorable mention was given to a student of the MCHM-19k group Zainayev Alizhan.

In the «Decent Student» nomination, the winners were the training groups TFP-20k-1 Zhanabek Merey, Ilesbek Aigerim. As a prize, they were awarded tickets for a performance in the regional Kazakh drama theater named after S. Seifullin.

All winners were awarded with special diplomas and prizes.

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30.04.2021, 11:32:39, Әкімшілік Categories: News