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Meeting of students of the fuel and energy complex at KarIU with a representative NGO «Citizens of Kazakhstan»

[Дата публикации: 30.03.2021, 15:38:27, published by: Әкімшілік]


As part of the implementation of the State Program on Counteracting Religious Extremism in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018-2022. Head of the KSU «Center for the Study and Analysis of the Problems of Interfaith Relations of the City of Temirtau» Nurlybek Yeleusizovich Utebayev organized a meeting of students of the technical and economic college at KarIU with the head of the Public Association «Citizens of Kazakhstan» Dmitry Sergeevich Poltarenko.

The main purpose of this meeting was to prevent incorrect information and distorted ideas about a particular religion, about the state’s attitude to religion. D.S. Poltarenko spoke with the topic «Fundamentals of the principles of secularism in the Republic of Kazakhstan as a guarantee of the constitutional freedoms of every citizen.» He said that everything possible is being done in our country not only to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and mutual respect between representatives of different confessions, but also to support the principles of the secularity of the state. This is one of the priorities of the state policy in the field of religion. This includes the preservation of secular foundations and principles of government. In accordance with the Constitution of Kazakhstan, the country proclaims itself a democratic, legal, social, secular state. The fundamental principle of secularism in Kazakhstan is that religion is separated from the state and the state does not interfere in the internal affairs and canonical issues of religious activity, in the internal affairs of religious organizations. Religious organizations cannot engage in the functions and tasks that the state carries out. At the same time, the state, to the best of its capabilities, provides legal and administrative support for the activities of religious organizations. And in no way infringes on the rights and freedoms of believers. Respect for the rights, freedoms and religious feelings of believers. Insulting religious feelings is an offense in Kazakhstan that entails responsibility.

The meeting was held in a dialogue form, where students were given the opportunity to actively participate in the discussion. The guys were very pleased, as they received answers to their questions.

Просмотров: 644
30.03.2021, 15:38:27, Әкімшілік Categories: News