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Online excursions for graduates of schools in the city of Temirtau were held at KarIU

[Дата публикации: 01.02.2021, 18:02:18, published by: Әкімшілік]


Last week, from 25 to 29 January 2021, the departments «Metallurgy and Materials Science», «Technologies of Artificial Intelligence», «Energy», «Technological Machines and Transport», «Economics and Business», «Chemical Technology and Ecology», «History of Kazakhstan, social and humanitarian disciplines», «Metal forming by pressure», «Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages» together with the admissions committee of the Karaganda Industrial University conducted a number of online excursions around the university for graduate students of secondary schools in the city of Temirtau No. 4, 9, 14, 15, 19, 21, 24, 31, 32, 14, FTCL. The Zoom platform was used to conduct online tours.

During online excursions, teachers of the Karaganda Industrial University told school graduates about the educational programs of the city of Temirtau, the material and technical base of the university.

The head of the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science Yerzhanov Almas Satybaldyevich demonstrated to the excursionists the equipment used for laboratory, practical work and scientific research by undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students of the department’s educational programs.

During online excursions, teachers of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Technologies Kan Svetlana Vasilyevna, Spichak Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Sergazykyzy Anar introduced the 11th grade pupils to the recently opened Digital Technologies competence center at the KarIU, the software used in this center.

Associate Professor of the Department of Metal Forming by Evgeny Alexandrovich Panin showed the graduates of schools the equipment of the engineering laboratory “Electron Microscopy and Nanotechnology”.

The head of the department «Technological machines and transport» Nogayev Kairosh Abilovich showed the guests of the university the 3D-engineering laboratory.

Teachers of the Department of «Energy» Zhabalova Gulnara Gazizovna, Onishchenko Olga Nikolaevna, Kenzhebaeva Togzhan Serikovna talked about the stands of electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic automation, as well as other laboratory equipment used in the preparation of bachelors in educational programs «Power supply of industrial enterprises», « and housing and communal services «.

Lecturer of the Department of Chemical Technology and Ecology Kapparova Tolganay Serikovna presented laboratory equipment used in the preparation of students for educational programs «Technology of pharmaceutical production», «Chemical technology of organic substances», «Industrial, environmental and fire safety», «Mineral processing».

Representatives of the admissions committee Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Kunaev, Akzharkin Yelemesovna Ibraeva spoke about the rules for admission to KarIU, the advantages of studying at a university.

The online meetings that took place aroused keen interest among school graduates, their parents and class teachers, who noted the information content of the excursions and the fascinating presentation of the material.

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01.02.2021, 18:02:18, Әкімшілік Categories: News