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A new laboratory ore-reduction furnace has been launched at KarIU

[Дата публикации: 12.03.2021, 13:32:06, published by: Әкімшілік]


In the NPLC “Karaganda Industrial University” on the basis of an experimental site (building “B”), a laboratory ore-reduction furnace with a capacity of up to 150 kVA was introduced. The furnace was constructed on the basis of an existing experimental ore-thermal furnace with a capacity of 250 kVA. In operation, only a power transformer of the OSZ-250 / 0.5 UHL4 type was borrowed from the Moscow Transformer Plant. The transformer itself has seven steps on the secondary side from 27.4V to 71.2V. The new laboratory Ore Terminology Service will use the next voltage stage on the other side from 27.5V to 43.1V. This corresponds to a furnace power of up to 150 kVA. The rest of the auxiliary equipment and the column of the electric holder with an electrode reverse mechanism, busbars, a closed water cooling system, etc. were manufactured at the very experimental site. The main characteristics of the furnace bath are: diameter 300 mm and depth 300 mm, and the use of a graphite electrode has a diameter of 100 mm.

The commissioning of the laboratory ore-reduction furnace was carried out under the guidance of technical sciences, professor A.Kh. Nurumgaliev, senior foreman Zh.Z. Akhylbekov and third-year doctoral students on EP 6D070900 – “Metallurgy” T.T. Zhunisgaliev, E. Mukhametkhan and E.Қ. Кuatbay.

The main advantage of a laboratory ore-reduction furnace is lower energy and material consumption than a semi-industrial furnace with a capacity of 250 kVA, while solving the same technological problems.

According of professor A.Kh. Nurumgaliev, who is in charge of the overall work on the operation of the furnace, the university “takes one more step so that the work of doctoral students and undergraduates along with fundamental problems and applied problems in the technology of production of new alloys and ligatures. It will also help the implementation of research theses of students and assist in the training of highly qualified personnel. ”

When starting the ore-thermal furnace in order to check the equipment under load, a complex Fe-Si-Al-Mn ligature was smelted from high-ash coals and manganese ore.

Просмотров: 591
12.03.2021, 13:32:06, Әкімшілік Categories: News