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«My favorite work by Ybyray Altynsarin»

[Дата публикации: 26.04.2021, 17:12:59, published by: Әкімшілік]


This year marks the 180th anniversary of the birth of the first teacher-educator Ybyray Altynsarin, a man who left a deep mark in the history of enlightenment of the Kazakh people and the formation of the National School. For such a significant date, the department of «Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages» of the Karaganda Industrial University organized a competition of reciters on the theme «My favorite work of Ybyrray Altynsarin», organized for young people in order to perpetuate the memory of the outstanding educator. Ybyrai Altynsarin is not only a Kazakh educator, educator, writer, ethnographer, folklorist, public figure who calls on Kazakh youth to study, be humane, kind, hardworking, love their people, in a word, justify their honorary title of «Man». He argued that this can only be achieved if young people are properly educated from an early age. Ybyray devoted his teaching, poetry, writing and translation works to this.

Students of the 1st and 2nd year of the university, who showed interest in the work of Ybyray Altynsarin, expressively read his works in the Kazakh and Russian languages, demonstrating the art of artistic word. The participants of the competition were awarded with certificates, and the winners – with diplomas of 1,2,3 degrees:

The diploma of the first degree was awarded to – Sagtapbergen Arslan, head-teacher of the department «Construction» Kasenova A.N.

Second place :

Zhapar Nurila – head teacher of the department «CRiFA» Zhandildina S.A.

And Adilbekova Zhanel – teacher of the department «KRiIN» Nurgalieva A.A.,

Third place was shared by three students:

Zhimakhan Аsel – head of Zhandildina S.A.,

Akimov Askhat – head -Nurgalieva A.A.,

Ayip Aruzhan, head – A.A. Nurgalieva.

Просмотров: 721
26.04.2021, 17:12:59, Әкімшілік Categories: News