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[Дата публикации: 04.02.2021, 15:56:20, published by: Әкімшілік]


It’s fashionable to be a volunteer! As part of the development of the volunteer movement at the Karaganda Industrial University for more than 15 years, the volunteer club «Kamkor» has been successfully operating, whose members, on a voluntary basis and with great desire, help people.

As our Head of State K.-J. Tokayev during the opening ceremony of the republican front office of Birgemiz volunteers – «Selfless acts and good deeds are our tradition, rooted in the depths of centuries. And we must definitely keep this tradition. To lend a helping hand to another, to help those in need is in our blood. Our people have a wonderful custom that unites people – asar, which has not lost its significance for many centuries. As they say, «the load lifted by common efforts is light. To unite people, serve the people – this is the key goal of the volunteer movement ».

On February 4, at the Karaganda Industrial University, a meeting of the chairman of the KYP Epaneshnikova Anastasia with the students of our university took place. Participation of students in the republican project «Social student loan» was on the agenda.

During the event, the chairman of the KYP introduced the meeting participants to the conditions of participation in the republican project «SSK» in the format of a presentation and a video clip. The meeting was held in an active dialogue format, answers were given to students’ questions, and the reporting mechanisms within the project were explained. Students who expressed a desire to take part in volunteering suggested ideas for future activities.

A new project «Delivery of hot meals to lonely pensioners» was announced from the «Shanyrak» volunteer center at the «Temirtau youth club», with which our volunteer club «Kamkor» has been cooperating for a long time, our students will also take an active part in it.

Separately, we would like to remind you that in 2020 our students were one of the first volunteers to successfully pass the terms of the project and received a reward of 20 thousand tenge.

Volunteers of KGIU help in orphanages, visit veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers left without the care of relatives, do charity work, help the police in searching for missing people, participate in socially significant projects of our city, and also hold a huge number of events a year.

Anyone wishing to become a volunteer can contact the chairman of the KYP Anastasia Epaneshnikova in office № 200 of the new building.


Press service of KARIU

Просмотров: 814
04.02.2021, 15:56:20, Әкімшілік Categories: News