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[Дата публикации: 20.04.2021, 15:09:41, published by: Әкімшілік]


On April 20, 2021, at the Department of Energy, within the framework of the methodological week of the Faculty of Energy, Transport and Control Systems, a seminar-discussion was held on the topic «Nuclear Energy in Kazakhstan: Pros and Cons».

The purpose of the event is to increase the literacy of students in the field of nuclear energy. The seminar was prepared and conducted by the teachers of the section «Heat power engineering» Ph.D., professor Zhabalova G.G., senior teachers Onishchenko ON. and Lelikova O.N. The seminar was attended by teachers, university staff and students of the 1st and 2nd years of the educational program «Heat power engineering of industrial enterprises and objects of housing and communal services.»

During the seminar, the prospects for the construction of nuclear power plants in Kazakhstan were discussed, since the issue of nuclear energy causes an ambiguous reaction from an inexperienced person. The audience was divided into those who are for the development of a peaceful atom, and those who are against.

In the course of heated discussions, they came to the conclusion that possessing significant reserves of uranium raw materials (the total reserves and resources of uranium in Kazakhstan are estimated at 1.17 billion tons), a developed industrial infrastructure for its exploration, production and processing, the possibility of organizing the production of fuel elements, engineering and technical and scientific potential, the Republic of Kazakhstan has all the objective conditions for the development of nuclear energy in the future. However, society must come to this through the evolution of its development and the improvement of consciousness in making decisions and taking responsibility for the exploitation of such dangerous science-intensive technologies.

Просмотров: 635
20.04.2021, 15:09:41, Әкімшілік Categories: News