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[Дата публикации: 16.03.2021, 11:54:23, published by: Әкімшілік]


One of the most important indicators of the activity of any university is the scientific component. Development of new technologies in any industry is impossible without high-quality scientific research. A key indicator of the effectiveness of research work is the publication of the results obtained in prestigious high-ranking scientific journals. At present, the fact of indexing it in one of two international databases (Scopus and Web of Science) with the subsequent assignment of the corresponding scientometric indicators to the journal is accepted as the standard of quality for a scientific journal (for Web of Science – determining a quartile for the corresponding field of science and calculating the impact -factor “; for Scopus – determining the percentile for the relevant field of science and calculating the CiteScore indicator, which is an analogue of the impact factor). Therefore, special attention is paid to publications in such journals – for example, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the presence of a certain number of articles in indexed journals is a prerequisite for obtaining a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree, as well as awarding academic titles.

Thus, at the Department of Metal Forming by Pressure, 3rd year doctoral student Abishkenov Maksat, based on the results of his doctoral dissertation, wrote and published a scientific work in the prestigious high-ranking scientific journal Engineering Solid Mechanics (Canada). This work was carried out under the guidance of his scientific adviser, Ph.D., associate professor Ashkeev Zh. A. in collaboration with scientific consultants – Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Mashekov S.A. and doctor of technical sciences .. prof. Anna Kavalek from the Czestochowa Polytechnic University (Poland).

This journal is indexed in the international database Scopus and has very high scientometric indicators – CiteScore = 3.2; 78th percentile and Q2 quartile in four and five scientific areas (according to the Scimago aggregator, which is supported by the Scopus database).

We wish the scientists of our university further creative success!

Просмотров: 540
16.03.2021, 11:54:23, Әкімшілік Categories: News